Unit 2 The United Kingdom教学设计

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天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ Period 2 Language points Teaching Goals: 1. Let Ss master some important words and phrases.‎ ‎2. To develop some basic reading skills.‎ ‎3. To arouse Ss’ interest in appreciating the history and geography of the United Kingdom.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1: ‎Reading Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.‎ ‎1. Group work First, let Ss discuss in groups, and find some language points that they think are important, and find some difficulties.‎ ‎2. Discussion ‎ Ss are divided into five groups and discuss the following language points.‎ (1) consist vi ‎ ‎① 由……组成;由……构成(与of连用,不用于进行时态)‎ The committee consists of seven members.委员会由七名成员组成。‎ Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧构成。‎ ‎② 在于;存在于;以……为主(与in连用,无被动式)‎ What does happiness consist in?什么才算是幸福呢?‎ The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.威尼斯之美就在于它具有古代建筑物的风格。‎ (2) puzzle ‎ ‎① n 谜;智力游戏 ‎ a cross-word puzzle (纵横填字游戏)‎ ‎② n 迷惑;困惑(只用单数)‎ I am in a puzzle about the matter. 我对这件事大惑不解。‎ ‎③ vt 把……难住;使……迷惑 The question puzzled me。‎ 这个问题事我很迷惑。‎ ‎④ vi 迷惑;苦思 I puzzled over the question for quite a while.这个问题我想了好半天。‎ ‎(3) You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history.‎ 如果你学习了英国历史,很容易就能弄清楚任何问题。‎ clarify vi & vt. 澄清;讲清楚;阐明;清楚;明了;易懂 Could you clarify the question? 你能解释这个问题吗?‎ His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了。‎ ‎(4) To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), they still have very different institutions.‎ 值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在某些方面(如货币和国家关系方面)共同合作,但它们在制度上仍有很大的区别。‎ work together中的work表示“起反应;起作用”‎ 由动词work构成的词组:‎ Work well 做得好 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ work in/into渗透;渗入 work at something 从事 work out算出 work one’s will on/upon somebody将某人的意志强加于别人 ‎(5) It is a pity that these industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitor.‎ 很遗憾,这些在十九世纪建立起来的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。‎ attract n. ‎ 吸引;引起注意 ‎ The football match attracts a great number of people. 足球比赛吸引了很多人。‎ ‎(6) If you look around the British countryside, you will find evidence of all these invaders.‎ 如果你在英国的乡村四处走走的话,就会发现这些入侵者的痕迹。‎ invader n.入侵者;侵略者 invade vt.侵入;侵略;拥入;挤满 Doubts invade my mind.满腹狐疑。‎ Disease invades the body.疾病侵袭身体。‎ ‎(7) You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.‎ 如果想使你在英国的旅程有意义,你必须留心注意。‎ keep one’s eyes open睁大双眼 worthwhile adj 值得做的;值得出力的;值得花时间的 ‎(8) Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of sites she wanted to see in London.‎ 由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把要在伦敦参观的景点列出了一个单子。‎ ‎① site n.景点;地点 ‎② make a list of给……列清单 ‎③ be worried about为……担忧 Step 2. Post-reading Purpose: To have a deep understanding of the text.‎ ‎1. Group work: ‎ Divide Ss into groups and let them discuss their questions about the text. And then ask them to present the questions. They may have some misconceptions about Britain and now it is the opportunity to answer their questions. ‎ ‎2. Individual work Encourage Ss to bring postcards, newspaper articles, booklets, books and pop music from or about the UK to school and display them in the classroom. This will motivate them to find out more about the UK. ‎ Step 3. Reading task ‎ Purpose: To take a further look at some more culture about the UK.‎ ‎1. Listening Listen to the tape and then try to understand what the text is going to tell us.‎ ‎2. Group work ‎ Get in fours. You are going to retell this story in a group. Decide whether you would like to be Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, King James or an eyewitness. Think about what your character ‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ would say or do. When you are ready, practice your speech so that you tell the story as a group. Be prepared to do it in front of the class. ‎ Things to remember:‎ l Introduce your character and explain reasons for your behavior; ‎ l Discuss whether you behaved sensibly or not; ‎ l Finally discuss what might have happened if King James had kept his promise. ‎ Sample recount of the story:‎ S1: My character is Robert Catesby. I want to kill the king and replace him with another king who is kinder to Catholic. My family have suffered a lot during the bad treatment of Catholics. So I think I am right to do what I am doing. ‎ S2: My name is Guy Fawkes. I also want to help the Catholic cause. I thing King James was wrong to keep changing his mind about how he treated Catholics. He must learn to treat us better. I think this is the only way. ‎ S3: I am King James. I feel sorry that I was kind to Catholics when I first came to power in England. I am frightened there are too many of them. The only thing I can do is to be nasty to them again. I don’t want to but I have no choice. ‎ S4: I am from the future. I think everybody would have done better if they had found another way to solve this problem. The Catholics need peace and quiet from the persecution. The King needs to feel secure in his kingdom. I don’t think either of them is right. I think there must be another way to solve this problem. ‎ ‎3. Homework Let Ss review the language points after class.‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎
