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2021 届江苏省高一下学期期末考试英语读后续写专题模拟试题 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Ruby, a l6-year-old girl in Chicago No.1 High School, always looked up to her cousin Wanda, who was two years older than her and was studying in a university. Ruby was the only child in her family, so she regarded Wanda as her “immediate” sister. Wanda was not only beautiful, but also smart. She always had best grades in the exams and she could play several kinds of musical instruments, especially the piano. Therefore, she was very popular in her school and she had a lot of friends. In Ruby's eyes, Wanda was a perfect girl so she considered Wanda as her example. Ruby was still in high school but she wanted to go to the same university as Wanda did. Ruby was even in the same clubs in the same high school as Wanda used to be. Wanda knew that Ruby looked up to her and she appreciated that. On Christmas Day, Wanda sent Ruby a sweater with her university's logo on it as a gift. Ruby was so happy when she got the sweater. She put it on right away and wore it almost every day. One day in class, Ruby raised her hand to answer the teacher 's question and the teacher, who had ever been Wanda's head teacher, accidentally called her Wanda. “Oh, I'm sorry, but you just look a little like her,” the teacher said. “I'm so glad," Ruby said. From that day on, Ruby studied harder and harder because Wanda did well in all her subjects. Ruby just wanted to catch up with her. When college admission results came out, Ruby was so nervous to visit the website to see if she got admitted. She closed her eyes and slowly opened them. She found out that she got accepted! 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Paragraph1: She called Wanda at once.__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: The next day, Wanda picked Ruby up and they drove to their university._____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I am a proud mother of three children. My last little baby was born in the middle of August and her name is Aida. Shortly after having Aida, my mother-in-law Ann showed me something she learned from her friend’s mother in an art class she attended weekly. She had a loom (织布机) and showed me how to knit (编织) a scarf. After I learned some skills, she gave me a small loom with her half done project. I was looking after my sweet little baby at home, so I had some extra time to do something with my hands throughout the day. I enjoyed making the scarf so I bought a full loom set and tons of thread (线) and started to make woolen hats since it was winter. I realized the homeless population in my town. really needed some more warm clothes. I started to give away my hats to the people asking for food outside the food shop down the street I live in. My oldest son Siddhartha got involved in the project and made a hat as well. I found that there was a non-profit organization on the way home, which made masks for farm workers and was asking for winter warm clothing donations. I made a lot of woolen hats and gave them to the organization which would hand them out to farm workers. Then I, together with my son, made woolen hats for everyone in my family as Christmas gifts, and gave woolen hats to all my neighbors I was close to. There was a new family that moved in down the street. I did not know them very well but why not break the ice with some handmade gifts? So I made hats for the mom and one-year-old baby. I knocked on the door and handed the gifts over and my neighbor was so happy to receive them. We talked happily and I learned she worked in a hospital. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 The new neighbor had limited knitting skills so she asked me to create sweaters for kids in hospital together._____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________Later, my new neighbor wanted to learn my knitting skills to serve the elderly in the nursing home. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “If mum finds out that I'm going to the beach, I'll be in big trouble.” I said to myself softly in a low voice. I went downstairs slowly and tried to walk casually into the kitchen. As I was walking towards the back door, mum asked without looking up from her dish-washing, “Where are you going?” I answered back without hesitation, “I am going to the garden to play.” After I got out of the kitchen, I breathed a sign of relief. My plan had worked out fine so far. I climbed the fence and jumped onto the muddy field next to my house and started running towards the bus stop at top speed. After half an hour I was at the beach scanning the crowd for my friends, Jimmy and Bobby. Two young men were racing in the canoes (独木舟). After a while, I saw them near a coconut tree. I ran towards them and got into my swimming trunk (游泳裤). For about an hour, we played volleyball happily. Suddenly, Bobby hit the ball too hard and the ball fell into the sea. Just as Bobby was going to pick up the ball, the tide came in and carried the ball further and further away from the shore. I wanted to show off my swimming skills so I declared to help get the ball for him. I dived into the water and started swimming at a steady pace. After swimming for about ten minutes, I became tired but when I saw that the ball was only a few feet away from me, I put in an extra burst of speed. However, just as I was going to get the ball, a very strong current swept the ball further away from me. At that moment, a string of weed (海草) tangled (缠绕) up with my feet and I could not swim properly. I struggled to keep afloat but it was no use. “If I had listened to my parents, this would never have happened,” I thought silently. 注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Finally, after struggling for a minute or two, I still got pulled underwater.__________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ When I woke up, I was in an empty room lying on a bed.__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A couple, Peter and Alice, had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. Peter had a good job and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and would be gone for several days. It was decided that Alice needed an outing and would go along too. So they hired a reliable woman called Mary to care for their children and made the trip. Days later, they returned home a little earlier than they had planned. As they drove into their town feeling glad to be back, they noticed smoke, so they went off their usual route to see what it was. They found a house in flames. Alice said. “Oh, well, it isn’t our fire. Let’s go home.” But Peter drove closer and screamed in surprise. “That house belongs to Fred Jones who works in the same company with me. He wouldn’t be off work yet, maybe there is something we can do.” “It has nothing to do with us,” protested (抗议) Alice. “You have your good clothes on. Let’s not get any closer.” But Peter drove up and stopped. They were both shocked to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics screaming, “The children! Get the children!” Peter seized her by the shoulder, saying, “Get a hold of yourself and tell us where the children are!” “In the basement,” sobbed the woman, “down the hall and to the left.” In spite of Alice’s protests, Peter turned on a tap, used the water to wet his clothes, put his wet handkerchief on his head and dashed into the basement which was full of smoke. He got to the door and found two children. Holding one under each arm. Peter headed outside. As he left, he could hear some more whimpering (呜咽声). He delivered the two badly frightened children into his arms and started back asking how many more children were down there. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。 Paragraph 1: The woman told him there were two more. ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: At that moment, Peter seemed to feel something familiar in his arms._______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 On March 16, 2020 my left leg was injured. At that time, I thought it was a simple injury, but a medical doctor later told me that it was a serious fracture(骨折) and that I would have to be in bed for three months. It was shocking for me. I’d never spent more than 8 hours in bed before. I am a full-time social worker and have many projects that require my active involvement(参加). I hardly had time to visit my home, but my fractured leg stopped all things. I had to stay at home for a long time. It was bad and also good. It stopped all my work, but it also gave me an opportunity to spend time with myself and my family. I was sad and worried. How would I spend three months in bed? Who would care for me? Early in my injury and before my operation, one of my friends offered his room in a rented house. I was grateful for his kind support. He did all things for me. I didn’t have any other choices. I realized in my mind that I should be positive and change my lifestyle according to the situation. It was not so simple or easy. I needed to be more focused and calm. I began to practice thinking alone, read books, create more poems and talk with friends. There were so many ups and downs in my confidence. So many times negative thoughts bothered me. I felt very sad, but I often got support from my family and friends. During this difficult period, lots of good things also happened to me. I spent so much time with myself that I had plenty of opportunities to read some good books and improve myself, while receiving good care from my friends and family. After the operation on my leg, I realized I needed additional care to recover, so I had to stay at Kindness Home, near my family. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 I decided to organize a reading group to pass the time at Kindness Home.________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ The members of our reading group also cared about other patients._____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______

资料: 1.1万


