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江苏省常州市 2019 -2021 年(三年)七年级第二学期期中考试英语试卷分类汇编 阅读理解 江苏省常州市 2020-2021 学年度第二学期七年级英语期中英语试题 五、阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 A On a hot summer day, an ant was looking for some water. After walking around for some time in the field, she came near the river. She was excited. While the ant was thinking about how to drink the water, she climbed up onto a small rock(岩石). Suddenly he am fell(掉)into the river. She was so afraid that she cried, "Help!" There was a dove(鸽子)in the tree at that time. He quickly picked a leaf and dropped(扔) it into the river. Luckily the leaf landed 着落)near the ant. So the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed(爬)up onto it Soon, the leaf floated to the dry ground. The ant thanked the dove. At that time, a bird catcher was coming. The ant saw the net(网) in his pocket and guessed what he was about to do. She quickly bit(咬)the bird catcher on the foot. "Ouch!" the bird catcher shouted. The dove noticed him and quickly flew away. 46. The ant came near the river to____________________. A. look for the dove B. look for some water C. have a swim D. to cross the river 47. What's he correct order(顺序)of he following? a. The dove dropped a leaf into the river. b. The ant fell into the river. c. The ant climbed onto the leaf. d. The ant climbed up onto a small rock. A. abed B. bacd C. dbac D. dbca 48. What's the meaning of the underlined word "float"? A. 漂浮 B. 飞翔 C. 摇摆 D. 游泳 49. Why did the ant bite the catcher? A. Because the catcher wanted to catch the ant. B. Because the catcher was catching the dove. C. Because the ant wanted to stop the catcher coming near. D. Because the ant wanted to let the dove know about the danger. 50. Which saying is the most proper(合适的)to talk about the story? A. Where there is a will, here is a way. B. If you do good, good will come to you. C. It is never too old to learn. D. East or west, home is best. B On 6th April 2020. at the age of 99, Tom Moore began to walk around his garden. He planned to walk 100 times by his 00th birthday on 30th April and he hoped to raise(筹集)1, 000 pounds for doctors and nurses in the UK. Mr. Moore was born and grew up in West Yorkshire. He joined the army(参 军) when he was just 17. Now he lives with his daughter in Bedfordshire. Millions of people saw him on the Internet(网络)and were touched(触动)by his kindness. They began giving him money. By the morning of his birthday, he raised over 30 million pounds! Shortly after he began his walking plan, he became a media sensation. Many TV programmes interviewed(采访)him Newspapers told his stories too. Mr. Moor got over 1400 cards for his 100th birthday, mostly from children. He met his favourite singer, Michael Ball and they made You’ll Never Walk Alone together. It soon became the most popular song in the UK. He also got special(特殊的)emails from the Queen and many others. People like to call him Captain(上校) Tom. They think he is a British hero(英雄). 51. Tom Moore walked around his garden to _______________. A. follow the doctors B. raise money C. celebrate is birthday D stay healthy 52. Where do people first know about Tom Moore? A. On TV. B. In the newspaper. C. On the Internet. D. On the radio. 53. The underlined part "a media sensation" in Paragraph4 ca be replaced(替代)by _________. A. famous B. strong C. rich D. kind 54. You’ll Never Walk Alone is the name of a ______________. A. programme(方案) B. movie C. song D. story 55. What is the purpose(目的) of the reading? A. To tell us how to be a hero. B. To ask old people to go walking. C. To ask more people to raise money. D. To let us know more about Tom Moore. 答案: 46-50 BCADB 51-55 BCACD 江苏省常州市 2019-2020 学年度第二学期七年级英语期中英语试题 四、阅读理解 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Next Tuesday is my mother's birthday.I love her and I’d like to give her a nice gift. What should I buy? I hear shopping online is easy and quick. And we can buy anything we want through it. But I'm not sure whether (是否) the things are good or not. ——Anna I'm busy and tired this week. How 1 wish to relax myself. So this weekend I'm going to the beach with my cousin. When we get there, we'll swim in the sea, walk on the beach and have picnic, and never think about our homework, We're sure to have fun. ——Jack I believe everyone hopes to see a clean and nice city. But our city isn't as good as we think. So this Sunday I'll help clean the city park with my friends. We're going there by bike. There we will pick up the rubbish and clean the ground. We hope to finish the cleaning in a day. ——Lucy It's great to help others. As students we may try our best to help people in need.Old people are always lonely and they need care and help. So his weekend I'll visit an old people's home with my classmates. We'll help clean the old people's rooms, tell them stories and sing or dace for them. ——Dave 1. Who will take a trip this weekend? A. Anna B. Jack. C. Lucy D. Dave. 2. The word “relax” may mean__________in Chinese. A. 犒劳 B. 锻炼 C.放松 D.惩罚 3. How will Dave and his classmates help the old people this weekend? A. By buying gifts for them online. B. By taking walls with them. C. By cleaning the ground for them D. By singing or dancing for them. 4. How many things may Jack do? A. Two. B. Three. C. Six. D.Five. 5. What can we know from the passage? A. Jack will do some interesting activities on the beach. B. Anna thinks she can buy a good gift online. C. Lucy will clean the city park with her cousin. D. Dave will help clean his classmates' rooms. B Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment(环境). Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she is going to university to study Chinese,but now she's living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to see the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is badly polluted (污染的), the coral will die. I'm helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it's too late.” “I'm staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don't get any money, but that's OK. I love my work here, and I'm learning a lot about the people of Beliz 一 and myself! After I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.” 6.Some young people from England___________after they finish school. A. go to university abroad B. spend one year abroad as volunteers C. go to work for money D. start work in schools or hospitals 7.Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl. is living in__________now. A. England B. China C. Belize D. Cardiff 8. Pauline Jones is_____________with other people. A. studying Chinese in a university B. helping do some housework C. working to save the coral refs D. doing some research in Wales 9. From the passage, we know that the coral reefs____________. A. will die because of the pollution B. are not as beautiful as before C. cannot live without fish in the sea D. may be sold for money 10. Pauline Jones wants to____________after she finishes her work as a volunteer. A. stay there for another year B. go back home to start work C. learn about the people home D. travel around Central America 答案: BCDBA BCCAD 【解析】 A 这篇阅读是四位学生写的小日记形式的片段 题号 考点 备注 1 细节题带着问题去文章中找答案,可以很快发现 Jack 的作文中提到了 this Weekend I’m going to the beach with my cousin.可以得出答案 B 2 细节题,由文章中 I’m busy and tired this week 可以很容易猜出 relax 的意思 C 3 细节题,从 Dave 的作文中可以很容易看到 We’ll help clean the old people’s rooms,tell them stories and sing or dance for them 可以得出答案 D 4 细节题,Jack 分别做了 swim in the sea,walk on the beach 和 have a picnic 这三件事 B 阅读理解 B 短文大意:该文讲述的是在英国,每年都有成千上万的高中生毕业,他们在上大学或者工作 之前,会花费一年的时间去其他国家做志愿者. 6.题答案:B 细节题.根据第一段 Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university.Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers (志愿者).每年,成千上万的英国年轻人高中毕业 之后,在工作或者上大学之前,有些人将花费一年的时间去其他城市作志愿者.可知该选 B. 7.题答案:C 细节题.根据 第二段 she's living in Belize.现在她居住在伯利兹城.可知该选 C. 8.题答案:B 细节题.根据第二段 says,"I'm working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize.Pauline 说:"我现在和这里的其他人一起工作,保 护伯利兹城附近的珊瑚礁.可知该选 B. 9.题答案:A 细节题.根据第二段 reefs here are beautiful,but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral will die.这里的珊瑚礁非常漂亮,如果大海污染严重的话,这些珊瑚礁会死掉的.可 知该选 A. 10.题答案:D 细节题.根据最后一段 I finish my work,I want to stay here for another three months.I want to travel around Belize and Central America.Pauline 说:"我完成工作之后,我 想在这里再呆 3 个月,我想在伯利兹城和中美洲旅行.可知该选 D. 常州 2018-2019 七年级下期中统考调研试卷 五:阅读理解(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 AB、C、D 四 个选项中,选出最佳选顶 What is Andy going to do when he has no classes in the coming weeks? Look at what he writes。 April 2: Fruit picking time Why not wear comfortable clothes and pick(采摘)fruit with Mum and Dad? Uncle Liu's farm is a wonderful place for a day out. April 9: Museum visit 5 推理题,由 Jack 做了三件事并且说 We’re sure to have great fun.可以得 到答案 A I will go to the museum and learn something about the culture(文化)and history of our city. April 16: English day I will try to speak English with Mum and Dad for a whole day. I can use pictures of body language(体态语言)to help if they can't follow me then. April 23:Super party April is the best time to have a party in the garden. I'd like to invite my best friends to my home. We can play games for a great time! May 1:Take photos I'm going to take a trip outside the city with my friends and take some photos. Spending time in nature is good, because you can smell flowers and take in fresh air. May 3: Be a volunteer It is cool to go to the community center and work for others. 46.The reading is about plans for Andy's . A. lessons B. hobbies C. friends D. activities 47.Andy writes his plan for . A.one and a half months B. seven weeks C. two months D.one and a half weeks 48.Andy isn't going to in April. A. pick fruit B. have a party C.be a volunteer D. visit the museum 49.The word “nature” may mean(意思是) in Chinese? A.主题公园 B.大自然 C.地下室 D.市中心 50.Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading? A. Andy plans to take photos in the center of the city. B. Andy only wants to invite his cousins to his party. C. Andy is going to the museum in May. D. Andy's parents may not be good at English. B Green is an important color. But “green" is more than just a color. it is the color of grass and leaves. It is also the color of most growing plants. We all know “green” means(意思是)“hope. Sometimes, the word “green” means young and growing. It is something that is not ripe(成熟 的), If a cow has no horn(触角),it is green. If you come to a new job, you are a green hand, too. Sometimes, the word "green” means good. If one person is able to grow plants well, we say he has a green thumb(拇指).A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic(魔法)way to make plants grow quickly and well, Green is also the word to say about one feeling(感情), jealousy. You are good at English, but your classmate Jack is poor at it. If Jack is always not happy with you, just because he can't be as good as you, then Jack may be green. Green has another wonderful meaning. If you often take a bus to go out, but not take a car, we say you are going green, because you love the world in a better way. 51.“A green hand" talks about . A. a new comer B. a new worker C. a young cow D. a red apple 52.A person has a green thumb if . A. he is good at growing plants B. his thumbs are in green color C. his garden is better than other gardens D. he is younger than his neighbors 53.The word "jealousy” may mean in Chinese. A.嫉妒 B.欣赏 C.羡慕 D.愤怒 54.How many meaning does “green" have in the article(文章)? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 55.The writer is talking about . A. colors B. language (语言) C. politics (政治) D. agriculture (农业) 答案: DCBD,BAACB

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