人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6全单元ppt课件(5份)

Section B (1a-1e) 教学课件.ppt

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八 年级( 上 ) Go for it! 英语教学课件 Section B (1a-1e) Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. 八年级英语上( RJ ) 教学课件 学习目标 Key words & phrases: resolution , team , foreign , play the piano , make the soccer team , get good grades , eat healthier food , get lots of exercise , sound like Key sentences: 1.What are you going to do next year ? Well , I'm going to take guitar lessons. I really love music.   2. Sounds interesting. I'm going to learn another foreign language. Are you ? Great ! But foreign languages are not for me. Talk about New Year’s resolutions. What are you going to do next year? I’m going to … take guitar lessons learn to play the piano Lead in get good grades get a lot of exercise What are you going to do next year? eat healthier food make the soccer team What are you going to do next year? What are you going to do next year? learn a foreign language What is a New Year’s Resolution ? New Year’s resolutions 1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 1 2 5 4 3 1a Presentation New Year’s resolution He is going to … next year. A: What are you going to do next year? B: Well, I’m going to take guitar lessons . I really love music. A: Sounds interesting. I’m going to learn another foreign language . B: Are you? Great! But foreign languages are not for me. Pairwork 1b Pairwork What things are you going to do next year? A: What are you going to be? B: I’m going to be … A: What are you going to do next year? B: I’m going to … A: Sounds interesting. I’m going to … Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a. 1c How are they going to do it? Lucy She’s going to take piano lessons Kim Mike 1d Listen again. Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work. She’s going to study hard and do her homework every day. He’s going to practice really hard, and this summer he’s going to a soccer camp. A: I want to be a teacher. B: How are you going to do that? A: Well, I’m going to study hard and get good grades. B: Sounds like a good plan. I want to get a lot of exercise. 1e Make a list of other resolutions and how you are going to be make them work.Then discuss them with your group. Practice Summary Talk about New Year’s resolutions: A: What are you going to do next year? B: I’m going to … A: Sounds like a good plan. I want to… B: … Summary Revise the target language. Finish off the exercises on work book. Homework Homework Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye 更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取 扫描二维码获取更多资源

资料: 7.8万


