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2021英语八年级下册 一、语法选择 Zhang Jie was 13 years old.He  1  on his way home after school last Monday evening.When he was in the lift (电梯), it suddenly stopped.Zhang decided to help himself out  2  he felt a little scared.He tried to open the lift door, but he gave up the idea later and stood against the wall because he thought  3  lift may fall down suddenly.  He then pressed all the buttons(按钮), hoping it would make the lift  4  again, but it didn’t work.Zhang then pressed the “stop” button to lock the lift to make sure it would not fall.  5  a cellphone, Zhang tried shouting loudly to get the attention of people outside, but  6  answered.  However, the young boy  7  give up trying.He sent out a note asking for help through the door and hoped someone would pick it up and help him out.He knew it might  8  a long time before someone found the note and saved him.So he decided to do his homework after doing all these.Soon after he finished his homework, he  9  at last.  On Weibo, many people spoke highly of the boy, because he could keep calm in  10  a dangerous situation.  ( )1.A.is B.was C.are D.were ( )2.A.if B.so C.or D.although ( )3.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )4.A.worked B.to work C.workingD.work ( )5.A.Without B.With C.For D.About A D C D B ( )6.A.everyone B.no one C.anyone D.someone ( )7.A.doesn’t B.didn’t C.isn’t D.wasn’t ( )8.A.to take B.take C.takes D.taking ( )9.A.saves B.saved C.was saved D.is saved ( )10.A.so B.very C.such D.much C C B B B 二、完形填空 It is Monday today.All the students must go to school.But to Mr.Smith’s   11  , Jack, a 15⁃ year⁃ old schoolboy, didn’t appear(出现) at school.And often he  12  school these days.Mr.Smith called his father and got to know that Jack played computer games the night before and couldn’t  13  this morning.  Jack is not  14 .Information from China Internet Center showed that the number of teenager Internet users in China was about 190 million in 2017.Many of them, like Jack,  15  too much time playing computer games online.   16  deal with this problem, the Chinese government worked out a draft regulation(法规草案) in January.According to the regulation, players need to  17  their own ID cards to play online games.They will not be able to play online games between 12:00 at  18  and 8:00 in the morning.If they are still  19  during the time, the game companies will lock them out.  Now more and more people come to know that playing online games too much not only brings teenagers health and study  20  , but also makes them depressed(沮丧的) and lonely.We need help from the whole society to solve the problem.  ( )11.A.excitement B.surprise C.kindness D.difficulty ( )12.A.was worried aboutB.was late for C.was interested inD.was good at ( )13.A.put up B.clean up C.stay up D.get up ( )14.A.happy B.lonelyC.alone D.bright ( )15.A.spend B.makeC.take D.get A C D B B ( )16.A.As soon as B.In order to C.At the beginningD.In the end ( )17.A.study B.cutC.use D.eat ( )18.A.night B.noonC.morningD.evening ( )19.A.waitingB.lookingC.thinkingD.playing ( )20.A.questions B.problems C.information D.fairness B D A C B 三、短文填空 Do you know the Silk Road? It is the 21.    of different roads that connected Europe, Africa and Asia long ago.People arrived at these different places along these 22.    in the old days.Zhang Qian was a famous traveler of the Silk Road.He was probably the first person to 23. .  back good information about the central Asian lands to China.  bring roads   name  In 138 BC, Emperor Wu of Han sent Zhang Qian to Yue⁃ chi to 24.    for help to fight against Xiongnu.But on his way there, the Xiongnu people caught him.Zhang had to stay with them 25.    about 10 years before he got away.When Zhang finally reached Yue⁃ chi, he was 26.    to find that the people there didn’t want to fight against Xiongnu.On his journey back to China, Zhang Qian found a lot of good things and brought 27.    back.   them   sad   for   ask  Later, Emperor Wu of Han sent Zhang to the West 28.    .Zhang’s journey to the West helped develop the international(国际的)business, especially in silk between China 29.    the West.That’s the Ancient Silk Road.  Now the old Silk Road are still used, 30.    they are crossed by trains, not by camels or horses.People along the road still do business with each other.Now it is called New Silk Road.Another saying of it is One Belt, One Road(一带一路).   but   and   again 

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