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词汇实例拓展运用学习法 1 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 176 组 基本词义 hole 美音:[həul ] 英音:[həul ] n.洞,孔,突破口 v.凿洞 词义详解 hole /həʊl; hol/ n 1 [C] (a) sunken or hollow place in a solid mass or surface; cavity 洞; 孔; 坑; 洞穴 *a hole in a tooth 龋齿的洞 * roads full of holes 满是坑洼的道路. (b) opening through sth; gap 开口; 裂口 *The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall. 那囚犯从墙上的缺口处逃走了. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 2 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 * I've worn holes in my socks. 我把袜子穿破了. * My socks are in holes/full of holes, ie worn so much that holes have formed. 我的 袜子破了. * a hole in the heart, ie a defect at birth in the membrane of the heart 先天性心膜缺 损. 2 [C] (a) animal's burrow (动物的)巢穴 *a `mouse hole 鼠洞 * a fox's hole 狐穴. (b) (usu sing 通常作单数) (fig infml 比喻, 口) small, dark or unpleasant room, flat, district, etc 狭小、阴暗或简陋的房间、住所、区域等 *Why do you want to live here it's a dreadful hole! 你为什么要住在这里--这小地方 简直糟透了. 3 [sing] (sl 俚) awkward or difficult situation 窘境; 困境 *be in (a bit of) a hole 感到(有点)为难. 4 [C] (sport 体) (a) hollow or cavity into which a ball, etc must be hit in various games (多种游戏中 将球等击入的)洞或孔 *an ,eighteen-hole `golf-course 有十八个洞的高尔夫球场. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 3 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 (b) (in golf) section of a golf-course between a tee and a hole; point scored by a player who reaches the hole with the fewest strokes (高尔夫球)由球座到球洞的一段距 离, 以最少杆数进球所得的分数 *win the first hole 在第一洞时领先. 5 (idm 习语) have an ace in the hole => ace. a hole in the `wall very small dingy shop, cafe, etc, esp in a row of buildings 狭小而昏暗的店 、小餐馆等(尤指设于 成排建筑物中的). make a hole in sth (infml 口) use a large amount of (one's money, supplies, etc) 大量耗费(金钱、供应品等) *The hospital bills made a big hole in his savings. 医疗费已用掉了他一大笔存款. money burns a hole in sb's pocket => money. pick holes in sth => pick3. v 1 [Tn] make a hole or holes in (sth) 在(某物)上打洞或穿孔 *The ship was holed by an iceberg. 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿. 2 [I, Ip, Tn] ~ (out) (in golf, etc) hit (the ball) into a hole (高尔夫球等)击(球)入 洞 *She holed out from forty yards. 她从四十码远的地方把球打入洞中. 3 (phr v) hole up (also be holed up) (sl 俚 esp US) hide oneself 躲藏 *The gang (was) holed up in the mountains somewhere. 那帮匪徒躲在山中某处. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 4 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 单词例句 实例 1 组: 1. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner. 我们要让石油留在井下,直到我们能用一种有控制的方法把它引上来为止。 2. We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine. 我们想念迟早会飞起一个石块把油箱砸开一个窟窿,或者把发动机砸坏。 3. They came upon a hole in the chimney. 他们偶然发现烟囱里面有一个洞。 4. The whale expelled water from his blow hole. 鲸鱼从鼻孔排水。 5. There is a hole in my shoe--can you repair it? 我这只鞋有个洞--你能给修理吗? 6. Tom´s big toe is showing through a hole in his sock. 汤姆的大脚拇趾从袜子的洞里露了出来。 7. The Ambassador´s wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband´s hat. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 5 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 大使夫人继续提出问题,她突然又发现丈夫的帽子上有个洞。 8. There is a large hole in it and I must mend it. 屋顶上有一个大洞,我得把它补上。 9. That makes you go into a hole and stay there." "那样会使你陷入困境,并永远陷在那儿。" 10. He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned. 掉进一个深水坑里淹死了。

资料: 3.2万


