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-------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 1 ~ 七年级下册英语报纸-学英语报纸答 案七年级 七年级语文报纸答案 七年级语文报纸答案 一、语文知识积累与运用 1、根据语境及拼音在横线上填入 恰当的字。(4 分) 打开心灵的窗口,睁开敏 ruì( ) 的眼睛,莫让一切都随风。一时一事的 得失,似乎永远困 rǎo( )着我们,永 远是生命的 fán( )恼之泉。一个人最 难认识的是自己,悲惨的结局在于自以 为 找 到 了 答 案 而 其 实 完 全 南 辕 北 zhé( ) 。 2.修改下面病句。 (1)我们一定要发扬和继承神农炎 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 2 ~ 帝坚韧不拔、开拓创新的精神。 修改意见: (2)是否重视课内外阅读,是学好语 文的关键。 修改意见: 3、填写古诗句。 ① 马 上 相 逢 无 纸 笔, 。 ② , 思君不见下渝州。 ③ 独 坐 幽 篁 里, 。 ④云南地震牵动着全球民众的心! 灾害发生后,全国各地派遣的救援人员 十万火急地奔赴灾区。用《木兰诗》中 “ , 。”一句来形容最为恰 当。 ⑤《木兰诗》中通过环境描写,渲 染军旅生活悲壮严酷气氛,烘托木兰勇 敢 、 坚 强 性 格 的 名 句 是 : , -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 3 ~ 。 ⑥一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过 去 ; 而 那 过 去 了 的, 。 4、综合性学习:在我们常用的俗 语中,有许多和黄河有关,请任意写出 一条并说说它的意义。(4 分) 俗语: 含义: 5、下面衣一份是对 200 名初中生 课外阅读调查情况表,请根据这个表回 答下面的问题。 阅读内容 人数 百分比 卡通书 112 56% 时文杂志 32 16% 武侠小说 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 4 ~ 30 15% 文学名著 26 13% ⑴从表中可以得出一个结论, 即 。 ⑵看了这一结果,你对同学的建议 是 。 6、名著填空:(4 分) (1) 蜜蜂的幼虫们都被母亲安置在 四周紧闭的小屋里,或呆在丝织的茧子 里,为的是可以静静地睡一个长觉,直 到它们变为成虫。可是这些宏伟的蓝图 往往不能实现,敌人自有办法攻进这四 面不通的堡垒。每个敌人都有它特殊的 战略——那些绝妙又狠毒的技巧,你根 本连想都想不到。你看,一只奇异的虫, 靠着一根针,把它自己的卵放到一条蛰 伏着的幼虫旁边——这幼虫本是这里真 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 5 ~ 正的主人;或是一条极小的虫,边爬边 滑地溜进了人家的巢,于是,蛰伏着的 主人永远长睡不醒了,因为这条小虫立 刻要把它吃掉了。那些手段毒辣的强盗, 毫无愧意地把人家的巢和茧予作为自己 的巢和茧子,到了来年,善良的女主人 已经被谋杀,抢了巢杀了主人的恶棍倒 出世了。 这 段 文 字 出 自 的 《 》。 (2)请从四大名著中任选一个你喜 欢的人物,并列举出有关他的一个故事 情节。 例:人物:孙悟空 故 事情节:大闹天宫 人物: 故事 情节: 二、现代文阅读 阅读《最后一课》中的几段文字, 完成 7—10 题。 接着,韩麦尔从这一件事谈到那一 件事,谈到法国语言上来了。他说,法 国语言是世界上最美的语言———最明 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 6 ~ 白,最精确;又说,我们必须把它记在 心里,永远别忘了它。亡了国当了奴隶 的人民,只要牢牢记住他们的语言,就 好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙。说 到这里,他就翻开书讲语法。真奇怪, 今天听讲,我全都懂。他讲的似乎挺容 易,挺容易。我觉得我从来没有这样细 心听讲过,他也从来没有这样耐心讲解 过。这可怜的人好像恨不得把自己知道 的东西在他离开之前全教给我们,一下 子塞进我们的脑子里。 ………… 忽然教堂的钟敲了 12 下。祈祷的 钟声也响了。窗外又传来普鲁士的号声 ——他们已经收操了。韩麦尔先生站起 来,脸色惨白,我觉得他从没有这么高 大。 “我的朋友啊,”他说,“我——我 ——” 但是他哽住了,他说不下去了。 他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支粉笔, 使出全身的力量,写了两个大字: -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 7 ~ “法兰西岁!” 然后他呆在那儿,头靠着墙壁,话 也不说,只向我们做了一个手势:“放学 了,———你们走吧。” 7、.韩麦尔先生说:“亡了国当了奴 隶的人民,只要牢牢记住他们的语言, 就好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙。” “ 监 狱 大 门 ” 比 喻 _____________________,“ 钥 匙 ” 比 喻 _____________________,全句的深刻含 义 是 __________________________________ _ ______。 8、.韩麦尔先生说,法国语言是世 界上最美的语言———最明白,最精神; 歌曲《中国娃》中有这样的歌词:“最爱 说的话永远是中国话,字正腔圆落地有 声说话最算话,最爱写的字是先生教的 方块字,横平竖直堂堂正正做人要像 它。” 韩麦尔先生的话和歌词都表现 了 。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 8 ~ 9、“我”觉得他从没有这么高大的 原因是:_________________________。 10、“他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支 粉笔,使出全身的力量,写了两个大字: “法兰西岁!” 这段属于_______________描写; 表 现 了 韩 麦 尔 先 生 ________________________________ 的 思想感情。 (二) (16 分) 牵 挂 ① 一天清晨,从梦中醒来惊出了 一身冷汗。梦境历历,如在眼前——天 空飘着细雨,我回老家去,父亲说头痛 得厉害。我吓坏了,忙用摩托车带他去 医院,并且一路上默默祈祷„„ 但愿这只是一个梦,父亲肯定不会 有事! ② 之所以会做这个梦,是因为父 亲当时刚下岗在家,A_________。那几 日,小弟要结婚,家中正在装修房子。 父亲平日就爱喝两口,加上心中不舒畅 和麻烦事,B_________也是在所难免。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 9 ~ 而父亲的高血压,又每每让我放心不下。 X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m ③ 醒来后,仍然 C_________。把 梦中的事告诉妻子,妻笑我心也太小了, 会 有 什 么 事 ? 话 虽 这 么 说 , 还 是 D_________。早饭后,马上往家中打了 个电话,正是父亲接的,听到父亲的声 音,我的一颗悬着的心才算放了下来。 支吾了几句,放下电话,心里格外轻松。 ④ 事后想是否如妻所说,自己的 心未免太小太细了呢?整日牵挂这,牵 挂那的,是否太女人气了呢?转念一想, 不觉哑然失笑,又不是不食人间烟火, 心小又有何妨?在这个世界上,有人让 你牵挂,或者知道有人在牵挂着自己, 不同样是一种幸福吗? ⑤ 我想起去年春节前的一件事。 那天,天格外冷。因为放了寒假,睡了 个懒觉,快到 9 点了,听到有人敲门, 打开门一看,是父亲。父亲搓着手,劈 头就问,怎么没人接电话。我说电话在 客厅里,卧室门又关得严实,睡得死没 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 10 ~ 听到。父亲缓缓地说,电话半天没人接, 担心你们怕是煤气中毒,就赶过来看看, 没事就好。说完就走了。望着父亲的背 影,我的眼睛一片朦胧。 ⑥ 这就是牵挂。它是干渴中的一 汪清泉,冬日里的一轮暖阳,滋润、温 暖着我们的心灵。它是世间美好的情感, 是一个生命对另一个生命的关爱。是不 是可以这样说,人世间因为有了这份牵 挂才美丽,生命也因了这份牵挂而精彩 呢。 11. 请选择正确的词语,把序号填 入文中 A、B、C、D 处。 备选词语: ① 忐忑不安 ② 心情郁闷 ③ 心有余悸 ④ 借酒 浇愁 A_________ B__________ C_____________ D_____________ 12. 请用简洁的语言概括文中主要 的两件事。 第 一 件 __________________ _________________________ -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 11 ~ ______ 第 二 件 __________________________________ 13. 作者选择的两件事情非常琐 屑,请分析它们有什么作用。 __________________________________ __________________________________ ________ 14. 第⑤段中划线的“劈头就问”和 “缓缓地说”分别表现了父亲怎样的心 理 ? __________________________________ __________________________________ _____ 15. 模仿第⑥段中划线的句子,再 写一句话。 这 就 是 牵 挂 。 它 是 __________________________________ _______________________ 三、古文阅读 ㈠课内古文阅读 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 12 ~ 伤仲永 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五 年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉, 借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。 其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才 观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有 可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或 以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环 谒于邑人,不使学。 16、解释下列加点字词的意思。 伤仲永 指物作 诗立就 其文理皆有可观者 日扳仲 永环谒于邑 17、翻译划线的句子。 ① ② 18、选出下列“之”的用法不相同的 一项 A.于舅家见之 B.传一乡秀才 观之 C.不能称前时之闻 D.忽啼 求之 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 13 ~ 19、联系全文,说说本文阐述了一 个什么样的道理。 选做题 课外古文阅读 廉 颇 思 赵 赵师数困于秦。赵王思复得①廉颇 ②,廉颇亦思复用于赵。赵王使使者视 廉颇尚可用否。廉颇之仇郭开多与使者 金,令毁③之。廉颇见使者,一饭斗米, 肉十斤,被甲上马,以示尚可用。使者 还报曰:“廉将军虽老,尚善饭;然与臣 坐,顷之三遗矢④矣。”赵王以为老,遂 不召。 [注释]①复得:再起用。②廉颇: 赵国的大将。③毁:诽谤,说坏话。④ 矢:通“屎”。 20.解释下面句中加点的词。 ①赵师数困于秦 ② 赵王使使者视廉颇尚可用否 ③多与使者金 ④ 使者还报曰 21.翻译:赵王以为老,遂不召。 答: 课件、论文、 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 14 ~ 素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量 而丰富的教学相关资讯! 22.从文中哪几句话可以看出廉颇 高度的爱国主义精神? 答:七年级英语上报纸 42 期 姓名: 教师: 分数: 日期: Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单 词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. ----What’s on the chair? ----There is n_______ on it. 2. The animals here are in a good s________, because there is no pollution( 污 染 ). 3. ----Do you like Monkey K_________? ----Yes, I like him very much. 4. ----Do you like the hot weather? ----No. I can’t s________ it. 5. ----What do you think of Kung Fu Panda? ----I don’t m________ it. Ⅱ 用括号内所给词的适当形式填 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 15 ~ 空,补全句子。 6. ----Do you like the song? ----I can’t stand _______(listen) to it. 7. I think ________(cook) is for moms. I don’t want to cook. 8. Thanks for ________(join) us. We had a great time together. 9. Do you mind ________(stop) talking? We’re doing our homework now. 10. My grandfather is 80, but he is ________(health). Ⅲ. 从 B 栏内为 A 栏内的句子选择 合适的答语。 1. nothing 2. situation 3. King 4. stand 5. mind 6. listening 7. cooking 8. joining 9. stopping 10. healthy 11-15 CDAEB 姓名: 教师: 分数: 日期: Ⅰ. 用方框内所给的适当形式填空 补全句子。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 16 ~ 1. ----________our math teacher at school yesterday? ----No. He went to the hospital. 2. Professor Lang Xianping’s article was in last ________ magazine. 3. ----How about ________ to me, Alan? ----OK. 4. As a good teacher, you should know the students’ likes and ________. 5. ----What do you think of my ________? ----I like them. They make you cool. Ⅱ. 把下面的描述与所给的汉语对 号入座。 A . B. C. E. ( ) 6. My new study is very nice. I like it very much. ( ) 7. ----What do you think of the sunglasses? ----I like them. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 17 ~ ( ) 8. ----Do you like the scarf? ----Yes, I think it ’ s beautiful. ( ) 9. ----How do the key rings look? ----They look bright and nice. ( ) 10. I bought a new wallet yesterday. It’s black. Ⅲ. 按要求完成下 列各题。 11. 对划线部分提问) _________ _________Lily _________ _________ sports shows? 12. Ann Rice doesn’对划线部分提问) 13. What do you think of the scarf?( 改 为 同 义 句 ) _________ _________you _________ the scarf? 14. What about watching a talk show?(改为同 义句) _________ _________ _________a talk show? 15. The teacher showed the students the picture.( 改 为 同 义 句 ) The teacher _________ the picture _________ the students. 16. I think Avenue of Stars is very great.(改为否定句) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 18 ~ I _________ _________ Avenue of Stars _________ very great. Ⅳ根据汉语 提示补全句子 17. 你爸爸认为这个皮带怎么样? _________ _________ your father _________ _________ this belt? 18. 我不 能忍受情景喜剧。 I _________ _________ the sitcom. 19. 我不在乎你对此事的想法。 I _________ _________ your ideas about it. 20. 请你告诉我准确的时间好 吗? _________ _________ _________ _________ me the correct time? D. 参考答案: 1. Was ’s 3. talking 4. dislikes 5. sunglasses 6-10 BDCEA 12. What doesn’t 13. How do; like 14. How about watching 15. showed; to What does; think of 18. can ’ t stand 19. don’t mind 20. Can you please tell does; think of 16. don’t think; is -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 19 ~ 17. 姓名: 教师: 分数: 日期: Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并 用其适当的形式填空,补全句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The news is too boring. I _________it! Little Tom _________. There are always some books on his bed. I never play computer games. _________ you? Jane thought the colorful skirt was very beautiful. _________, it’s much too ugly. ----What do you _________ Feng Xiaogang’s movies? ----I like them very much. I think they are wonderful. Ⅱ. 根 据汉语提示补全句子。6. 你喜欢哪种电 视节目? _________ _________ _________ TV programs do you like? 7. 把你的新钱 包拿给我看一看。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 20 ~ Please _________ your new wallet _________ me. 8. 我赞成你的看法。 I _________ _________ you. 9. 她 很在乎别人怎么看待她。 She _________ what other people _________ _________ her very much. 10. 实际上,他不懂英语。 _________ _________, he doesn’t know English. Ⅲ. 根据上下文及首字母提示,在 空白处填上合适的单词,补全对话。 Kate: Good morning, Sue! Sue: Good (11)m_________. Kate: What would you (12)l_________ to do this weekend? Do you have any idea? Sue: Yes. I’d like to watch TV. Kate: That (13)s_________ boring. Sue: How (14)a_________ going to the movies? Kate: I (15)a_________ with you. I enjoy(16)s _________movies. Sue: What -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 21 ~ (17)k_________ of movies do you like best? Kate: Of course, the action movies. Sue: What do you (18)t_________ of Chinese comedies? Kate: I can ’ t (19)s_________ them. Sue: Why? Kate: (20)B_________ they are awful. I like western comedies. They are really humorous( 幽 默 的 ). Sue: Yeah, I also think so. Well, let ’ s see an action movie. Kate: That’s a deal. 1. can’t stand 2. enjoys reading 3. How about 4. In fact 5. think of 6. What kind of 7. show; to 8. agree with 9. minds; think of 10. In fact 11. morning 12. like 13. sounds 14. about 15. agree 16. seeing 17. kind 18. think 19. stand 20. Because 七年级 Unit 11 单元测试题 姓名: 教师: 分数: 日期: 基础知识运用 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 22 ~ Ⅰ. 单项填空 21. ----What do you think of this movie? ----_________ A. I love it. B. It’s sunny. C. What about you? D. It is an action movie. ( ) 22. ----Who is the winner( 获 胜 者 ) of the English speech contest? ----Kevin, a _________ boy. A. twelve years old B. twelve-year-old C. twelve-years-old D. twelve year old ( ) 23. ----Do you like Animal World? ----_________. It’s too scary. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, it is. C. No, I don’t D. No, it isn’t ( ) 24. Do you mind _________ the door? I feel it’s too cold. A. to open B. opening C. to close D. closing ( ) 25. ----I really like this story. _________ ----I like it, too. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 23 ~ A. How do you do? B. How about you? C. What do you like? D. What is your story? ( ) 26. Excuse me, can I ask you some questions _________ fashion? A. by B. at C. about D. with ( ) 27. ----I like Sports News very much. ----_________ A. I like, too. B. I do, too. C. I like it. D. I don’t ( ) 28. ----Jane, thanks for _________ or program( 节 目 ). ----You ’ re welcome. A. join B. join in C. joining at D. joining ( ) 29. ----What does your father think of soap operas? ----He can’t _________ them. He never sees them. A. like B. mind C. stand D. agree ( ) 30. I enjoy _________ very much, but I don’t want _________ now. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 24 ~ A. swim; to swim B. swimming; to swim C. to swim; swimming D. to swim; to swim Ⅱ. 完形填空 My grandfather doesn ’ t like watching TV. He thinks that people shouldn’, and it is a waste(浪费) of time to watch TV’shows and soap operas, he doesn’“If you have , why don’” 礼物). He always tells us, “Young people 好处).” ( ) 31. A. on B. for C. in D. to ( ) 32. A. But B. So C. Because D. Then ( ) 33. A. talk about B. talk with C. look for D. look at ( ) 34. A. usually B. sometimes C. never D. always ( ) 35. A. look B. watch C. read D. see ( ) 36. A. books B. news C. rain D. money ( ) 37. A. either B. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 25 ~ too C. also D. to ( ) 38. A. in B. for C. with D. as ( ) 39. A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. unfriendly ( ) 40. A. bring B. take C. get D. make 阅读部分 Ⅲ. 阅读理解。 A My uncle bought a big house in a small village( 乡 村 ). He hoped to live a quiet and relaxing life there. In the first two years, there were few people there . He felt very satisfied(满意的) with his life. In the morning, he went running for an hour. In the evening, he went for a walk near the mountain. But now, more and more people come to the small village for a visit, because it is very beautiful. Parents take their children there to enjoy beautiful -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 26 ~ nature(大自然). Some young people come here to draw pictures. Soon, the village becomes very noisy(喧闹的) and crowded, especially( 尤 其 ) during the holiday. The river becomes very dirty. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 41. What was the village like in the beginning? A. It was crowded. B. It was very noisy. C. It was quite dirty. D. It was quiet. ( ) 42. How did my uncle feel in the beginning? A. He felt very satisfied. B. He felt very upset. C. He was very angry. D. He felt very busy. ( ) 43. Why do so many people come to the village now? A. Because they want to find a job there. B. Because they want to visit the beautiful village. C. Because the village is very crowded. D. Because they want to -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 27 ~ visit my uncle. ( ) 44. What does the underlined word “upset” mean in Chinese? A. 绝望的 B. 高兴的 C. 难过的 D. 烦躁的 ( ) 45. What does my uncle decide to do at last? A. He decides to live in the village. B. He decides to leave the village. C. He decides to make friends with these visitors. D. He decides to buy a new house. B Many children love to watch TV. They spend a lot of time watching TV every day. But many parents don ’ t allow(允许) their children to watch TV. In fact, a child can learn both good things and bad things from TV. There are many kinds of TV programs, like sitcoms, soap operas, news documentaries, etc. The sitcoms bring a lot of laughter(笑声) and -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 28 ~ happiness to our life. Soap operas tell us many interesting or moving(令人感动的) stories. The news helps children to know about the latest( 最 新 的 ) things in the world. The documentaries talk about the great people and some important events(重 要 事 件 ). Children can learn something useful from these programs. . If parents choose some good programs for their children, watching TV may become a good way for children to learn things. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 46. According to this passage, many children spend _________ every day. A. a lot time reading books B. a lot of money C. many hours in front of the TV sets D. a long time talking with parents ( ) 47. Many parents _________. A. don’t let their children watch TV B. don’t let their children watch TV -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 29 ~ on school days C. let their children watch TV every day D. let their children watch TV on weekends ( ) 48. From TV programs, children can _________. A. learn good things and bad things B. learn nothing C. only learn good things D. only learn bad things ( ) 49. The underlined word “forbid” means “_________” in Chinese. A. 同意 B. 禁止 C. 带领 D. 引导 ( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE? A. All TV programs are good for children. B. All children like watching TV C. Not all TV programs are good for children. D. Watching TV is the best way for children to learn things. 综合语言运用 Ⅳ. 词汇(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 30 ~ A) 根据句意及汉语提示写单词, 补 全 句 子 。 51. I think Chinese _________(文化) is very great. 52. ----D you like eating this kind of fruit、 ----No, I really can’t _________(忍 受) its smell(味道). 53. The _________( 形 势 ) is becoming worse and worse. 54. It is not a good _________( 主 意 ) to swim in the river. 55. ----Carol is wearing a new skirt today. She looks nice. ----I _________(同意) with you. B) 用所给词的适当形式填空,补 全句子。 56. Do you mind _________(tell) me something about yourself? 57. Yesterday, he _________(say) nothing and went away. 58. How about _________(sing) a song for us? 59. There are more than 1,000 _________(word) in this text. 60. The flowers in the garden are -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 31 ~ very _________(color). I like them very much. Ⅴ. 按要求完成下列各题。 每空 一词,缩写算一词。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 对划线部分 提 问 ) _________ _________the best thing? 对划线部分提问) _________ _________ your mother _________ _________ the watch? 63. Tom put his letter on the desk just now.(改 为否定句) Tom _________ _________his letter on the desk just now. 64. Can you answer this question? ( 作 否 定 回 答 ) No, _________ _________. 对划线部分提问) _________ _________she always _________ colorful clothes? Ⅵ. 从方框中选择合适的选项填 空,补全对话。其中有两项多余。(每小 题 2 分,共 10 分) Host: Hello, everyone. We are going to talk with Linda, a school girl. Welcome -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 32 ~ to the show, Linda. Linda: Thank you. Host: Do you like watching TV? Linda: (66) _________. It’s really interesting and relaxing. Host: What do you think of soap operas? Linda: (67)_________ Host: (68) _________ Linda: I don’t mind them. Host: And talk shows? Linda: (69) _________ They are really interesting. Host: OK! (70) _________ It is quite interesting to talk with you. Ⅶ. 从方框中选择合适的单词填 空,补全短文。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) many (72) _________TV programs on TV every day, like soap operas, talk shows, game shows and sitcoms. 参考答 案: Ⅰ. 21-25 ABCDB 26-30 CBDCB Ⅱ. 31-35 ACADC 36-40 ABDBA Ⅲ. 41-45 DABCB 46-50 CAABC Ⅳ . 51. culture 52. stand 53. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 33 ~ situation 54. idea 55. agree 56. telling 57. said 58. singing 59. words 60. colorful Ⅴ . 61. What is 62. What does; think of 63. didn’t put can’t 65. Why does; wear Ⅵ. 66-70 CFBDA Ⅶ. 71. relaxing 72. different 73. favorite 74. always 75. boring My (73) _________ TV programs are sitcoms. They are really interesting and funny. Home with Kids is one of them, and I like to watch it very much. I also love soap operas and game shows, and I am (74) _________ happy or sad with the characters(角色) in the shows. But I don’t like sport shows, because I dislike having sports. I don’t like talk shows, either, and I thing they are really (75) _________. Ⅷ. 书面表达。(每题 10 分) 请看下面的图片,根据你自己的喜 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 34 ~ 好,并结合这个单元所学的知识,说说 你对以下物品的看法,并简 要说明原因。要求:不少于 50 词。 七年级英语上学期月考答题纸 七年级英语上学期月考答题纸 一.单项选择 二.情景交际。 三,完形填空 四.阅读理解 1 五.连词成句 六.写作部分 填空 七.写作 2. 根据表格信息用英语写一段话, 介绍你和你的朋友 Lily 的情况。不少于 50 词。 __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ __________________ __________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 35 ~ __________________________________ ________ 2 __________________________________ ____________寒假六年级英语报纸答案 寒假六年级英语报纸答案 一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音 不同的一个 1. A. point B. bike C. pine 2. A. tall B. toy C. dive 3. A. day B. cat C. date 4. A. coke B. dog C. not 5. A. than B. this C. thank 二、选出不同类的单词 1. A. old B. young C. age 2. A. shorter B. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 36 ~ taller C. old 3. A. centimeter B. kilogram C. kilometer 4. A. brother B. sister C. teacher 5. A. little B. brown C. yellow 三、根据图意与上下文意思填出恰 当的词,使短文完整。(10 分) My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I _______ a new friend. ______ name is Chen Jie. She is 13 years old. She is one year ______ than me. How _____ is Chen Jie? I am 1 kg heavier ______ her. How ______ is she? And Chen Jie is 160 cm ______. She is ______ than me. Chen Jie ______ long hair. But my hair is _______ than hers. 四、用括号内单词的正确形式填 空: 1.Tom is ________(tall) than Amy. But he is ________(young) than her. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 37 ~ 2 . Who is ________(strong), Zhang Peng or Mike? 3 . The desk is 150 cm ________(long). 4. Wu Yifan runs ________(fast) than Zhang Peng. 五、根据问句,选答句 1. Who is younger than you? 2. How heavy are you? 3 Which book do you like? 4. How tall are you? 5. How old are you? A. I’m thirteen years old. B. I’m 35 kg. C. I like the big one. D. John. E. I’m 141 cm tall. 六、根据所给的标点符号连词成 句, 注意大小写 1. are, tall, you, how 2. tall, cm, am, 145, I 3. me, you, shorter, than, stronger, -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 38 ~ are, and 4. Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40 5. you, is, than, who, taller 七、仔细阅读下列表格,根据表格 中的内容补全句子 Name Age Height Zhang Peng 13 171 John 14 155 Mr Lee 31 169 1. Line up from taller to shorter. ______________ ______________ ______________ 2. Line up from younger to older ______________ ______________ ______________ 3. Zhang Peng is 171cm. He is _____________ than Mr Lee. 4. John is _________ cm shorter than Zhang Peng. 5. John is fourteen. He is __________ than Zhang Peng, but he is -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 39 ~ __________ than Mr Lee. 八、阅读理解 My name’s Wu Yifan. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 2, Grade 6. I have many good friends. John is my best friend. He is 1 year younger than me, but he is 2 years older than Amy. He’s 141cm tall. He’s 5cm shorter than me. He ’ s 10cm taller than Amy. We like playing computer games. And we often play computer games and watch TV on the weekends. But this weekend we are going to have a picnic in the park. 根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句 话的正误,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F 1. Wu Yifan is in Class Six, Grade Two. 2. Amy is 10 years old. 3. Wu Yifan is 131 cm tall. 4. They like having a picnic. 5. They’re going to have a picnic this weekend. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 40 ~ Dad: Which monkey do you like, Ben? Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, it’ s taller than the brown one. Dad: Which monkey is stronger? Ben: The brown monkey is stronger. But the yellow monkey is taller. Dad: I like the little monkey. It’s younger and funnier. Ben: How long is its tail? Dad: I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. Its tail is about 30 cm long. Ben: I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall. Dad: The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier. 根据对话内容,选择正确答案 1. Which monkey does Ben like? A. The brown one B. The yellow one C. The yellow one and the brown one 2. Which monkey is funnier? A. The brown one B. The yellow -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 41 ~ one C. The yellow one and the brown one 3. How long is the little monkey ’s tail? A. 40 cm B. 150 cm C. 30 cm 4. How tall is the little monkey? A. 40 cm B. 150 cm C. 30 cm 5. Where are Ben and Dad now? A. In the zoo B. In the park C. In the school 九、写作用比较的方法写写你的家 人在年龄,身高和身体强壮程度等方面 的情况,用英文写一段话。苏教版(新版) 七年级下学期英语期末试卷(含答题纸 听力稿参考答案) 2016~2016 学年度第二学期期末 试卷 七年级英语 第Ⅰ卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 42 ~ 第Ⅰ卷为第 1 至 65 题,第Ⅱ卷为第 66 至 101 题。试卷总分 140 分,考试时间 100 分钟。 一、听力选择 第一部分 听对话回 答问题 本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你 将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在 听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅 读题目;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间 选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到 “嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 1. What is Alice’s mother’s job? A B C 2. What is the boy going to do? A B C 3. What time is it now? A B C 4. When is Tom’s birthday? A B -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 43 ~ C 5. Is Millie swimming? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Sorry, I don’ t know. 6. Whats Toms father like? A. Fat. B. Short. C. Thin. 7. What color is Lily’s blouse? A. White. B. Red. C. Black. 8. Where are they talking? A. In a shop. B. At the bus stop. C. In the police station. 9. What will the girl do this afternoon? A. Have a party. B. Visit the old people. C. Go shopping. 10. Where does the boy live? A. In Eighth Street. B. In Ninth Street. C. In Fifth Street. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各 听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有 时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选择 你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第 11—12 小题。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 44 ~ 答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第 一 篇 短 文 。 1l. Which place does the woman want to go to? A. The factory. B. The shop. C. The bank. 12. How will the man help her? A. He will ask his driver to help her. B. He will drive her there. C. He will give his bank card to her. 听第一篇短文,回答第 13—15 小 题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。 13. A. Maths B. English C. Chinese 14. A. running B. swimming C. skating 15. A. 5 听第二篇短文,回答第 16—20 小 题。 16. When is Sandy’s grandmother’ s birthday? A. On April 3 B. On April 13 C. On April 30 17. How many people go to see Sandy ’ s grandmother? -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 45 ~ A. Two B. Three C. Four 18. Who does Sandy ’ s grandmother live with? A. Sandy ’ s uncle B. Sandy’s cousin C. Sandy’s aunt 19. What does Sandy buy for her grandmother as a present? A. A birthday cake B. some fruit C. both A and B 20. When does Sandy go back home? A. At 5: B. At 4:00 C. At 4: 二、单项选择 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. My father is ill. He is still in ______ hospital. I’m going to _______ hospital to see him. A. the; the B. a; the C. /; the D. the; / 22. The man can write with ______ hand and draw with ______ at the same time. A. one; another ; the other C. first; second ; it 23. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 46 ~ Our teacher told us _______ in class. A. listened carefully B. to listen carefully C. listened careful D. to listen careful 24. Listening to the ______ story always makes me ______. A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting 25. The zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors ______ smaller and smaller. A. is becoming B. become C. became D. to become 26. The woman feels that she could let her daughter ______ her own decision this time. A. makes B. to make C. is making D. make 27. --- Dad, why should I stop ______ computer games? --- For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you ______. A. to play; must B. playing; have to C. to play; can D. playing; may 28. Mary is looking forward to __ -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 47 ~ from me, please remember ___ this letter on your way to school . A. hear; send B. hearing; sending C. hearing; to send D. hear; sending 29. --- How much do you usually ______ on food and clothes every month? --- About ¥ 600. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay 30. The city in Shandong has become famous______ kites. A. to making B. for making C. make D. makes 31. --- Shall we listen to Sun of the Season again? --- Yes. How soft and beautiful it _______! A. listens B. hears C. looks D. sounds 32. My father slept _______ last night. He needs to have a rest after breakfast today. A. more B. a few C. few D. little 33. --- You didn ’ t call me yesterday morning, Tom. --- I _______. But nobody answered my call. A. do B. will C. did D. am -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 48 ~ 34. My uncle’s dog was in the garden. I saw him _______ under the tree. A. to lie B. lying C. lied D. is lying 35. --- I’m sorry to trouble you, Sir? --- _______ . What can I do for you? A. The same to you B. Fine, thanks C. No problem D. Not at all 三、完形填空 阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各 题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答 案。 One day Daddy and I went out a walk. On the way we a lot of people. We went up and a look. Oh, dear! did we see? There a donkey(驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get Then a policeman is this? Soon he found a and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. the cars and buses could get past at last. 36. A. for B. from C. at D. on -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 49 ~ 37. A. saw B. looked C. looked for D. watched 38. A. enjoyed B. had C. played D. gave 39. A. When B. Where C. What D. Which 40. A. is B. was C. has D. had 41. A. past B. to C. on D. up 42. A. Who B. Whos C. Whichs D. Whose 43. A. mine B. me C. you D. my 44. A. can B. cant C. could D. couldnt 45. A. his B. her C. their D. its 46. A. drivers B. workers C. riders D. teachers 47. A. worried B. happy C. glad D. pleased 48. A. Hes B. Shes C. Which is D. Thats 49. A. carrot B. cat C. dog D. camel 50. A. Some of B. Little of C. All D. Few of 四、阅读理解 (A) A. Two days B. Four days C. Five days D. eight days 52. Mrs Li is going to take the 4-day Qingdao -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 50 ~ Private Tour with her two daughters, how much is the tour? A. ¥1,590 B. ¥1650 C. ¥xx D. ¥47,400 53. If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call ______________. A. 800-817-7223 B. 800-810-6288 C. 800-830-7288 D. 800-850-8288 (B) Jyoti Amge , an Indian girl, is the world ’ s smallest woman. She is only metres tall. She is small, but her dream is great. On her 18th birthday in 2016, she shared the good news with others. She would act in two movies. Jyoti is the youngest of the five children in her family. She stopped growing after her first birthday. Because of her size, Jyoti has special clothes and jewellery( 珠 宝 首 饰 ). She even has her own desk and chair in a regular( 普 通 的 )school. Jyoti also loves movies and -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 51 ~ fashionable dresses like others. Before 18, she acted in a music video along with a famous Indian singer. Jyoti said, “ I’m just the same as other people. I eat like you, and dream like you. I don’t feel I am different.” 54. How old is Jyoti Amge in 2016? A. 16 years old years old years old D. 19 years old 55. How many sisters and brothers does she have? A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. we don’t know 56. Jyoti’s _________is (are) not different from others’. A. clothes B. jewellery C. chair D. school 57. What did Jyoti do before 18? A. She acted in a music video B. She played in two movies C. She sang a song in a movie D. She made special clothes for herself (C) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 52 ~ Blue Ocean Aquarium(蓝色海洋水 族馆) is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch films about sharks in it. Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, From Mr Jackson s story, we know 在现代社会). We should tell the truth(事 实) to the people around us, especially(尤 其是) to the kids. 58. Mr Jackson spend ____________on their tickets to the aquarium at last. A. 20 dollars B. 40 dollars C. 60 dollars D. 80 dollars 59. Children can see ______________ in Blue Ocean Aquarium. A. dolphins B. lions C. giraffes D. tigers 60. The word “honesty” means ____________. A. 激情 B. 友谊 C. 乐观 D. 诚实 61. What can we learn from the passage? A. Mr Jackson was very rich. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 53 ~ B. Mr Jackson wanted to save some money. C. Mr Jackson paid for his two son’ s tickets at last. D. Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money. (D) Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van (住房汽车). A small car can hold (容纳 ) four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded( 拥 挤 ). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family with three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together. Mr Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bought a van. The sixth and -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 54 ~ seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases( 衣 箱 ) when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents home, the suitcases are brought into the home and the two seats can then carry the grandparents. Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes. 62. Before Mr Hagen and his wife bought a van, they _________. A. sold their old house B. moved to their grandparents house C. built a new place for a ran D. sold their -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 55 ~ second car 63. A motor home is usually owned by a family with _________. A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children D. interest in van 64. Americans usually use motor homes _________. A. to travel with all the family members on holiday B. to do some shopping with all the family members C. to visit their grandparents at weekends D. to drive their children to school every day 65. Motor homes have become popular because_________. A. they can take people to another city when people are free B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays C. some people think motor homes are cheap D. big families can put more things in motor homes 第Ⅱ卷 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 56 ~ 五、词汇运用 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语 提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空 一词) 66. I’m sure we will succeed in ____________our earth. ( 保 护 ) 67. The baby panda ____________ 20 grams now. (重) 68. I am ____________ how I can change the water without taking the fish out. ( 琢 磨 ) 69. Wait and see. Tom ’ s answer will ____________ all of us. (使惊 奇) 70. My flat is on the ____________ floor. (二十) 71. Mrs Lee ____________ to my e-mail the next day. (reply) 72. His drawing is ______________ than Lucy’s. (good) 73. It’s cold outside, you should keep the door __________________. (close) 74. Which cookbook is that fat ____________? (cook) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 57 ~ 75. It is __________ that a 5-year-old boy can move such a big stone. (amaze) 六、任务型阅读 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写 表格。(每空限填一词) Do you like doing homework? The students have different answers. Li Yue, 15 I want a life without homework. We have to do a lot of homework every day. If we have no homework, we can have more free time to do things we like. We can exercise more and spend time on our hobbies. We will find how good life can be without homework. Yi Xing, 14 I ’ d be glad if there was no homework. Homework has been taking up too much time and it’s not helpful. A lot of homework repeats what we have learned in class. I think if we listen to teachers carefully in class, we don ’ t have to do -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 58 ~ homework. Xu Yang, 15 Most students think doing homework is a waste (浪费) of time, but I don’t think so. We learn something new in class. We should do some homework to help us digest (消化) the information later, and we can check what we learned. I wouldn’t be happy to have no homework at all. Zang Lei, 14 Would things be different if there was no homework? Without homework, teachers may find a new way to supervise ( 监 督 ) us. For example, we may have more classes and work to do in school. Hiking(远足自然) , they can enjoy the fresh hiking is for them. it can help them keep And hiking doesn’t ’s more( 而 且 , autumn or winter. Now we know that hiking , so let’s go hiking this Sunday! -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 59 ~ 八、书面表达 A、完成句子 96. 不要再痴迷于这些电脑游戏 了 。 __________________________________ _____________. 97. 别出声,否则会吵醒 他 们 。 __________________________________ _________________. 98. 记得离开办公 室 前 带 上 你 的 手 机 。 __________________________________ ___________. 99. 他做家庭作业跟他哥 哥 一 样 认 真 。 __________________________________ ___________. 100. Jack 太穷了而不能带 他 生 病 的 儿 子 去 医 院 。 __________________________________ __. 101. B、作文 请根据下列表格中的要点写一封 推荐信,推荐你班的李华为本年度的青 年奖获得者。 要求: -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 60 ~ 1.词数 80 左右,信的开头和结尾 已给出,不计入总词数。 2.条理清楚, 语句通顺。 Dear Sir/ Madam, I want to recommend Li Hua for this year ’ s Youth Award.____________________________ __ __________________________________ __________________________________ _____________ Yours faithfully, Wang Lei 七年级英语答题纸 2016. 06 一、 听力 二、单项选择 三、完形填空 四、阅读理解 五、词汇运用 六、任务型阅读 七、缺词填空 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 61 ~ 95. 八、书面表达 (计 30 分) A、 根据所给汉语完成下列句子, 词数不限。(共 5 小题;每题 2 分,计 10 分) 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. B、写作 Dear Sir/ Madam, I want to recommend Li Hua for this year ’ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ Yours faithfully, Wang Lei -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 62 ~ 七年级英语听力材料 一、听力选择 第一部分 听对话回 答问题 本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你 将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在 听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅 读题目;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间 选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到 “嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. M: Hi, Alice. What’s your mother? W: She is a teacher in a school. 2. W: It’s so hot today. Shall we go swimming? M: Good idea! Let’s go! 3. M: Excuse me, what’s the time please? W: It’s ten past ten. 4. W: Today’ s September 27th. 5. M: What is Millie doing? W: She is reading. 6. W: Why does your father usually go shopping on foot, Tom? M: Because he’s too fat and he needs to exercise more. 7. M: Hi, Lucy. Is this white blouse yours? -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 63 ~ W: No, it isn’t. It’s Lily’s. 8. W: Can I help you? M: Id like to get a sweater. 9. M: I’ll have a party at my home this afternoon. Would you like to come? W: Id like to, but my parents will take me to visit the old people. 10. W: Do you live in a flat in Ninth Street? M: No, I live in a flat in Fifth Street. 第二部分 听对话和 短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各 听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有 时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选择 你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第 11—12 小题。 答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第 一 篇 短 文 。 M: Hey! Mary! You look worried. Whats the matter with you? W: The bank will close in half an hour and I need to get some money. M: You can borrow some from me. W: No, thanks. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 64 ~ M: What else can I do to help you? W: You have a car, right? 七年级英语 第 11 页 共 8 页 M:Yes, tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. M: Yes, why? W: You can drive me to the bank if you want to. M: Yeah. Glad to. Lets go. W: Wait a minute. I have to get my bank card out of the table. 听第一篇短文,回答第 13—15 小 题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀” 的信号,进入下一篇短文。 Nick is my pen friend. He is 12 years old. He is from England. He speaks English. His favorite subject is Maths. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he can’t write in Chinese. Nick likes sports, too. He likes swimming best. He often goes swimming on Sundays with his father. He says he can -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 65 ~ swim very well. Nick has a big family. They are his grandpa, grandma, father, mother and his two brothers. Bob, Tim, his two sisters. Jane and Susan and him. They are happy! 听第二篇短文,回答第 16—20 小 题。 Dear Tom, My name is Sandy. It is April 30th today. I’m very happy because it is my grandmother ’ s birthday. My father, my mother and I go to see her. She lives in a town with my uncle. Early in the morning we buy a birthday cake and some fruit, and then we go to her home by bus. My grandmother and uncle are very happy to see us. We give the presents to my grandmother and say “Happy birthday!” to her. She is very happy. Then we sit down and talk. At , we say goodbye and go back home. 七年级英语 第 12 页 共 8 页 七英参考答案和评分标准 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 66 ~ 第 I 卷 一、听力部分 1-5 CACAB 6-10 AAABC 11—12CB 13—15 ABC 16—20 CBACB 二、单项选择 21—25 CBBCA 26-30 DBCCB 31—35 DDCBD 三、完形填空 36—40 AABCB 41—45 ADABC 46—50 AADAC 四 、 阅 读 理 解 51 - 53 ABD 54-57 DBDA 58-61 CADD 62-65 DCAB 第 II 卷 五、词汇运用 (共 l0 小题;每小题 l 分,计 l0 分) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语 提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空 一词) 66. protecting 67. weighs 71. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 67 ~ replied 72. better 68. wondering 73. closed 69. surprise 70. twentieth 74. cook’s 75. amazing 六、任务型阅读 (共 l0 空;每空 l 分,计 l0 分) 76. without 81. needn’t 77. more 82. time 78. able 79. good 84. way 80. have 85. no 83. wants 七、缺词填空 (共 10 空;每空 l 分,计 l0 分) 86. plenty 87. near 91. healthy 八、书面表达 A. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子, 词数不限。(共 5 小题;每题 2 分,计 10 分) 96. Don’t be crazy about ( playing ) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 68 ~ these computer games any more. 97. Stop making any noise, or you will wake them up. 98. Remember to take your mobile phone before you leave the office. 99. He does his homework as carefully as his elder brother (does). 100. Jack is/was too poor to take his sick son to hospital. = Jack is/was so poor that he could’ t take his sick son to hospital. 七年级英语 第 13 页 共 8 页 88. to 89. Others 90. good 94. summer 95. helpful 93. pair B. 写 作 评分标准: 一档文 17-20 分:写出全部内容要 点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有句式变化, 基本无语法错误,或有少量由于使用复 杂结构而引起的语法或拼写错误, 但不 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 69 ~ 影响意义理解。 二档文 13-16 分:基本写出全部内 容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有少量 语法错误。 三档文 9-12 分:写出大部分内容 要点,语言基本通顺,有一些语法和拼 写错误,基本不影响意思表达。 四档文 5-8 分:写出一半左右有 关内容要点,语言不太通顺,语法结构 单调、错误较多,只有少数句子可读, 影响理解。 五档文 0-4 分:言不达意,不知所 云;只有句子可读。 说 明: 1、句子结构不对,内容要点有错 漏,人称、时态、语态误用,均为大错。 一处大错扣 1 分。 2、通篇人称、时态 错误,统扣 2 分。 3、拼写、标点符号、冠词、介词 等方面的错误为小错。3 个小错相当于 1 处大错。 4、相同错误,只扣一次。 5、 词数不足 70 词或超过 100 词,扣 1 分。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 70 ~ 6、文中若出现自己及老师、父母、 学校等真实姓名扣 1 分。 7、书写潦草, 卷面不清,乃至影响阅卷,扣 1 分。 Dear Sir/ Madam, I want to recommend Li Hua for this year’s Youth Award. He is kind, friendly and helpful. He likes reading and playing badminton. He is good at organizing class activities. Li Hua is a top student and has good grades in all subjects. He knows a lot about history. He likes English best. He spends a lot of time practicing speaking English every day. Last week, a little boy lost his way. Li Hua took him to the police station. The boy ’ s parents were very grateful to him. I will be very happy if he can get this award. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Wang Lei 七年级英语 第 14 页 共 8 页英 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 71 ~ 语报纸答案 (上接第 3 版) in his classes. Some of his teacher began to consider him ∧ problem. So a teachers a But few of Joe ’ s teachers thought that Joe might have a better choice. They suggested that Joe tried taking a university class in computer science. Joe try did so. He is the best student in the class. Later tests showed that his was intelligence and knowledge were by far greater than those of most children for his age. He entered the university when he was thirteen. Now Joe is in of the early twenties, and he is taught computer science at a university. his teaching One possible version: The Legend of Bruce Lee tells the story of young Bruce Lee ’ s journey to America and the establishment of his Kung Fu house. The TV series has immediately become a craze in China with an investment of over 50 million RMB, -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 72 ~ which is one of the most expensive productions in China’s TV history. Bruce Lee was born in 1940 in San Francisco and passed away in Hong Kong in 1973. His life was short, only 32 years. But he not only achieved great success in Kung Fu, but also made a worldwide contribution, and so became a symbol of the Chinese Wushu culture. I enjoy The Legend of Bruce Lee very much because the amazing story of Bruce Lee makes me realize that only by working hard can one achieve his goal and make his dream come true. 单项 填空 21. A。考查动词语态。根据语境可 知后句意思应是“鱼有三米 长”;measure 表示:某东西尺寸是……,用主动,故 排除 B;根据上 半句的时态应用一般过 去时。 22. D。考查词组辨析。come up 意为“上升;被提出讨论”;take up 意为 “占据;从事”;turn up 意为“出现;到达; 调大(音量)”;bring up 意为“抚养;教养; 提出”。根据句意选 D。 23. C。考查交 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 73 ~ 际用语。go ahead 口语中通常表示同意 对方的请 求,请对方继续说或做等。24. A。考查名词辨析。句意:在乡间有一种 和平宁静的气氛,和 大城市的气氛截然 不同。atmosphere 意为“氛围;气氛”。25. A。make sure that 后的宾语从句常用一般 现在时代替一般将来 时。 26. D。考查 名词性从句。第一空主语从句缺少主语; 第二空为 that 引导表语从句。 27. C。 考查副词用法。approximately 意为“大 约”,相当于 about。 28. B。考查词组辨 析。break down 意为“机器出故障;镇压”; break out 意为“突然爆发”;break off 意为 “使折断;绝交”;break away 意为“断绝 关系;逃走”。句意:随着猪流感的爆发, 越来越多的人开 始关注他们的饮食和 居住环境。因此选 B。 29. C。考查形容 词的用法。be tired of “厌倦于”;boring“枯 燥 的,令人厌烦的”;tiring“令人厌倦 的”;bored“感到厌烦的”。根据句 意选 C。 30. B。more than 句意“超过;不仅; 非常”;rather than 句意“而不 是”;other -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 74 ~ than句意“除……以外”;less than句意“少 于”; 句意:生气 宁可发泄出来而不要 闷在肚内,否则,你会更难受。 31. A。 考查状语从句。now that“既然(表示已经 发 生 的 事 实 )” ; although“ 尽 管 ” ; before“在……之前”;so“因此”。根据句 意选 A。 32. B。考查名词性从句。that 和 whoever 分别为宾语从句和主语从 句 的引导词。 33. D。考查代词。It 在本句 中作形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引 导 的主语从句。34. B。考查 permit 的用法。 permit 表示“允许”,常用结构有: permit sb. to do sth. 或是 permit+名词(doing)。 35. C。考查 do with 的用法。do with 在 这里作“利用,处理”讲,其 中的 do 是 及物动词,要求有一个宾语(what),而 with 是个介词,也要 求有一个宾语(it), 因此答案选 C。what to do with it 意为“如 何利用它, 如何处置它”。 完形填空 孩 子的气球飞了,情绪低落;“我”已经很 疲惫。正在这时,一位 素不相识的女士 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 75 ~ 走过来奉献爱心。这使得孩子的生日非 同一般。 36. B。根据第 39 空所在句中 Kathy’s birthday balloon…可判断这里 应该填 “气球”。 37. A。还有最后一站 我们才能完成购物。 38. D。表示对比: 两个孩子回到车边,而剩下一个孩子和 “我”排 队付款。 39. C。孩子的气球飞 了,自然会不高兴。 40. C。 41. A。我 打发孩子们回到车边,告诉他们不用担 心,再买一个气球。 42. D。pay for“付 款”。 43. B。“我”付款时一直在考虑再 给孩子买气球的最方便的地点。 44. B。 approach“靠近”。 45. C。 46. B。这位 女士希望孩子不要因为丢失气球而闷闷 不乐。 47. D。“我”感激她的善意。 48. A。“我”想把钱归还给她,因为“我”有钱, 买气球不是问题。 49. C。这位女士喜欢 小孩子,并且喜欢看到他们快乐。50. B。 “我”和孩子们拥抱女士以表示感谢。 51. D。她走得太匆忙,“我”甚至没来得及询 问她的姓名。 52. A。同上。 53. A。“我” 的手中不只是一张一美元的钞票,而是 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 76 ~ 四张。 54. C。not…but…连接并列成分, by 引出动作的执行者。55. B。special“特 别的,非同一般的”。 阅读理解 A 一位 女盲人向“我”求助,“我”却想当然地认为 她在乞讨。“我”之 后羞愧难当,经深刻 反省端正了思想。 56. C。依据第一段倒 数第二句中 without even looking at her 知 道作 者当时很不耐烦。 57. C。依据第 三段前两句中 I am an immigrant. I left Honduras and arrived in the US 知 道 答 案。 58. C。作者反省自己不应该对弱势 群体抱有偏见,而应该用爱和 尊重平等 对待他人。 59. A。那位盲人让我丢掉对 弱势群体的偏见,继续坚持谦恭待人 的 人生信条,这是弥足珍贵的教训。 B 罗 马人入侵英国,改善了普通人的日常生 活,把英国变成了罗马 帝国中最富 有的行省。 60. D。根据第一段第 二 句 The Roman Emperor Claudius arrived later with reinforcements (including elephants) and personally accepted the surrender of 11 tribal kings 可 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 77 ~ 知 D 正 确 。 61. B 。 从 第 三 段 第 四 句 …engineering technology meant that the roads were straight, had good drainage ( 排 水 ) and only flooded in the severest weather 可知 B 项正确。 62. A。从第四 段首句 The Romans also radically altered the way illnesses were treated, which led to increased life expectancy, which in turn led to a rapid growth in the population 可 知,罗马人大大改进了治 疗疾病的方 法,使人们的寿命变长,从而导致了人 口的迅速增长。 63. A。由第三段前两句 Before the Romans came, the people of Britain lived in different tribes. With no central government structure, the island was ruled by kings, each controlling a different region of the country 可知 A 项 正确。 C 这是一则应用文,介绍了六个 培训课程的细节。 64. C。依据短文内容 推断,只有该课程是每周授课两次。 65. D。依据 Car Repairs 中的内容推断,学 会汽车维修会节省费 用,减少开支。66. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 78 ~ D 。 依 据 Learning Spanish 中 Previous knowledge of the language is unnecessary — anyone can join this course 知道答案。 A 项中 most 应为 all。 67. B。依据本文 内容推断这可能是刊登在报纸上的一则 广告,而 非来自旅游指南、个人日记或 教科书。D 本文介绍了美国工程师新研 制的一种锂电池:体积更小、重量更 轻、 待机时间更长、充电更快。 68. C。依据 第 一 段 首 句 …that are smaller, lighter, longer lasting and capable of recharging in seconds 推断 a, b, d 三项正确。本文没有 提到价 格,c 项无根据;该产品还没有 上市,畅销毫无依据,e 项不正确。 69. D。第四段最后一句中提到 It turned out there were other limitations,接下来第五 段应进一步对此进行阐述。由此推断本 段主 要讲传统锂电池不能快速充电的 道理。因此 D 项为该段大意。 70. A。 依据后面专家的介绍特别是两次提到的 changed 可以推断 出设计人员对锂电池 的内部结构和材料进行改造完善。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 79 ~ 社长 权哲峰 总编 鲁子问 编审 Nancy E. Riley ◎本报社通过 ISO9001 国际质量管理体系认证 SINCE 1983 4 人教高三实验版 第 5-8 期 答 案 解 析 LEARNING ENGLISH 本报荣获 xx 年度全国外语教辅类 报纸质量检查第一名 R 国内统一刊号:CN14-0702/(F) 2016 年 8 月 25 日 星期二 人教高三实验版 http:// 答案解析 第 2 期 a boy of five, my parents bought me a lot of pictures picture books. The moved stories aroused my interest of the world -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 80 ~ around us. From moving in that time on I began to make friend with good books. As time going on, I friends went came to know a lot of things. It is the books that teaches me it is good to teach love others but it is bad for one to think only about himself / herself. I once and fell ∧in my study and felt disappointed. Again it is the books that gave behind was me courage and confidence. In a word, books make a foolish man bright, a coward(懦夫) brave and a bright man very wiser. much 或去掉 One possible version: Dear John, It’s such a long time since I last wrote to you. Today I’d like to share with you something that I experienced in the City Park. On the afternoon of last Sunday, my friend and I were taking a walk along the river in the City Park when suddenly we heard a boy calling for help in the river. We jumped into the river and pulled the boy out. Then we brought the -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 81 ~ boy back to life using the mouth-to-mouth way. After the boy came to himself, we sent him to the nearest hospital at once and telephoned his parents. The boy was saved. His parents were very thankful to us and the doctors thought highly of our first aid. We realized that knowing first aid is very helpful because it can help you to save lives. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 单项填空 21. C。考查冠 词。第一空与其后名词作主语的同位语, 应使用不 定冠词,表示类指。第二空属 于序数词,前需要使用定冠词,故选 C。 22. B。add to 意思是“增添,使增加”,符 合本题语境。add up to 意 思是“总计 达……”,add up“加起来”。 23. D。考查 易混名词的辨析。句意:警方悬赏一万 美金,以获得 凶手信息。present 意为“礼 物”;prize 指对比赛、竞赛优胜者给予的 奖 励;reward 指人们因劳动或付出而应 得的回报、酬金、奖赏等。 24. C。考查 名词性从句和分词短语作定语的用法。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 82 ~ 第一空引导主 语从句并充当其主语,应 使用 what,belong 为不及物动词,接 to 后才 能后接宾语。 25. A。考查易混名 词辨析。句意:新发电厂建起后,我们 城市将 不再缺电。power plant/ station 意为“发电厂”。 26. D。There is no doubt that 是固定结构,意为”毫无疑问”。名词 doubt 后接同位语从句,用于否定句时, 后常接 that 引导的同位语从 句。27. C。 此题考查 get sth. done 句型,应使用过去 分词,故选 C。 28. C。such as 用于不完 全列举,相当于 like。for example=for instance 用于举例说明,常作插入语,一 般用逗号与其他成分隔开。as follows 表 完全列举,意为“如下”。 29. C。考查动 词辨析。句意为“我以前一定在哪儿见过 你,可我 一时想不起你的名字了”。The name / date / title escapes me. “我记不起 名字/日期/题目。” 30. C。考查固定用法。 “can’t help doing”表示“忍不住做某事”; persuade 与 people 之间存在动宾关系, 所以这里用被动形式 being persuaded。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 83 ~ 1-5 BCBBA 21-25 CBDCA 41-45 CBBAD 61-65 DDBBB 短 文 改 错 : When I was 第 5 期 B2B3 版 6-10 CBABC 11-15 CCBAA 26-30 DCCCC 31-35 BCBBC 46-50 CCBCC 51-55 ACBAD 66-70 DDBAD 71-75 EDGCF 16-20 BBAAC 36-40 CBDAA 56-60 BDBCC 31. B。考查交际用语。It’s up to you.“由你决定”; Who cares?“谁 在乎 呢?” What’s your opinion?“你是什么意 见?”It doesn’t matter. “这 事不重要。” 根据句意,B 项正确。 32. C。本题考查 devote …to 结构,其中的 to 为介词,其 后应接名 词、代词或动名词,即 devote her life to saving her students,故选 C。句 意:向倩,一位年仅 21 岁的新老师,为 救地震中被困的学生而献身。 33. B。本 题考查 lose heart 和 lose one’s heart to 的区别,前者意为 “丧失信心”,后者意 为“爱上;喜欢上某人”。根据句意可知 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 84 ~ 成功人士 处于困境时,从不丧失信心, 故选 B。 34. B。考查定语从句。根据句 子结构可知引导词在从句中作时间 状 语,所以选关系副词 B;定语从句中相 当于关系副词的也可用介词 +which;所 以排除 D;而 which 指 the day,所以介 词应是 on,排除 C。 35. C。考查短语 辨析。be familiar with“对……通晓/熟 悉”;be similar to“和……相似”。 完形 填空 一对夫妇得到了别人的帮助,并以 同样的方式回报陌生人。 36. C。根据该 空后的内容可判断,夫妇俩失去了工作。 37. B。幸运的是,附近有家商店,我们 可以寻求帮助。 38. D。pull away “把(车) 开走”;pull down “拉下;拆掉”;pull up “把车开到某处停下”;pull into“把车辆驶 入”。 39. A。既然拖车爆胎了,那么这 里应该是为拖车另找一个轮胎。 40. A。 had been doing sth. when…表示“一直在 做某事, 正在这时……”。 41. C。丈夫 开始把爆裂的轮胎取下来。 42. B。第 43 空所在句的意思是:我急得哭了,丈 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 85 ~ 夫的手在试图取下轮 胎时受伤了。据此 可判断,爆裂的轮胎不容易被取下来。 43. B。同上。 44. A。陌生人停下车询 问我们是否需要帮助。 45. D。有人主动 帮助我们,丈夫脸上当然是露出了微笑。 46. C。此处表示转折:然而丈夫拿来的 轮胎不合适,安装不上。 47. C。 48. B。 那个陌生人到他家找到一个合适的轮 胎。 49. C。依据第 50 空所在句中 would not take our money 知道丈夫坚 持付钱, 但是对方不收。 50. C。陌生人的妻子会 因为又少了一个轮胎而高兴。 51. A。我 感觉他就是一个天使,专门来帮助我们。 52. C。丈夫不时地打电话告诉我他将晚 回家,因为他在路边帮助别 人修车。53. B。依据上下文可知,这里泛指某人。54. A。丈夫总是笑着讲述自己当年的经历。 55. D。丈夫以这种方式回报那位陌生人 当年对他的帮助。 阅读理解 A 本文是 一篇记叙文, 介绍了一个旨在引导人们 关注水资源危机的 项目 H2O for Life 的 由来及发展现状。 56. B。依据第一段首 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 86 ~ 句 Patty Hall, a teacher, started a program called H2O for Life 知道答案。 57. D。 根据第 二段第二句 The river in his village had dried up, Christopher Mutuku wrote以 及 She told students and teachers about Mutuku’s plight 可 判断,Patty Hall 把 Christopher Mutuku 所在村庄缺水的现状 告诉学校的 师生。因此,plight 在这里 是“境况”的意思,与 situation 最接近。58. B。文中只说 Patty Hall 是老师,并没有 说 Christopher Mutuku 是老师, 故 A 不 正确;根据第四段第二句 H2O for Life is now a national nonprofit organization 可判 断 C 项中的 global 不正确;文中没有提 到 D 项的内容。 依据第三、四段内容可 推测 Highview Middle School 给了 Patty Hall 很大 支持,使得这个项目在全国得 到了推广。 59. C。依据最后一段中 Patty Hall 说的话 I hope that if we continue to add schools, we can truly have an effect on the global water crisis 推测, 她希望有更 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 87 ~ 多的学校加入到该项目中。而最后一句 话中的 make a great change 是“使发生巨 大变化”的意思,B 项是对该短语的曲解。 B 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了小额贷款 这种扶持经济的模式的由来 (下转第 2 版) (上接第 1 版) 以及目前遇到的问题。 60. C。“小 贷款,大发展”是全文的主旨,是核心内 容。 61. D。依据本文内容可知,小额贷 款是借贷双方“双赢”的经营模 式:减少 贫困,增加赢利。 62. D。依据第四段最 后一句话 And the average interest rate is almost twenty-three percent 知道利息是 23%。因此,100 美元一年的利息是 23 美元。 63. B。文章开始讲述小额贷款的 优势,最后三段提到现存的问 题,因此 B 项最佳。 C 本文是一篇应用文, 介绍 了四本杂志, 以吸引读者购买。 64. B。 其他三本杂志都有明确的阅读对象,都 不适合四岁的儿童 阅读;只有 Ladybug 中提到 for beginning readers,而且根据这 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 88 ~ 本杂志的 内容也可判断答案。 65. B。 A、D 两项中所述内容并不是 American Girl 这本杂志所特 有的;C 项是 Cicada 的特色。依据文章中 American Girl 这部 分 中 ...that allows young girls to be themselves可知,只有 B项符合题意。66. D。该杂志提到 encourages its teen readers to submit their own writing for publication。67. D。只有 Sports Illustrated for Kids 这本杂志中有关于体育名人 采 访的内容,对照原价和优惠价知道答案。 D 本文是一篇议论文。俗话说:失败是 成功之母。不畏惧失败,坚持 不懈,就 一定能走向成功。 68. B。根据第二段内 容可知,作者认为只有克服困难、挑战 自 我,才能体会到成功的快乐。A 项说 法过于绝对化。 69. A。根据第三段倒数 第三句 Colonel Sanders spent two years driving across the United States looking for restaurants to sell his chicken recipe 可 知答案。 70. D。根据倒数第二段内容可 知答案。 第 6 期 B 版 高考热点之冠词 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 89 ~ 用法“随讲随练” 1. B。by sea 意为“坐 船”,介词 by 和名词 sea 之间不加冠 词;the continent 是两个人都知道 的事物,要用定冠词 the 表示特指。2. A。 句意:连续开车四个小时而不休息不是 一个好主意。idea 和 break 均为可数名 词单数,因此都用不定冠词 a。 3. D。 句意:我的邻居邀请我去散步,但我认 为我已经连散步的 力气都没有了。go for a walk 是固定短语,表示“去散步”; 后半句补充 完整是 I don’t think I’ve got the energy to go for a walk , 所 以 energy 是特 指“去散步的力气”。 4. C。 the news 特指那则新闻;petrol 是物质名 词,表示一般概念 时通常不加冠词。 5. C。句意:在我等 20:08 的火车时我吃了 一块三明治。因此,这 里的火车是特指 20:08 的 那 趟 火 车 , 用 定 冠 词 the ; sandwich 是可数名 词单数,用不定冠词 a。 6. B。表示世界上独一无二的事物时 用定冠词 the,但名词前如有 形容词修 饰时,则用 a 或 an。fun 为不可数名词, -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 90 ~ 其前不加冠词。 7. B。failure 表示“失败 的人或者事”的时候是可数名词,泛指 “失败”是不可数名词。故答案为 B。 8. C。此处人名 Van Gogh(凡•高)前加不定 冠词 a 表示泛指凡•高的 一幅作品。第二 空 work 前加 a 表示一件(天才的)作品。9. A。as 引导让步状语从句时,单数名词作 表 语前 置不 使 用 冠 词 ; show/have a talent for...“在……方面显示出才华”。10. B。学科前不用冠词,knowledge 是不可 数名词,但有时可加 不定冠词,表示 “对……懂;对……有某种程度的了解”, 如:He has a wide knowledge of history. 定语从句专项练习 1. A。定语从句中, 关系词前有数字或代词时,用“介词 +which” 形式, 表示所属关系,of 意为 “其中的”。2. D。in the way 用来作状语, 而 the way 用来引导定语从句,后 面的 关系词可以用 that 或 in which,也可省 略。 3. D。引导定语从句的应该是关系 代词,故排除 A 和 B;表示“两 者都不” 用 neither。 4. D。定语从句中名词前的 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 91 ~ 关系词应用 whose,修饰名词 cover, 作 定语。 5. D。whose job 作主语,A 项的 时态不正确。6. D。从句可还原为 people communicate only by means of body language in a situation, where = in which。 7. A。that 能在定语从句中作表语,不能 用 which。 2 人教高三实验版 第 5-8 期 答 案 解 析 LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH (上接第 2 版) 答 案 解 析 人教高三实验版 第 5-8 期 3 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 92 ~ 8. D。关系代词在定语从句中作主 语,其谓语动词应与先行词 保持一致。 9. C。which 指足球明星这种职业,表示 的是一件事,而不指 人,故不用 who。 10. A。关系词在从句中作状语,所以用 where。 11. D。先行词前有 so, such, the same 修饰时,定语从句的关系词 要用 as。 12. B。这是一个带有定语从句的强 调句型,I met you 为定语从 句,因此要 用关系词 where 引导;you opened a sho p 与第一空前的句子 构成强调句, 故用 that 引导。 13. D。句意:谁想参加 俱乐部,请于会后签名。 14. B。for 表 示目的,即:he had studied hard for the expected results。 15. A。该从句还原为 I worked out the problem with Mr. Li’s help,故应用 with whose 引导定语从句。 16. C。reason 后常用why引导定语从句, why 等于 for which。17. A。happen to sb. 指(某事)发生在某人身上,to 不能省去, 所以 用 to whom。 18. D。the one 用来 代替 the play,引导词 that 可省去。 19. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 93 ~ C 。 定 语 从 句 where there be 表 示 , “有……的地方”。句意: 怀特先生说他 体验过沙漠里的生活,并且说他当时最 想做的一件事情 是找到一个有水的地 方。 20. A。I thought 是插入语,关系词 在从句中作主语,因此用 who。 xx 年高 考定语从句试题归纳小练 1. D。both of which 引导非限制性定语从句,which 指 代先行词 schools,作 of 的宾语。they both 和 both of them 都不能引导定语从 句; which both 中的 which 不能修饰 both。 2. B。题干意思是“人的面部表情 不同于动物是由于他们能有意地 把表 情控制在某种程度上”。定语从句的先行 词为 degree, 在从句中作 介词 to 的宾 语,to a…degree 意思是“达到……的程 度”。3. D。介词后不用关系代词 that, 排 除 A;先行词是 people, 排除 B;what 不引导定语从句,排除 C。(most of) whom 引导非限制性定语 从句。 4. B。which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代上文中的 Chan’s restaurant。 5. B。after which 是 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 94 ~ “介词+关系代词”,引导非限制性定语从 句。 6. D。neither 意为“两者都不”。根 据所提供的语境 only two people came to look at the house 可判断出要用 neither of whom 引导非限 制性定语从句。 7. D。 先行词 cases 意思是“情况,状态”,用关 系副词 where 引导定 语从句,where 在 从句中作状语。 8. A。非限制性定语从 句不用 that 引导,排除 B;which 指代 整个 主句的意思,又在从句中作主语。 9. D。since when 引导定语从句。因为句 中的谓语 has witnessed 是 现在完成时, 故用 since when。when 指代上文中的 1946,表示“这本书 是 1946 年写的,从 那以后,教育体制发生了巨大变化”。10. D。解析略。第 7 期 B2B3 版 1-5 CABCB 6-10 CBACC 11-15 BBBCA 16-20 BABCC 21-25 BDABC 26-30 BCACA 31-35 DCACA 36-40 DCABC 41-45 DBABC 46-50 DBACD 51-55 DABAC 56-60 BCACC 61-65 DBADC 66-70 CABAC 71-75 DFCEA 短文改错: The -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 95 ~ computer is one of the most important inventions of ∧ 20th the century. It has developed fast and has great changed people ’ s lives since it greatly appears. They can do a lot of things and store a large quantity of appeared It informations. But it is widely used in industry, agriculture, education and so information So on. The computer is playing a more and more important role in education in China. Many schools are equipped by c omputers. Students could have with can computer lessons. Because of computer science is important, computer competitions are often held in schools. Now the computer has come to everyone’ s life. It is important of us to for learn computer science well. One possible version: Friendship plays an important part in our study and life, and true friendship calls for concern and consideration for each other. It’s true that -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 96 ~ we need friends to help with our studies and share our sorrow and happiness in life. Friendship brings us happiness, self-esteem and satisfaction; it makes our life more colorful. However, friendship doesn ’ t mean confounding right and wrong for your friends ’ interests, or eating, drinking and being merry. Unhealthy relationship is not good for our growth and development, and even does harm to society, while healthy friendship helps to improve our life and study. The great friendship between Marx and Engels serves to illustrate this. They encouraged and helped each other in their revolutionary cause and together founded the great theory of communism. 单项填空 21. B 。 考 查 独 立 主 格 结 构 。 weather permitting 相当于 if weather permits,即 if the weather is good enough。句意:如 果天气足够好的话, 我们就去海滩野 餐。 22. D。考查动词的用法。remind sb. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 97 ~ of sth.意为“使某人想起某事”。 23. A。 该处考查含 set 的短语。set off“出发;使 爆炸;激起”;set up“成立;创立”;set out“出发”;set in“(坏天气、冬天、疾病 等)开 始,发生”。该句意义是:这些烟 火要格外小心, 稍有火星就能引起爆 炸。所以选择 A 项。 24. B。as though 此处为连词,意为“似乎;好像”。 25. C。 考 查 交 际 用 语 。 对 方 向 你 表 示 感 谢 时 , 你 可 以 说 : You’ re welcome / It’s a pleasure / (It’s) my pleasure / Don’t mention it 等。 26. B。 考查名词辨析。strengths and weaknesses 意为“优缺点”。 27. C。考查定语从句和 动词短语。 根据 句子结 构可知 you _____ them 是一个定语从句,修饰 the trick;而 play a trick on 是固定短语,从 句中引导词作 play 的宾语被省略了。28. A。考查名词的用法。 diet 指习惯的或 规定的食物,也指维持 健康的定量或特 定食物;food 泛指人或动物所需的食物。 29. C。cut off 指“中断;切断”;cut away -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 98 ~ 指“砍掉,切下”;cut down 指“减少…… 的量;砍倒”;cut up 指“切碎”。句意: 医生叫我爸 爸少抽烟少喝酒,但他根本 不听。 30. A。对方建议做某事,同意对 方时,通常用:Good idea / Sounds good / That sounds great / I couldn’t agree more 等。 31. D。考查 rather than 的用法。 rather than 意为“而不是”。句意: 当我 晚上出去时,尽量骑自行车,而不是开 车。 32. C。考查形容词用法。由“voice was shaking”可知句意应是 “很显然他很 紧张”;obvious“显然的, 明显的”;ambiguous“模棱两可 的”;conscious“意识到的”;tough“坚强 的,棘手的,强硬的”。 33. A。根据答 句可知是服务员问对方点什么菜。shall 此处指征询 意见,用于一、三人称。 34. C。这里 have to 指由于客观条件所限, 表示“不得不”。35. A。考查动词的用法。 be meant to do 为固定用法,表示“(因某 人的吩咐或根据职责)应该做某事;意在 做某事”,如:We’re meant to write our -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 99 ~ names at the top of the paper. (按照规定) 我 们 应 该 把 名 字 写 在 考 卷 上 方 。 remind“提醒”。句意:这一仪式不仅旨在 哀悼死者,还在 于提醒活着的人要努力 帮助那些被感染的人。 完形填空 本文 是一篇哲理性记叙文。有时我们不经意 的一句话也许会伤害 别人一辈子。我们 一定要铭记:一句友善的话会让朋友温 暖一辈子。 36. D。由下句她想挽回这件 事可知:她马上就后悔(regretted)自 己说 了那些刻薄的话。 37. C。她尽最大可能 要挽回那些言辞(words)带给朋友的伤 害。 38. A。从本句中 wise man 可知: 她向一位智者咨询,寻求他的建 议 (advice)。 39. B。为了判断她是否真心 想挽回局面,智者耐心地(patiently)听 她 说完这件事。 40. C。看看她是否真心想 改善(correct)现在这种局面。 41. D。根 据常识可判断,把每一家的台阶都放上 一片羽毛,这件 事是很难(difficult)办到 的。 42. B。根据下文她放羽毛的动作是 发生在夜晚可知,这件事要在 太阳升起 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 100 ~ (rises)之前完成。另外,下文 the sun rose 也有提示。 43. A。智者说:当你彻底 (completely)做完这件事回来后,我再告 诉你去做另一件事。 44. B。第 40 空后 two things 有提示:她总共需要办两件事 才能挽 回局面。因此这里是告诉她第二 件事情。 45. C。因为要在天亮前办完这 件事,所以她匆忙地赶(hurried)回家。46. D。上一句中 in the cold 提示:她的手指 都被冻僵了(frozen)。 47. B。整整花了 一个晚上才完成这件事,她必定非常疲 惫(tired)。 48. A。把羽毛都放在了每家 的台阶上,那么枕头肯定就空了(empty)。 49. C。由本空前 refill 判断:智者 让她回去把羽毛捡回来重新装入枕 头 (pillows)。 50. D。听到智者让她把羽毛 再捡回来,显然她吃惊不小(shocked)。 51. D。第 46 空后 the wind 提示:这些羽 毛早被风给吹跑了(blown away)。52. A。 智者认为这名妇女说得对(true)。 53. B。 上句 words 以及本句中 mouth 提示:话 一旦说出(spoken)就再也 收不回来了。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 101 ~ 54. A。智者告诫她:在我们所爱(love) 的人面前,言辞一定要斟酌。 55. C。从 本空后 warm 推断:一句友善的(kind)话 可以温暖朋友的 心。 阅读理解 A 本文 是一篇议论文。我们应学会忘记怨恨、 原谅他人,这样我们 才能有健康宁静的 心态,才能生活得幸福。 56. B。 根据第二段内容可知,如果我们对 他人的伤害念念不忘, 不能消除心中的 愤怒,这种消极的情绪就会慢慢变成积 怨,最终对自 己造成伤害。 57. C。第 三段主要阐述了积怨的副作用:伤害身 体、分散注意力 和破坏正常的人际关系 等。 58. A。根据最后一段首句 If you see bitterness in your life, the best thing you can do is to forgive and forget 可知 A 项不 是作者建议的内容。 59. C。根据文章最 后一段的内容可知,忘记积怨、原谅别 人能够 使我们拥有健康和宁静的心境, 生活也因此变得更加愉快。B 本文介绍 了美国母乳银行的相关情况。 60. C。根 据第二段中…where mothers can donate -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 102 ~ their extra milk for other women’s babies 可知答案。 61. D。根据第三段中画线部 分的前一句可判断 premature babies 与 babies born too early 同义,即指“早产的 婴儿”,故答案为 D。 62. B。文章第三 段至第五段谈到了母乳的益处:母乳中 含有的丰 富的蛋白质和特化的糖分,能 帮助婴儿提高免疫力,对于婴儿的健康 非常有益。由此推断,选项 B 正确。 63. A。文章第七段讲述了母乳的捐赠过程: ①每个捐赠者至少捐 献 3 公升乳汁; ② 冷冻后送到母乳储备库; ③所有捐赠的 乳汁被加热、 融合在一起; ④将乳汁加 热、消毒; ⑤检测样品以确保卫生和安全; ⑥ 再次冷冻并送到中心母乳储备库; ⑦ 送到医院供早产儿和患病婴儿饮 用。因 此,选项 A 的排列顺序正确。 64. D。 根据文章最后一段可知,捐献母乳的人 必须是身体健康 的。抽烟、吸毒、酗酒 的妇女都不能捐献乳汁。显然,爱吃水 果的女 士可以捐献乳汁,故选 D。C 本 文主要分析了中国目前存在的一个较严 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 103 ~ 重的问题 —— 儿童肥胖。 65. C。根据 第一段首句…which are rare in China just a few years ago…可排除 A 项;根据第一 段倒数第二句…200 million Chinese, are reportedly overweight 可判断B项中的数 字 明 显 有 误 ; 根 据 最 后 一 段 首 句 China ’ s childhood obesity rate still lagsthat of the United States 可判断 D 项 不正确;根据第二段倒数第二句…with the greatest gains coming in urban areas 可 判断 C 项正确。 66. C。根据倒数第二 段 Shuwen Ng 分析的原因可知用零花钱 买来 的垃圾食品是导致中国孩子发胖 的原因之一。 67. A。文章第一段点出中 国人肥胖人数较多的现状;第二段重点 说明中国儿童发胖的情况;文章第三、 四段重点分析了中国孩子肥胖的原 因; 最后一段强调儿童肥胖具有较大危害。 因此 A 项作为标题最佳。 D 人们往往 把废旧报纸一扔了事,而本文却提醒父 母:废旧报纸在 培养孩子的阅读能力、 增加孩子的知识方面是非常有用的。68. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 104 ~ B。从文章的言辞,如:Piqueyour child’ s interest…,可 得答案。 69. A。Richard E. Bavaria 强调了报纸 和杂志对孩子的价值。70. C。从 Window to the world 部分可知,报纸和杂志的这 一作用 可以让孩子们了解世界上其他 地方的情况,获得地理方面的知识。 第 8 期 B2B3 版 1- 5 ACCAC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 ACCCC 16- 20 ACBBA 21-25 ADCAA 26-30 DCBCB 31-35 ABDBC 36-40 BADCC 41-45 ADBBC 46-50 BDACB 51-55 DAACB 56-60 CCCAD 61-65 BAACD 66-70 DBCDA 71-75 GABEC 短文改错: When Joe Bates was 12, he lost interested in school. He stopped listening interest (下转第 3 版) (下转第 4 版)七年级语文下册 16 纸 船导学案(无答案)语文版 16 纸船 学习目标 1.了解作者主要情况及其主要作 品。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 105 ~ 2.熟读诗作,体会作者丰富、奇特 的想象,理解作品中的童心童趣。 3.体会朴素的语言,明快的格调。 进一步培养鉴赏诗歌的能力。 预习案 一、关于作者泰戈尔,印度著名诗 人、作家、艺术家和社会活动家,生于 加尔各答市的一 个富有哲学和文学艺 术修养家庭,13 岁即能创作长诗和颂歌 体诗集。曾赴英国学习文学和音乐,十 余次周游列国,与罗曼·罗兰、爱因斯坦 等大批世界名人多有交往,毕生致力于 东西文明的交流和协调。泰戈尔以诗人 著称,创作了《吉檀迦利》等多部诗集, 被称为“诗圣”。他又是著名的小说家、 剧作家、作曲家和画家,先后完成 12 部 中长篇小说,100 多篇短篇小 1500 多和 2000 多首歌曲。天才的泰戈尔还是一位 哲学家、教育家和社会活动家。1913 年, 泰戈尔以诗歌集《吉檀迦利》荣获诺贝 尔文学奖。泰戈尔是具大世界影响的作 家 。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 106 ~ 《纸船》选自《新月集》,《新月集》 是一部以儿童生活和情趣为主旨的散文 诗集,主题是歌颂儿童,表达诗人对儿 童的热爱与同情。 二、初读课文。 1. 给下列加点的字读音。 仰望 白帆 异地( ) 浮泛 ( ) 满 载 ( ) 缓 缓 ( ) ...... 2.解释下列词语。 子 夜 : 仰 望 : 浮 泛 : ___________________ 异 地 : ___________________ 我的疑问 探究案 一、再读课文,讨论下列 问题。 1.全诗共 8 节,可分为两个部分。 第一部分,写 第二部分,写 2.围绕“纸船”,诗人描绘了哪些 内容? 围绕“纸船”,诗人描绘了儿童的 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 107 ~ ________ 。 先 是 想 到 __________________________ __________________ , 然 后 想 到 ____________________________,接着 想 到 ______________ _________________ , 最 后 想 到 _____________________________。 3.诗人写“纸船”到底是为了表现什 么? 4.“我”在纸船上用大黑字写上自己 的名字和住的村名,目的是什么? 5.末句的“梦”是怎样的梦?请结合 诗意谈谈你的理解。 二、课堂小结:七年级英语下册第 16 周周考试卷及答题纸 七年级英语下册第 16 周周考试卷 班级 姓名 学号 得分 (时间:60 分钟;满分:100 分) 一、单项选择 1. Kate often sees Jim_________ football on the football field. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 108 ~ A plays B playing C play D to play 2. You ________ more careful next time. .A. should B. must C. should be D. should do 3. ----What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket? ------ I bought_______,because I couldn’t find________ she likes. ; anything ; something ; anything ; nothing 4. --_________ I come back before five o’clock? --No, you________. But you can’t be back later than seven o’clock. A. Need, must B. may, mustn’t C. Can, can’t D. Must, needn’t ( ) 5. The boy is making so much ______ . How _______ he is ! A. noise , noise B. noise , noisy C. noisy , noisily D. noise , noisily -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 109 ~ ( ) 6. ------ Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping. -----________. , I won’t B. It doesn’t matter me, I am wrong , I won’t ( ) 7. My parrot is _______ special friend of mine . A. very a B. a quite C. a very D. very ( ) 8. My father was cooking dinner when I ________ . A. got home B. got to home C. come home D. come to home ( )9. My Grandma didn’t go to sleep _______ I got back home. A. where B. until C. when D. while ( ) 10. Health is very important to us. We should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of ( 而不是)____ rich food. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 110 ~ A. too much B. much too C. very much D. so much ( ) 11. You’d better keep your mouth ______and your eyes _____. A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened D. close; opened ( )12. English is difficult ________. A. for me to learn B to learn it C for me learning D. for him to speak it ( ) 13. “ Bubble” rhymes with ____________. A. wide B. fight C. trouble D. edge ( ) 14. — _______ does your cat weigh? — About 5 kilograms. A. What B. How much C. How many D. How ( ) _______the window ______eyes wide open. A.is looking for, with B. is -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 111 ~ looking out of; with C. looks around; and D. is looking at; and ( ) 16.______the raincoat ______your mother. Let her take it with her. It’s raining. A. To take, to B. To bring, to, C. Take, to D. Bring, to ( ) ___________stay at home. A. doesn’t have to B. doesn’t need C. isn’t have to D. hasn’t to ( ) is _________milk in the bottle. Would you please give me some? A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) ’t read _________. It’s bad _______ your eyes. A. in the sum; at B. under the sun; at C. in the sun; for D. under the sun; for ( )20. My dog never barks ____ -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 112 ~ bite people. A. or B. and C. with D. but 二、完形填空 I think (1) _____ likes dogs. Dogs are our friends. My neighbour Thomson (2) _____. He has a dog. Its name is Bobo. He’s very (3) ______. Every Saturday afternoon Thomson takes Bobo for a long walk in the street. Sometimes Thomson takes Bobo to the park. Thomson throws the frisby (飞碟) and Bobo (4) ______ it in the air. Bobo(5) ______ open the door and close the door. When Thomson goes to school, Bobo sits in front of the door and waits (6) ______ Thomson to come back. When he sees Thomson, he opens the door and carries Thomson ’ s school bag. I like Bobo. I often go to Thomson’s home to play -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 113 ~ with him. I often give Bobo (7) ______ to eat. We are friends. I want to have a dog, too! And my mother also likes (8) ______. We are going to buy one (9) ______. We (10) ______ a brown little dog with long hair and big ears. ( ) 1. A. someone B. everyone C. no one D. we all ( ) 2. A. very likes dogs B. much likes dogs C. well likes dogs D. likes dogs very much ( ) 3. A. sad B. quiet C. happy D. clever ( ) 4. A. catches B. catch C. catching D. is catching ( ) 5. A. can B. may C. must D. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 114 ~ would ( ) 6. A. to B. after C. with D. for ( ) 7. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( )8. A. flowers B. trees C. animals D. birds ( ) 9. A. last month B. two days ago C. next week D. the day before yesterday ( ) 10. A. have B. had C. has D. will have 三、阅读理解 Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their talks with “Isnt it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” “What a -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 115 ~ fine day!” etc. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “No, its going to be fine tomorrow.” People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain; he wont believe anything else. When friends have a travel, they are sure the weather is goint to clear up very quickly. Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comes -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 116 ~ closer to being correct than anyone else. 1. “Nobody does something about the weather” means ____. A. nobody can make weather B. nobody can change weather C. nobody can talk about weather D. nobody likes weather 2. ____ is a common way to start a talk. A. Talking about weather B. Keeping silent C. Asking each others names D. Smile 3. Many people hope the weather will be ____. A. fine B. rainy C. cloudy D. like what they like to be 4. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that ____ tomorrow. A. it is going to rain B. it will be fine C. it will be still cloudy D. A or B or C 四、根据句意用所给单词的适 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 117 ~ 当形式填空 1. I have two dog ’ s ________________(brush). I can lend you one. 2. I do everything __________________(careful) to make it happy and healthy. 3. There are two small _________________(mouse) in that box. 4. As a student , you shouldn ’ t spend too much time_________ (look) after your pet. 5. Better food and more exercise help me to study_________________(good). 6. Don’t be ________ (worry) about me . I can look after ________ (me). 7. Do you know all the ____________(own) names of those new houses? 8. She didn’t hear from _________ (he) for long. So she is unhappy. -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 118 ~ 9. When she was young, she always _________________(keep) her room clean. 五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词 1. Dick takes his dog out twice a day. (对划线部分提问) _______ ________ ________ Dick ________ his dog out? 2. Look after your pet well. (同义 句) _______ _______ ______ ______ your pet 3. How amazing the film is !( 同义 句) ________ ________ amazing film it is! 4..It is 40 minutes’ walk from the centre of Beijing by underground. ________ _______ is it from the centre of Beijing by underground? 5. You are kind to look after the old. ( 同义句) -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 119 ~ _______ _______ of you_______ look after the old. 6. You mustn’t speak to the elderly like that.(改为祈使句) ______ ________ to the elderly like that. 7. A goldfish weighs about 40 grams. (对划线部分提问) ________ _______ ________ a goldfish weigh? 六、书面表达 根据中文提示,以 My favourite pet 为题,用英文写一段话,不少于 80 个单 词,内容必 须包括以下要点。 1. 我买了一条宠物狗,很小很可 爱,白色的毛,眼睛大而黑,两只黑色 耳朵,短短的 腿。 2. 我每天和弟弟带它出去散步。 3. 它非常聪明,有时给我们拿一些 小东西。 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 120 ~ 4. 全家都喜欢它,会一直照顾它。 __________________________________ __________________________________ ______ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ 七年级英语下册第 16 周周考试卷 班级 姓名 学号 得分 四、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示 完成单词。 2. 4. 5. . 五、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 六、书面表达 -------------------------------------------------------精选财经经济类资料---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------最新财经经济资料----------------感谢阅读----------------------------------- ~ 121 ~ __________________________________ __________________________________ ________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________

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