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Unit 6 Review (2nd period)‎ 第二课时 Teaching Location: Vocabulary & Target Teaching Objectives: ‎ ‎1. Language and skill Objectives:‎ ‎1) Function: Review Units 1-5‎ ‎2) Target language: a. Be able to understand and use the language in each unit properly. For example:‎ ‎ What’s your name? My name is …‎ ‎ What’s this ? It’s a/an…‎ ‎ Who is this ? This is …‎ ‎‘Is he your … ? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.’‎ ‎‘Is she your … ? Yes, she is. / No, he isn’t.’‎ b. Be able to understand and use the following expression properly:‎ A: Hello!‎ B: Hello! ‎ A: What’s your name?‎ B: My name is …‎ A: Who is this ?‎ B: This is …‎ ‎3) Vocabulary: Be able to understand and use the words about family members.‎ ‎2. Moral and Strategy Objectives:‎ ‎1) To appreciate learning English with others.‎ ‎2) To be more confident in learning English;‎ Teaching Difficult points:‎ To ask and answer questions properly.‎ 4‎ Teaching key points:‎ Review the vocabulary and target languages in Unit1-5.‎ Teaching Aids: ‎ CAI, PPT Teaching Methods:‎ Task-based Approach, Communicative Approach, Multiple-media Approach ‎ Teaching Procedure Teaching Aims ‎1. Warm up ‎------ Greetings.‎ 拉近师生距离。‎ ‎2.Review ‎------ Have Ss play a game ‘Can you read’.‎ Show many words, have children read them out quickly.‎ ‎------ Sing a song.‎ ‎------ Play the guessing game to review the structures ‘What’s this ? It’s a/an… ‎ ‎.‎ ‎------ Let’s talk. Talk about the pictures to revies the structures ‘Who is this ? This is …‎ ‎’‎ ‎ T: Hello, Who is this ? ‎ ‎ S1: Hello, This is …‎ ‎.‎ ‎------Call some Ss to say out one after one, then talk with their deskmates by using the structures.‎ 用游戏复习句型和单词。此处将学生在前面的单元里学过的单词整合在一起复习更有效率。‎ 利用歌曲营造英语氛围,既自然又朗朗上口。‎ 用游戏的形式复习句型,可以激发学生的学习热情。‎ 利用水果图片吸引学生,同时复习句型。‎ 同桌之间交流活动,可以让全班开口讲英语,既有交流又有合作。‎ 4‎ ‎------Have Ss look at some pictures, then tell what they are talking about in the pictures.‎ ‎------T sticks some pictures of man and woman on the Bb, then elicit Ss to point and say ‘He is … . She is … .’‎ ‎------ ① T asks and Ss answer by using these structures:‎ Who is he? He’s … .‎ ‎② Have Ss try to ask by themselves according to the answers.‎ ‎…? He is ...‎ ‎…? She is ...‎ ‎③ Ss ask and answer in pairs 学生通过自己看图说话,充分调动他们的思维。‎ 亲手指着说,可以让学生感知‘he’和‘she’的区别。‎ 通过猜谜游戏复习句型和单词更能激发学生的兴趣。‎ 根据上面复习的句型,顺势拓展其它句型进行复习。通过师问生答---生问生答---再到同桌之间自由问答这样循序渐进的方式复习,学生更容易接受,也培养了学生之间的合作能力。‎ 3. Talk together ‎------T: ------ Play another guessing game to review the structures ‘Is he your … ? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.’ ‘Is she your … ? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.’‎ ‎------Teach Ss try to say the structrues fluently.‎ ‎ Read after the teacher.‎ ‎ Read together.‎ ‎ T asks and call S1 to answer.‎ 巧妙地引出‘Talk together’。‎ 反复操练让学生熟练扎实地掌握新授的句型。‎ 区分中西方文化的不同,引导学生的英语思维。‎ 4‎ ‎------ Have Ss listen to the talk together sentence by sentence, then order.‎ ‎------Have Ss read the talk together after the T, read toghter, read in roles and ect. in order to have them say it fluently. It is helpful for them to use the structures skillfully.‎ ‎------ Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs, then show their work.‎ 听对话排序,既学习了新知又练习了听力。‎ 通过跟读、齐读、分角色读等方法操练,让学生熟练掌握句型,以便于能自如地用于口语交流。引导学生的英语思维,避免出现中国式的英语对话。‎ 从听、读到学生之间交际操练,由浅入深,同时让学生学以致用,充分表达。‎ ‎4. Summary ‎------ Read the main structures which Ss learned in this lesson toghther.‎ 检查、巩固所学内容。‎ Layout of Blackboard Unit 6 Review ‎ Is he your … ? ‎ Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.‎ Is she your … ? ‎ Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. ‎ ‎ ‎ 教学测试安排:‎ 通过课堂学生对家庭成员的介绍等交际运用情况反馈,检查对目标语言的综合运用情况。‎ 4‎

资料: 29.3万


