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他看上去是什么样子? straight[ streit ] hair [ hɛə ] curly['kə:li] short [ ʃɔ:t ] long [ lɔŋ ] 头 发 What does she look like? She has .She has long straight hair . . She has . She has long hair.She has short hair. She has straight hair . . [hɛə] He is of medium height.He is short. What does he look like? [ hait ] 身 高 She is heavy/fat.She is thin . She is of medium build. heavy/fat [ 'hi:vi ] [ fæt ] thin [ θin ] medium build [ 'mi:diəm ] [ bild ] What does she look like? [bild] 体重 short /long heavy/fat/thin tall/short (头发) (体型) (身高) curly/straight of medium build of medium height Let‘s remember 1.short hair_____ 2.curly hair___ 3.long hair ___ 4.straight hair ___ 5.tall ___ 6.short __ 7.medium height ___ 8.thin ___ 9.heavy____ e fgh b h a e a h f g c d 1a Words A: Is that your friend? B: No, it isn’t. A: What does he look like? Is he tall or short? B: Well, he’s really ____. And he has _________. tall curly hair Well, You think Amy’s friend is——h Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures above. Can you find Amy’s friend? One of the people in the picture is your friend,Describe your friend. Your partner will find him or her. a b d e f g h c i j A: What does your friend look like? B: She’s of medium height, and she has long straight hair. A: Is it a? B:Yes,you’re right! Have/has+名词 be+形容词 I am tall > I am of medium height >I am short He is heavy> He is of medium build >He is thin 火眼金睛找规律 一.写出下列词或词组的反义词。 long ______ thin _______ tall ______ big _______ good ______ curly ________ short hair ________ straight hair ________ short fat short small bad straight long hair curly hair 习 题 1 反 义 词 二.用is或has填空。 1. He_____tall and he _____big eyes. 2. She _____of medium height,and she ______curly hair. 3. She_____ very short and she ______ very young. 4. He _____ long hair and he ______ of medium build. 5. The girl ____ long hair and she___ beautiful. is has is has is is ishas has is 习题2.Is has填空 Please tell us what we have learned today? 提出问题,引出总结 描述人物外貌的句型: 1、主语+be +形容词(高矮,胖瘦)。 2、主语+have/has+发型词组。 Phrases(短语) look like看起来像 中等体格 中等个子 of medium build of medium height Li Xingmei is thin. Dai Hongfu is of medium height. Li Jiagui has short straight hair. Miss Liu has long curly hair. 总结所学内容Sum up Everyone is special![ ‘speʃəl ] 特别的 人人都很特别! Don’t judge [ dʒʌdʒ ]判断 a book by [bai ] 通过 its cover [ ‘kʌvə ]封面! 不要以貌取人! Everyone is important![ im'pɔ:tənt ]重要的 人人都很重要! 情感教育 根据内容提示,写一篇小短文。 假如你在网上结识了一个名叫Mary的网友,请根据她发 给你的有关信息,向你的同学作简要介绍。 姓 名 Mary 年龄 :15 籍 贯 澳大利亚悉尼市 学校:Apple Tree School 外 貌 特 征 大眼睛、黑色长卷发、中等身材、有点胖 爱 好 喜欢穿蓝色衣服、喜欢读书看电影 家庭作业

资料: 3.2万


