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2021英语八年级下册 一、语法选择 Last Saturday morning,  1  June 16th, we went camping along a path in Green Natural Park.We were happy because it was a sunny day.We were expecting an enjoyable  2  holiday.On the way, we kept singing and  3  jokes.  However, in the afternoon, when we finished our picnic at one o’clock, it was dark and windy.Soon, there was a shower.Unluckily,  4  of us brought an umbrella.We ran about but we could find no place to hide.  Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining.There were hours to go before we reached the campsite(野营地).It was even  5  that our small compass(指南针) showed that we went the wrong way.We had lost our way!   We had to make a quick  6  as it was raining heavily.Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the tent.Chris and I tried to make  7  fire to keep us warm.But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was wet.We dried ourselves, chatted and waited inside the tent.At about five o’clock, it  8  raining.We decided to give up the camping trip  9  all of us had been very tired.  This camping trip may not be very successful but we know each other better.And the most important thing I’ve learned from this trip is the  10  of team spirit.  ( )1.A.in B.on C.at D.to ( )2.A.two⁃ day B.two dayC.two daysD.two⁃ days’ ( )3.A.to make B.made C.make D.making ( )4.A.no one B.all C.none D.every one C D A B ( )5.A.worse B.bad C.worst D.the worst ( )6.A.decide B.decidedC.decision D.deciding ( )7.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )8.A.stops B.stoppedC.will stopD.has stopped ( )9.A.so B.but C.when D.because ( )10.A.important B.importance C.importantly D.unimportant B D B A C A 二、完形填空 Have you heard of ramen noodles (拉面) in Japan before? Ramen noodles are yellow noodles that  11  China in the beginning.They became a popular street food in Japan in the early 1900s.Then after World War Ⅱ, ramen became even more  12  in Japan.At that time, Japan did not have much food at all.Ramen was cheap and good,  13  more and more people began eating it.  In the 1950s, Momofuku Ando, the man who started the Nissin Food Company(日清食品公司) in Japan, had a(n)  14  .He wanted to make dried ramen noodles.People could pour hot water over these noodles, wait a few   15  , and then eat them.It would be instant ramen! It was not easy, but finally Ando came up with a way to make instant ramen.Japanese people  16  it! Soon other companies were copying Ando’s idea.Not long after that, instant ramen spread to other countries.  Today, people all around the world enjoy ramen.  17  , people eat about 40 billion bowls, cups or packs of ramen every year!  But the story of ramen does not  18  there.Ramen is now moving from streets and instant bowls to good  19  .All kinds of meat, vegetables and spices are added to ramen.And people are choosing noodle bars over sushi bars for a nice dinner out these days.  So whether you want traditional, quick or fancy ramen, you can  20  it.Just look on the street, in a store, or in a restaurant near you.  ( )11.A.came up B.came back C.came fromD.came over ( )12.A.popular B.interesting C.importantD.comfortable ( )13.A.butB.so C.because D.though ( )14.A.way B.roadC.idea D.skill C B A C ( )15.A.seconds B.minutesC.hours D.days ( )16.A.minded B.stoodC.loved D.hated ( )17.A.In time B.In needC.In troubleD.In fact ( )18.A.continue B.startC.begin D.end ( )19.A.restaurants B.parksC.zoos D.markets ( )20.A.report B.putC.find D.hear C A D D C B 三、短文填空 As the old Chinese saying goes,“Humanity’s most fundamental relationship is with what we eat(民以食为天).”Although food has 21.    an important part in Chinese culture for years, hunger had been a huge problem in the country until the 1970s. However, the Chinese scientist Yuan Longping helped to 22.    with this problem.   deal   played  On Sept. 8, Yuan, together with two other scientists, 23.     China’s 2018 Future Science Prize. Even on his 88th birthday on Sept. 7, he took 24.    in the International Development Meeting of Rice Production in Hunan Province.25.    he was recovering from an illness at the time, he was happy to talk to the reporters 26.    his latest work with seawater rice.    about   Although/Though   part   won  And thanks to China’s Belt and Road(一带一路) initiative, Yuan’s hybrid(杂交的) rice is helping to solve food 27. .  around the world. With a rising reputation(名气) around the world, Yuan made a speech 28.    English at the 9th Shandong High⁃ Level Talents Forum in Qingdao last year. But in spite of 29.    great knowledge, Yuan understands that even the wisest people should 30.    be open to learning new things.“The farmers of our country possess rich experience in planting rice,”he told Xinhua.“We should learn from them.”   still   his   in  problems

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