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Lesson 4 Wash and Brush Unit 2 At Home 冀教版(三年级起点) 四年级上册 Let’s chant! Three little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” Two little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” One little teddy bear jumping on the bed. He falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” 复习回顾 (1)复习时间的词语: morning afternoon evening (2)复习7~9课在家所做事情的短语 (展示床、打扫、听音乐等图片)。 我们起床为新的一天做准备。 wash /wɒʃ/ (动词)洗;洗涤 1 2 face /feɪs/ (名词)脸;面 点击“新词展示”,跟 我一起学词汇吧! 新词展示 词汇巩固 Whose face is it ??   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起听。   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起跟着读吧。 1. What do you do in the morning?  ①morning (名词)早晨;上午 in the morning 在早上 重点词汇 短语 ②brush (动词)刷 I get up at 6:00. 我早上6:00起床。 brush one’s teeth刷牙短语 例句 例句 We brush our teeth every day.我们每天刷牙。 brush 还可作名词,意思是“刷子”,其 复数形式为brushes。 拓展 teeth 重点词汇 例句 ③tooth (名词)牙;牙齿 ④wash /wɒʃ/(动词)洗;洗涤 I am washing clothes.我正在洗衣服。 复数形式 例句 We have many teeth.我们有很多牙齿。 wash dishes 洗盘子短语 ⑤face /feɪs/ (名词)脸;面 You should wash your face.你应该洗脸。 重点词汇 例句 ⑥hair (名词)头发 wash one’s face洗脸 make faces 做鬼脸短语 Her hair is long.她的头发很长。例句 ⑦put (动词)放;安置 put on 穿上 重点词汇 短语 Put on your clothes.穿上你的衣服。例句 例句 Put your books into your bag.把 你的书放到书包里。 — What do you do in the morning? 你在早 上做什么? — I brush my teeth. 我刷牙。 重点句型 详解 这是询问对方在早上做什么及其回答的句型。 句型结构: What do you do in the morning? 回答: I + 动词原形 + 其他. 例句 — What do you do in the morning? 你在早上做什么? — I do morning exercises. 我做早操。 2. Let's do it! Practice 四名志愿者到讲台站成一排,教师小声把第一个短 语brush my hair 告诉第一个同学,让他做动作,其 他三名同学说出英语,第一名同学把新的短语告诉 下一个同学,重复游戏,把新学短语练习完。 ( )1. The weather is cold today.    your coat. A. Put on  B. Put in C. Put over ( )2. — Do you     every morning? — Yes, I do. A. brush your tooth B. brush your teeth  C. brushing your teeth ( )3. — What do you do in the morning? —     A. Have. B. Flying a kite. C. Wash my face. 单项选择。 二、本课时学的重点句子如下: What do you do in the morning? I brush my teeth. I wash my face. I brush my hair. I put on my clothes. 一、本课时学的重点词汇如下: wash (洗) face (脸) 20 Homework 1. Do the exercises in the students' book. 2. Ask and answer : What do you do in the morning?I… Thank You

资料: 1.5万


