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Module4 Unit2 What`s the matter with Daming?教学设计 课 题 Unit2 What`s the matter with Daming? 学习目标 1、理解和把握句型 What’s the matter with…? 以及单词 lost、found、sports。 2、培养学生用所学知识来询问别人遇到的麻烦,及用所学知识来帮助他人的能力。 3、激发学生学习英语的爱好,养成积极参与活动、积极与他人合作的良好习惯。 学习重点 难 点 教学重点:询问并回答-What’s the matter with …? -I lost my …. 教学难点:能在实际交流过程中快速反应是 He lost his…还是 She lost her…并正确表 达。 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 教学添补 教学目标 一、自学 展问。 热身与复习 1. Greetings. 2. Tell a story : Mend the fold after the sheep have been stolen(亡羊补牢). 3.Revision and lead-in : What’s the matter? Greetings. Listen to the story:Mend the fold after the sheep have been stolen. Revision: What’s the matter? 了 解 新 语 词 sheep pen,wolf, fix,cover, hole(结合 语 境 了 解 即可) 创 设 英 语学习的 氛围,激 发学生的 学 习 兴 趣,组织 教学。 二、互动 探究。 Presentation Step 1 Show the pictures (of Sam and Amy, Amy, Ben) one by one. T: Look at the picture. What’s the matter with Sam and Amy? What’s the matter with Amy? What about Ben? What’s the matter with him? Step 2 动 画 呈 现 新 课 内 容:Activity 1 a. What’s the matter with Ben? b. Where is his cap? Watch the pictures and answer the questions. Answer the question: They are arguing. (They are arguing whose T-shirt it is.) She had a stomach ache. Think about the question and watch the video. Watch the video. He lost his cap. (lose – lost 丢失) The monkey took it. Look at here. (Teacher shows the picture of the monkey. The cap is on the monkey’s head.) 呈 现 新 句 型: What’s the matter with…? 呈现句子: -What’s the matter with…? -He lost his… 通 过 简 单明了、 直观性强 的图画展 示了几组 matter( 麻 烦,问题) 并用视频 展示、导 向性的问 题把学生 思维深处 的答案和 本模块的 重 点 句 型、中心 对话情境 联 系 起 来,达到 运用的目 的。 二、互动 探究。 Step 3 Show a picture of Daming: Daming looks sad and worried. What’s the matter with Daming ? 动 画 呈 现 新 课 内 容:Activity 2 a. What’s the matter with Daming? b. What was in his bag? (展示不同的 sports shoes) c. Who found his bag? d. Where was his bag? Step 4 Retell the story. Now, can you retell the story? It’s not very difficult. Let’s have a try. Step 5 播 放 光 盘 教 学 课 文,学生跟读课文并 模仿读音。 分 角 色 为 视 频 配 音。 语音大比拼 请学生听音,并找 出相同的发音,归纳。 Watch the picture and think about the question. Watch the video. He lost his bag. His new sports shoes. 学生逐一观看,通过思考明白 sports shoes –运动鞋。sports 指的是 “与运动有关的”。 A little boy. On the school bus. Retell the story. Daming looks sad and worried. What’s the matter with Daming? ↘ He lost his bag. ↘ His new sports shoes were in it. ↘ A little boy found his bag ↘on the school bus. ↘ His new sports shoes were in it. ↘Daming is happy again. 学生跟读课文并模仿读音。 学生以组为单位,分角色为视频 中的人物配音。 请小老师来带读对话 请学生听音,并找出相同的发 音,归纳。 结 合 实 际 语 言 情 境 引 导 学 生 感 受 with 的用法。 find- found 找到,发现 通 过 简 单明了、 直观性强 的图画展 示了几组 matter( 麻 烦,问题) 并用视频 展示、导 向性的问 题把学生 思维深处 的答案和 本模块的 重 点 句 型、中心 对话情境 联 系 起 来,达到 运用的目 的。 立 足 文 本,熟读 文本,为 下一阶段 的拓展与 运用积累 足够的语 言素材与 表 达 自 信。 三、拓展 提升。 Step 1: Practice a. What’s the matter with Daming? b. What’s the matter with Amy? c. What’s the matter with Xiongda? d. What’s the matter with SpongeBob SquarePants? Step 2: At the Lost- and- found If you lost something, you can go to the Lost- and- found(失 物 招 领 处 ). For example: (Show Activity 7) Please practise the dialogue like this with your deskmate. Step 3: Summaries We always lost things. He lost his bag. Amy is a girl. We don’t say “He or his”, we say: She lost her pen. He lost his sweets. He lost his cheese. ( In fact, SpongeBob SquarePants is more like cheese, right? ) Watch the example and think about how to make dialogue like this. practise the dialogue like this with the deskmate. Come to the front and show the dialogue to Ss. So if you see your family or your friend looks sad, you can ask them “What’s the matter with you?” and give them your help. 提 出 任 务,在语 境中呈现 新句型, 把学生已 知的实物 及本单元 的重点句 型融入句 型 教 学 中,做到 词 不 理 句、句不 离篇、篇 不离境。 四、本堂 作业 用所拥有的物品和同学练习对话:- What’s the matter with …? - I lost …. 板书设计 Unit2 What`s the matter with Daming? lost↘ help found↗ 教学反思 故事导入,充分调动起学生兴趣。良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的 作用。本堂课一开始,我就用故事活动导入,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里,被激 活。接着教师利用游戏引出新课教学,自然有效。 关注教学方法,体现了一个活字。教学方法灵活,语境呈现形式多样。都是比较 新颖而又自然,而且具有生活化的。 在整个学习过程中,学习者处于相对自然的态势,不断的在习得和使用语言,学 和用和谐的交织在一起。 不足之处:小组活动时,任务不够明确,导致孩子们交流的话题有点偏离主题。 以后再设计时,一定要让学生明确任务主体和完成路径。

资料: 3.2万


