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7B Unit6 Outdoor fun 导学案 第四课时 Intergrated skills 学习目标: 1.能从听力材料中获取有关风筝的信息 2.能用正确的语言谈论户外活动 教学重难点:能用正确的语言谈论户外活动 前置学习: 翻译短语 1.西方人_________________2.发现做某事的新方法_______________________ 3.用竹子制作风筝__________________4.用木头制作一只鸟________________ 5.有悠久的历史__________________6.因….而出名_______________________. 7.从那时起________________________8.我恐怕不行______________________ 9.历史上__________________________10.记得做某事_____________________ 协进学习: 自主探究、合作 1. use bamboo to make paper= make paper out of bamboo 使用竹子造纸 use sth to do sth= make sth out of …… 2. be /become famous for sth/doing sth 因……而/变得闻名 3. remember to do sth 记得(要)做某事 4. excited 兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的 excited 通常形容人;exciting 通常形容人或事。 I’m so excited to hear the exciting news. 自主展示、拓展 根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. People in mountain areas often use w_________ to make fire. 2. In the 21st ___________ (世纪), China is becoming stronger and stronger. 3. How many years are there in a c____________ ? There are 100 years. 4. Did you go for a __________ (野炊) last weekend? No, it rained. 5. Who ____________ (发现)a new way to make paper? 6. Where do you live? I live in Jiangsu P____________. 班级: 姓名: 学号: 日期: 学习记录: 提升学习: 一、用词的适当形式填空。 1. The water is very deep(深的) here. So it’s dangerous ____________(swim) here. 2. The old China went through a lot of______________ (dynasty) 3. Remember _______________(take) the umbrella when you are away. 4. Can you think of a new way ________________ (help) the poor? 5. They_______________ (not write) to each other from then on. 6. The man is famous for _____________ (draw) beautiful pictures. 7.Could you use bamboo______________ (make) kites? 8. Look! Every student________________(have) a book in their hands. 9. Nobody knows why he ____________(jump) down from the tree just now. 10. Playing computer games is bad for our health, but __________ (spend) some time reading is good for us 二、根据汉语完成句子。 1、盱眙从那时起就以龙虾闻名。 Xuyi has become___________ __________lobsters ________ ________ _______. 2.我们让更多的西方人了解中国。 We should let__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ China. 3.独自穿越森林是危险的,你有可能遇到野生动物。 It’s dangerous __________ __________ through forests__________ . You may meet wild animals. 4.他因绘画而知名。 He is __________ __________ his paintings. 5.汽车离开了,很快变得越来越小。 The car left and soon it __________ __________ __________ __________ __________. 6.别看太多的电视,这对你的眼睛不好。 Don’t watch__________ __________, It’s __________ __________ your eyes. 自我小结: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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