外研版 八上英语 Module 1单元检测题

外研版 八上英语 Module 1单元检测题





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Module 1 单元检测题 一、 单项选择。 ( ) 1. Hey, man. Could you stay away from us? You smell . A. good B. not well C. bad ( ) 2. Did believe he did in the playing the guitar? A. if, good B. whether, well C. that, well ( ) 3. Cheese tastes too strange for me. I don’t like it, A. too B. as well C. either ( ) 4. Gina likes playing the game. Because she can improve her maths the way. A. in B. by C. for ( ) 5. How did the foreigners living in China in the east? A. think of B. feel like C. feel about ( ) 6. After four classes, I was hungry. And I would like food to eat. A. a little, a little B. a little, a bit C. a bit of, a little ( ) 7. Super Junior will have a concert next month. I can’t wait . A. going B. to go C. for going ( ) 8.We haven’t stayed in touch since we got separated.So I was so surprised to him. A. hear about B. hear of C. hear form ( ) 9. I can’t believe it him only 5 minutes to unlock the car. A. spent B. took C. cost ( ) 10. Collecting the cars him a lot. A. spent B. took C. cost ( ) 11. It was said that Yu Gong most of his life moving the mountain. A. spent B. took C. cost ( ) 12. Mum promised to for the dinner for us. A. spend B. cost C. pay ( ) 13. Don’t you want to sit down? the chair feel ? A. Is, good B .Does, good C. Does, cold ( ) 14. his words sound like ? A. Are, right B. Do, a joke C. Do, right ( ) 15. It in a few days. A. rains B. rained C. will rain ( ) 16. Do you know ? A. who is he proud of B. why he is proud of C. whom he is proud of 二、单词拼写。 1. As a student, m are very important for you, right? 2. Lily said that my father had left a m for me. 3. It is said that h are a part of our life. They make our life more colorful. 4. The old would like to eat something s . Because their teeth are not good. 5. You’d better wear g first. Driving in the dark is not easy. 6. Do you think Lucy is p than her twin sister Lily? 7. One day, I tried to smile at the s .Surprisingly, some of them smiled back. 8. I am very worried. Because when I am in the exam, I always feel n . 9. Tina asked which kind of drinks you like, s or sweet? 10. Summer is coming. I think (牛仔裤) are not the best choice. 11. Every day we need some (盐) for our body. 12. (果酱)sounds great. It is my (最爱). 13. Betty is an American girl with (金黄色的)hair. 14. Compared to the toy car, I think the toy bear is (可爱的). 15. Pizza is a kind of (馅饼) with some meat, vegetables or friut in it. 16. The (曲奇饼) smell so delicious. I want some of them. 三、根据所给单词的适当形式填空。 In the West, people are quite open about their 1 .Many people hug each other when they meet. People are 2 and informal. They usually use 3 names, even at work . It is 4 for peopleto say “thank you” very often, even to 5 family members. 四、完成句子。 1. Mia 认为这些牛奶闻起来不新鲜。 Mia the milk . 2. 我发现她已经收到了 Rose 的来信。 I found she 3. Susan 问 Bob 是否害怕和陌生人说话。 Susan asks me I the strangers or not. 4. Miss Smith 问他在家里以谁为傲。 Miss Smith asked him . 5. Diana 问我我父母见到长城是否很激动。 Diana told me her parents the Great Wall. 6. 恐怕 Monica 昨天没有上学。 that Monica yesterday. 7. 据调查大多数女孩子都有吃甜食的爱好。 It is said that girls . 8. 似乎年轻人都热衷于待在家里。 that the young at home. 9. 我确定这咖啡尝起来太浓。 that the coffe . 10. 你能告诉我这裙子你花了多少钱吗? Could you tell me on this shirt? they friend feel give impolite 11. 主持人问我觉得参加这个活动怎样? The presenter asked me this activity? 12. 让我们谢谢为了我们每天努力工作的父母。 Let’s thank every day for us. 13. Molly 如此的害羞以至于迫不及待想离开办公室。 Molly was so shy that she the office.

资料: 3.2万


