Unit 2 The United Kingdom教学设计


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天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ Module 5 Unit 2 The ‎United Kingdom ‎ Revision ‎ ‎ 王慧琴 Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1.Review the words and expressions.‎ ‎2.Retell the passage by using the important words and phrases.‎ ‎3. Develop the students’ interest in learning English.‎ Teaching steps:‎ Step 1. Lead in Guess the word “p_zz_ _”. Ask the students if they still remember the title of the passage.‎ Step 2. Review the words and expressions.‎ Give the Chinese on the screen and ask the students to tell the English form loudly.‎ Step 3. Discussion.‎ Ask the students to choose the favourite words and expressions and tell others the reason.‎ ‎ Give an example for them. “ My favourite word is “enjoyable”,because it means “pleasant,happy.” For example: I hope we’ll have an enjoyable weekend. Now I’d like to introduce more words to you. Such as : comfortabe,admirable,considerable,reliable,fashionable,suitable,portable,changeable,valuable,unbelievable, acceptable,avoidable,reasonable,etc. ‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎ Give the students 1 minute to prepare. Ask the students in groups of 4 and share their words and sentences. They can win 1 point for their group.‎ ‎ Step 4. Quiz Test the students if they know some information about the UK.‎ Step 5. Retelling ‎ At first, retell together with the clue on the screen. Then give the students 3 minutes to prepare the retelling and check if they can. ‎ Step 6 Dictation Divide the students into groups of four and everyone has a different task. Ask one of the students read the short passage for others. Then check the answers with each other.‎ Step 7. Oral writing The dictation is a brief introduction of the UK. If your foreign pen pal comes to China, how can you briefly introduce China to him/her? Try to use the words and expressions that we learned. Ask the students to translate the sentences into English orally.‎ Step 8. Summary Summarize the lesson.‎ Step 9. Homework ‎1.Retell the passage to your partner ‎2. Write down the composition on the notebook.‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎3.Prepare for the dictation.‎ 另附上听写的内容:‎ ‎ Dictation:‎ ‎ A: Please read it silently and keep it secretly. ‎ The full name of England is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of four parts ,they are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, people always think Wales is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. The four countries have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams.‎ ‎ England is the largest of the four countries and it is divided into three parts. Most of the people settled in the South, but most of the large industrial cities in the Midlands and the North. The capital of the UK is London, it has many great places of interest.‎ ‎ ‎ B: Please fill in the blanks.‎ ‎ The full name of England is the ______ ________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of four parts ,they are __________,__________,_________ and ________________, people always think ______is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the __________ ______.The four countries have different ___________and ______ _______as well as different _________ ______.‎ ‎ _______is the largest of the four countries and it is ______ ____ three parts. Most of the people settled in the ________,but most of the large industrial cities in the _________and the ______.The capital of the UK is ________, it has many great places of interest.‎ ‎ ‎ C: Please fill in the blanks.‎ The full name of England is the ______ ________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .________________________________________________, people always think ______is a part of England. ______________________________________.The four countries have different ___________and ______ _______as well as different _________ ______.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________. Most of the people settled in the ________,but most of the large industrial cities in the _________and the ______.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ ‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ D: Please write down the information as much as possible on your dictation notebook.‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎
