M10 U1 Where are you going to go?教学设计

M10 U1 Where are you going to go?教学设计


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Teaching objectives: 1. Words: list  airport  shoe  ticket  toothbrush 2. Sentences: Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go? Who’s going to go with you?3. Grammar: Simple future tense. Teaching properties: Cards  tape-recorder  videoLearn by yourself first(前置作业)Ⅰ.You must have a happy holiday, can you answer following questions1) Where  did  you  go  for  your  holidays?2) Where  is…?3) When did you go there?4) Who  did  you  go  with?5) What  did  you  do  there?Ⅱ.Listen to the tape, learn the new words and find out them in the test.Ⅲ.Listen to the tape ,and know the meaning of the text, then answer some questions.1) Where is Daming going to go?2) What is Daming going to take?3) When is Daming going to go to the airport?4) Who’s going to go to the airportⅣ.Summer holiday is coming. what are you going to plan? Can you answer some questions? .1.Where are you going to go?I am going to go ……2.What are you going to take?I am going to take……3.When are you going to go there?I am going to go there at ......4.Who are /is going to go with you?…is/are going to go with me(课前作业的设计意图:由过去时复习入手,回答你的假日做了些什么,到预习课文了解Daming假日打算干什么,最后想想自己打算干什么,通过对比进一步理解一般将来时的用法)Teaching procedures:1.师生问候(Greeting)2.才艺展示 (English show)3. Groups work: (小组交流前置作业1题)4. Report in class(各组汇报交流情况,师生共同解决疑难问题)T: I think you had a good time. Daming is going to travel. Let’s listen to the tape twice times and know what he is going to do.⑴listen to the tape again and learn the new words. (出示课件,听录音结合语境学单词)(2)Play the game with the new words.小组比赛、男女生比赛 (获胜者奖励2分)(3)Listen to the tape.,answer the questions(前置作业3题)(4) Groups work then report(抽组内两名学生1号和2号回答。出示课件,并让学生总结一般将来时的结构。可能学生总结有些不全面,教师补充,并设计语境强化练习。)5.课堂小测:课堂作业本第二题。然后小组交流作业情况并互相点评。6. Listen and repeat three times .7. Practice in groups8. Act out in class (课本剧表演)9.Groups work (交流前置作业4题)10. Report 教师出示课件,做示范,再让学生展示Ⅴ.Summary(生谈收获,教师补充)Ⅵ.Homework 1、Read the text three times2、Talk your trip to your friends or your family . Designs:         Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going to go?   Where are you going to go?   What are you going to take?   …... am going to... ….   When are you going to go?    …...is going to... ….   Who’s going to go?

资料: 29.3万


