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词汇实例拓展运用学习法 1 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 30 组 基本词义 lamp 美音:[læmp ] 英音:[læmp ] n.灯 vt.照亮 词义详解 lamp /læmp; læmp/ n 1 device for giving light, either by the use of electricity or (esp formerly) by burning gas or oil 电灯; (尤指旧时的)煤气灯, 油灯 *a street, table, bicycle lamp 街灯、台灯、自行车车灯. 2 electrical device producing radiation (for medical, etc purposes) 发出热射线的电 器装置(供医疗等用者) *an infra-red/ultraviolet lamp 红外线[紫外线]灯. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 2 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 单词例句 实例 1 组: 1. There is a fluorescent lamp hanging in the room. 屋里吊着一只荧光灯。 2. The pearls are lustrous under the lamp. 珍珠在灯光下闪光。 3. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 我们头顶上的天花板上吊著一盏灯. 4. She switched on the lamp because it was dark. 她拧亮了灯,因为天黑了。 5. Lamp shades are translucent but not transparent. 灯罩是半透明而不是全部透明的。 6. Lamp shades are translucent but not transparent. 灯罩是半透明而不是全部透明的。 7. I extinguished the lamp before I left the room. 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 3 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 我离开前熄灯。 8. I drove it into a lamp-post. 我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。 实例 2 组: 1. I closed my lamp . 我熄了灯。 2. The rubidium lamps and cells are now obtainable only for replacement . 现在能够得到的铷光源和容器仅作备用。 3. They brought in the operating equipment for assembly under the lamp . 他们运来了准备在灯光下安装的手术器械。 4. The number of indicator lamps in conventional dashboards is increasing . 在常规仪表板上指示灯的数目不断增加。 5. The lamps were already flaring in the dark, and a cool wind was blowing . 路灯已在暮色中发光,吹来了一阵冷风。 6. A hissing gas lamp suspended from the ceiling cast a dull light . 一盏煤气灯嗡嗡地响着从顶棚投射出暗淡的光。 7. It would be necessary to connect a limiting resistor in series with the lamp . 须用一个限流电阻同灯泡串联起来。 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 4 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 8. Halfway up the tower appeared a window with a lamp burning at it . 一扇窗开在塔的半腰里,窗上悠悠忽忽燃着一盏灯。 9. He took the strip of glass indifferently, and raised it toward the lamp . 他漫不经心地拿起那块玻璃条,把它举到灯前。 10. He took the bill out, squinted at it briefly in the light of the quay lamp post . 他抽出帐单,就着码头路灯灯光瞟了一眼。 实例 3 组: 1. The lamps were still alight . 灯仍旧点着。 2. My lamp uses 60 watts ; my toaster uses 600 watts . 我的灯用六十瓦,我的烤面包器用六百瓦。 3. Let me see . i want two lamp holders and ten tea cups . 让我看看。我想要两个台灯架和十个茶杯。 4. We wound off a couple of yards of wire for a new lamp flex . 我们解开几码电线作为新的电灯花线。 5. The lamp is on the table . 灯在桌子上。 6. He switched off the lamp and gave himself up completely to despair . 他拧灭了灯,完全陷入了绝望。 7. The gas lamp blew out . 煤气灯吹灭了。 词汇实例拓展运用学习法 5 2020-2021 学年 牛津译林版七年级英语下册 8. I will mend the lamp -- just do not keep on at me about it ! 我一定修这个灯别再跟我唠叨这件事了! 9. This is a swing lamp . 这是一架挂灯 10. A high-intensity lamp shining through a small hole works well . 一盏高强度的灯通过一个小孔照射很适用。

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