人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6全单元ppt课件(5份)

Section A (GF-3c) 教学课件.ppt

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八 年级( 上 ) Go for it! 英语教学课件 Section A (GF-3c) Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. 八年级英语上( RJ ) 教学课件 学习目标 Key words & phrases: college , education , medicine , university , London , article , send Key sentences: 1.What do you want to be when you grow up ? I want to be an engineer.   2.How are you going to do that ? I'm going to study math really hard. be going to + v . What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an engineer . Lead in How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math . What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a cook . How are you going to do that? I’m going to go to a cooking school . Grammar 表示计划或根据某些现象或征兆预测不久即将发生的事情。含有“打算”之意。 常与 tomorrow, next Sunday, next month, the day after tomorrow 等表示将来的时间状语连用。 “be + going to+ 动词原形 ” Presentation 你打算邀请约翰参加你的聚会吗? Sentence pattern 玛丽下个月要卖她的车子。 Mary is going to sell her car next month .  今天早上我将不吃早餐。 I'm not going to have breakfast this morning. What are you going to buy? 你打算买什么?  Are you going to invite John to your party? 1. 肯定式: “ 主语 + be going to + do( 动词原形 ) + ...” 。 2. 否定式: 在助动词 be 后加 not ,即: 主语 + be + not + going to + do +... 。 3. 疑问式: 把助动词 be 移到句首,即: Be+ 主语 +going to do+... ? 这和 be 作连系动词时的用法相似。 Sentence pattern 将来时也 可以用 “ be + doing ”来表达 ,表示 按计划和安排 即将发生的动作,语气较婉转,动词多是一些“ 来、去 ”移动词。如: go, come, leave, start, move, sail, arrive, reach, return, drive, travel, remain, land He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 他明天去北京。 The plane is landing soon. 飞机即将着陆。 使用 be going to 应该注意的两点 ⑴ 当 there be 句型用 be going to do 形式表将来,意为“将有 …… ” 时, to 后的 be 是 there be 句式中的 be, 不能错用成 have 。 be going to 中的 be 有人称、数、时态等变化。 —Is there going to be a concert tonight? 今天晚上有音乐会吗? —Yes,there is./No,there isn’t. 是的,有。 / 不,没有。 There is going to be a film this evening. 今晚有一场电影。 ⑵come,go,leave,arrive 等表示位置移动的动词很少用在 be going to 之后,而是用现在进行时表示将来。 He is leaving soon. 他很快就要离开了。 What are you going to be? How are you going to do that? engineer study math really hard What are you going to be? How are you going to do that? a middle school teacher learn teaching in college Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do. 3a ___ 1. My friend wants to be an engineer. ___ 2. My brother wants to be an actor. ___ 3. I want to be a scientist. ___ 4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. ___ 5. Those boys want to be soccer players. ___ 6. My friend and I want to be singers. ___ 7. My cousin wants to be a cook. ___ 8. I want to be a race car driver. e h f d a c a. They’re going to practice every day. b. I’m going to buy a fast car. c. We’re going to take singing lessons. d. She’s going to study education. e. She’s going to study math. f. I’m going to study science. g. He’s going to go to a cooking school. h. He’s going to take acting lessons. g b Practice 3b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation. A: Kelly, what do you want to be _______ you grow up? B: I _______ to be a doctor. A: Wow! ________ are you going to do that? B: I’m ________ to study medicine at a university. when want How going A: Hmm … sounds difficult. _________ are you _______ to study? B: I’m going to ________ in London. A: _______ are you going to start? B: I’m going to _________ next September. Where going study When start A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a reporter. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner. 3c What Where How When A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a reporter . A: How are you going to do that? B: I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. A : Where are you... B:I'm going to ... A: When are you... B:I'm... E.g. What do you want to be?            I want to be an actor. What does he/she want to be?       He/She wants to be a bank clerk. Why ?                 because it’s…. Work in pairs   Wants to be Why Kelly policeman dangerous and exciting Andy reporter busy and fun Ken reporter exciting, difficult and new 按要求完成下列各题。 1.Nancy is going to climb mountains.( 改为否定句 ) Nancy going to climb mountains. 2.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.( 改为一般疑问句 ) to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? is not Are you going 3.She is going to listen to music after school.( 对画线部分提问 ) she after school? 4.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow .( 对画线部分提问 ) your father and mother going to see a play? 5.We are going to have a picnic in the park .( 对画线部分提问 ) you going to have a picnic? What is going to do When are Where are Summary 一般将来时 : I am He/She/It is going to + do We/You/They are Summary Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. Talk about your future intentions with your partner. Homework Homework Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye 更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取 扫描二维码获取更多资源

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