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江苏省苏州市吴中区 2019-2021 年(三年)七年级第二学期期中考试英语试卷分类汇编 阅读表达 江苏省苏州吴中区 2020-2021 学年七年级下学期期中学业质量调研英语试卷 八、阅读表达(共 3 小题;73 题 1 分、74 题 2 分、75 题 3 分,满分 6 分) 阅读下面的短文,用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。 How much do you know about Beijing opera? Do you listen to it? Do you go to see it? Anyway, in the near future, you may learn it at school. To make Chinese culture popular among young people, this year, about 200 schools around China will make Beijing opera a lesson. Most students think it's a good idea. Hon Lang, a 14-year-old Beijinger, especially welcomes it. "We don't need to be very good at Beijing opera," said the boy. "But it's a good idea to know something about traditional art. Now so many foreigners come to China every year. If we cannot tell foreign friends anything about Beijing opera, it will be a shame(憾事). But students like Ji Xuan are not as enthusiastic(热情)as Han. The 14-year-old Shanxi girl said the idea is not bad, but she'd like to study a local form of Shanxi. Some students, however, don't care what kind of opera they learn. They only care about learning. "Learning Beijing opera won't be an easy job," said Ding Peiqi, a 14-year-old Shanghai girl. "I hope teachers can teach it in a fun and exciting way. If not, we won't become interested in it." 73. Who is Han Lang? 74. What does Ji Xuan want to learn? 75. Do you like to learn Beijing opera? Why or wily not? 答案: 73.He is a 14-year-old Beijinger./ He is a student. 74. She wants to study/ learn a local form of Shanxi. 75.Yes.Because it's good to know something about traditional art. No. Because it's not an easy job./Because I want to learn interesting forms.(内容和形式正确,答 案皆可接受) 江苏省苏州市吴中区 2019—2020 学年七年级第二学期英语期中调研试卷 八、阅读表达(共 3 小题;73 题 1 分,74 题 2 分,75 题 3 分,满分 6 分) 请认真阅读下面的短文,用英语回答短文后的问题, 并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的 横线上。 We can see many people riding shared bikes (共享单车) in China now. Bike-sharing helps people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily. This kind of bike has GPS or Bluetooth on it. If you have a smart phone, you can use it. First, you have to download (下载) an APP on your smart phone. Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan (扫描) the QR code on the bike and you will get the bike. Then you can enjoy your trip. What’s more, you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. Every hour you ride, you need to pay only one yuan. It doesn’t cost so much, does it? Science changes our lifestyles. We have to say bike-sharing makes our life easier. And we also hope that people can not only enjoy it but also put it to good use. 73. What does a shared bike have on it? 74. How do you get the bike with your smartphone? 75. Do you want to ride a shared bike? Why or why not? 答案: 73. GPS or Bluetooth. 74. We download an APP. Find a nearest bike through the APP and scan the QR code on the bike. 75.Yes. Because riding a shared bike makes travel easier. It's convenient. No. Because we first need to have a smrtphone.(理由合理,表达正确即可) 江苏省苏州市吴中区 2018-2019 学年七年级下学期期中教学质量调研测试英语 试题 第八部分 阅读表达(共 3 小题;73 题 1 分,74 题 2 分,75 题 3 分,满分 6 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的 横线上。 3-D printing builds homes of the future What can 3-D printers(打印机)make? They can make a lot of things, such as toys and cars. But what about a house? In Netherlands(荷兰),3-D printed houses will soon come into life. Netherlands is the first country to build such houses. Scientists decide to build five houses with 3-D printers. They will finish the first house in 2019. It will be a three-bedroom house. For the first house, only the walls will be 3-D printed. A 3-D printer will print it with a special cement(水泥).The cement looks like cream. The printer will print it layer upon layer to build the walls. After that, workers will make the walls stronger. When they start working on the fifth house, the scientists hope that they can build most parts of the house with 3-D printing. The 3-D houses have many advantages( 优 点 ).For example, they use less cement than common houses. This is good for the environment. Also, 3-D printing can make buildings in almost any shape. 73. When will the first 3-D printed house be finished? 74. What are the walls of the 3-D printed house made of? 75. Do you want to live in such a 3-D printed house? Why or why not? 答案: 73.In 2019 74.A special cement like scream 75. (理由合理,表达正确即可)

资料: 3.2万


