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词汇实例拓展运用学习法 1 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 179 组 基本词义 watch 美音:[wɔtʃ ] 英音:[wɔtʃ ] n.注视,注意,手表,看守,守护,监视,值班人 vt.看,注视,照顾,监视,警戒,守护,看守 vi.观看,注视,守侯 adj.手表的,挂表的 词义详解 watch /wɒtʃ; wɑtʃ/ n 1 [C] (a) (in a ship) period of duty (usu four hours) for part of the crew (船上的)部分船 员值班时间(通常为四小时) *the middle watch, ie midnight to 4 am 午夜值勤(午夜至凌晨 4 时) 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 2 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 * the `dog watches, ie 4 pm to 6 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm 二时班(下午 4 时至 6 时和 6 时至 8 时各一班). (b) part (usu half) of a ship's crew on duty during such a period 值班船员(通常为全 体船员的半数). 2 [sing] (a) the watch (formerly) body of men employed to go through the streets, esp at night, in order to protect people and their property (旧时)受雇的街道巡逻队(尤指夜间 的) *the constables of the watch 街道巡逻队队员 * call out the watch 召唤巡逻人员. (b) person or group of people employed to watch sb/sth (受雇的)看守人 *The police put a watch on the suspect's house. 警方派人监视那个可疑人的住宅. 3 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (arch or fml 古或文) period of time when one is awake during the night 夜里醒着的时间 *in the long watches of the night 夜里不眠的漫长时间. 4 (idm 习语) keep `watch (for sb/sth) stay watching (for sb/sth) (为某人[某事物]) 注视或监视 *post a guard to keep `watch while the others sleep 派一个警卫在大家睡觉时放哨. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 3 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth => close1. on `watch on duty, eg as a member of a ship's crew or as a guard 值班(如船员或警卫人员). (be) on (the) `watch (for sb/sth) (be) watching for sb/sth, esp possible danger 注意, 提防(尤指可能发生的危险) *Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient's condition. 要密切注意病人病 情可能突然变化. * The police warned people to be on the watch for intruders. 警方预先通知大家防 备有外人闯入. /wɒtʃ; wɑtʃ/ v 1 (a) [I, Tn, Tw no passive 不用于被动语态, Tng, Tni no passive 不用于被动语态] look at (sb/sth); observe 看(某人[某物]); 观察 *The students watched as the surgeon performed the operation. 学生观看外科医生 做手术. * He watched to see (ie in order to see) what would happen. 他注视着要发生的事情. * Watch me carefully. 仔细看着我. * Watch what I do and how I do it. 注意看我的动作和方法. * She had a feeling that she was being watched, ie spied on. 她觉得有人监视她. * She watched the children crossing/as they crossed the road, ie observed them as they did it (but not necessarily from start to finish). 她看着孩子们横过马路(但不一 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 4 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 定注视全过程). * She watched the children cross the road, ie observed the action from start to finish. 她看着孩子们横过了马路(注视着全过程). (b) [Tn] look at (television, sport, etc) as an entertainment 观看(电视、体育运动等) *Are you going to play or will you just watch? 你是参加比赛还是观看比赛? * Do you watch football on television? 你常看电视的足球比赛节目吗? * The match was watched by over twenty thousand people. 这场比赛有两万多人观 看. 2 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (over) sb/sth guard or protect sb/sth; keep an eye on sb/sth 守卫或保护 某人[某物]; 留心; 注视 *Could you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim? 我游泳时你看着我的衣 物行吗? * He felt that God was watching over him. 他感觉到上帝保佑着他. * We'll have to watch the children in case they get too tired. 我们得照看着孩子, 别 让他们太累了. 3 [Ipr] ~ for sth look or wait attentively for sth 盼望或等待某事物 *They are watching for further developments. 他们等待着进一步的发展. * You'll have to watch for the right moment. 你得等候适当时机. 4 [Tn](infml 口) be careful about (sb/sth), esp in order to keep him/it under control 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 5 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 小心或当心(某人[某事物])(尤指应加以控制) *watch one's language, manners, tongue, etc 注意自己的语言、举止、言语等 * Watch yourself! ie Be careful what you do or say, or you will be punished. 当心你 的言行! * watch every penny, ie be very careful about what one spends 花钱仔细 * Watch what you say about the project, they don't like criticism! 对这个计画说话要 小心, 人家不喜欢听批评意见! 5 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (esp arch 尤作古语) remain awake 不睡 *watch all night at the bedside of a sick child 守在患儿床边彻夜不眠. 6 (idm 习语) mind/watch one's step =>step2. `watch it (infml 口) (esp imperative 尤 用于祈使句) be careful 当心; 小心; 留神. watch the `clock (infml derog 口, 贬) be careful not to work longer than the required time; think more about when one's work will finish than about the work itself 盯着钟表(盼着下班无心工作). watch this `space (infml catchphrase 口 , 警 语 ) wait for further developments to be announced 等待发表进一步的消息. watch the `time remain aware of what time it is (eg to avoid being late for sth) 留意时间(如以免误事). watch the `world go by observe what is happening around one 注视周围发生的事情.7 (phr v) watch `out be on one's guard; keep looking out for possible trouble, etc 戒备, 提防(可能发生麻烦 等) 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 6 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 *Watch out! There's a car coming. 小心! 汽车来了. watch out for sb/sth be alert so that one notices sb/sth; look out for sb/sth 警惕或注意某人[某事物] *The staff were asked to watch out for forged banknotes. 已经要求职员留意伪钞. /wɒtʃ; wɑtʃ/ n small instrument showing the time, worn on the wrist or (esp formerly) carried in a pocket 表; 手表; (尤指旧时的)怀表 *a pocket-watch 怀表 * a wrist-watch 手表 单词例句 实例 1 组: 1. Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watchtowns, where Soldiers used to keep watch. 沿城墙每隔几百米就有一个烽火台, 过去常有士兵驻守. 2. Electronic monitors would watch over the public areas so that there would be little crime. 电子监视器将对公共场所进行监视,因此犯罪活动可能很少。 3. But if a nation is disunited, the government cannot be sure that the actions of the 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 7 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 people will be in the interests of the nation; and it will have to watch, check, and control the people accordingly. 但是,如果一个国家处于分裂状态,政府不能相信人民的行动有利于国家,那 么政府就不得不对人民进行监督、检查和控制。 4. But a watch could never repair itself----it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction. 但是,手表决不会自行修理,它不是由有生命的部件组成,而是由金属组成, 而金属可以随着磨擦而磨损殆尽。 5. Because people enjoy challenges, they like to play sports and watch other people play sports. 因为人们喜欢挑战,他们就喜爱参加体育运动,也喜欢观看他人比赛。 6. With this watch you can tell time in the dark because its hands and dial are luminous. 用这只表你可以在黑暗中看时间,因为它的针和针盘都是会发亮的。 7. When Dickie was given the watch, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag. 店员为迪基拿出了那块手表,迪基把布口袋递给他, 8. While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 8 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 在折价玫瑰花零售店生意兴隆的同时,美国的玫瑰种植商却在残酷的外来竞争 中濒临破产。 9. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. 这位学生藏在一个拱形门廊里,从这儿他能目睹耳闻所发生的一切。 10. The real escapist can watch an free film show and sip champagne on some services. 真正不想享受飞行的人,要某些班机上可以看看免费电影,或者饮用香槟酒。

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