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1 Unit 3 Magic World Lesson 3 It Looks Like a Heart. 一、教材分析 本课是《新路径英语》(三年级起点)六年级下第三单元 Lesson3 It looks like a heart. 的 Let’s learn 部分。本部分在教学有关形状的英语表达,同时将新单词套入到新句型 I like the…one. It looks like a …中练习。 二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是六年级的学生,本课是借班上课,对学生基础不太了解。学生已经学 习了近三年的英语,有一定的学习方法和习惯,本课主要是培养学生有较为浓厚英语学习的 兴趣,提高学生学习英语的积极性,乐于参与形式多样的游戏教学活动。 三、教学目标 l、知识目标: (1)词汇目标:能听懂、会说描述事物形状的单词及词组,如 circle、square、rectangle、 triangle、heart、star、different shapes。 (2)句型目标:I like the …one. It looks like a … 2、能力目标: (1)通过多样的方式和方法,使学生在学习本课后能够用英语去表达形状。 (2)通过多种教学法,让学生能够把单词套入句型,举一反三。 3、情感目标: 让学生学会观察。 四、教学重、难点 1、重点:本课知识目标所设定的单词发音和词义,以及对新句型的运用。 2、难点:单词 square、rectangle、triangle、different shapes 的发音。 五、教具准备 卡片、飞镖,实物,小贴贴等。 六、教学过程 2 Min Teaching Steps T’s activities Ss’ activities Aims for activities Warm up Greetings: T: Hello, everyone.(W/A/B) Ss: Hello, May. 互相问候,增进感情。 1.T: Today I will divide you into 2-3 groups. 2.T: You are group A, and you are group B. You are… Are you clear? 3.T: Ok, let’s see who are the winners today? 1. Ss: OK. 2. Ss: Yes. 3. Ss: OK. 分组进行 PK。 T: Let’s sing ( color ) and do the action. Sing together and follow T 歌曲热身,营造学习氛 围,为学习引入做好铺 垫。 Presentation &Controlle d Practice 1 different shapes circle: Pre: what shape? Pra: Follow T Pro:Throwing dart What shape is it? It looks like a circle . Which one do you like? I like the… 2. square Pre: PPT Pra: Follow T Pro:High and low voice It looks like a square. Which one do you like? I like the big (small)one. A and B (ask and answer) 3.rectangle Pre: book 1. Ss: circle… G1: What What What shape? G2: circle…. It looks like a circle Ss:I like… 2. square It looks like a square. Which one do you like? I like the big (small)one. 3.Ss: rectangle G1:What What 1.教读 shape,circle 游戏:Throwing dart 2.教读 square 游 戏 : High and low voice 操练答句:I like… 3.教读 rectangle 游戏:Dancing 3 Pra: Dancing game Pro: Touch game It looks like a rectangle. ( playing cards) Which one do you like? I like the old(new) one. 4. triangle Pre: a red scarf Pra: Make triangle Pro : It looks like a triangle. ( red scarf) 5.star Pre: PPT Pra/Pro: Read and get It looks like a star . 6. heart Pre: PPT Pra:/Pro:I do, you say It looks like a heart . 7.summarize I point you say Structures: I like the …one It looks like a… Here you are. Thank you! Pre:PPT What shape? G2: rectangle It looks like a rectangle. A: Which one do you like? B: I like the new (old)one. 4.Ss: triangle It looks like a triangle. Which one do you like? I like … 5.Ss: star It looks like a star . 6.Ss: heart It looks like a heart . Touch game (纸牌) 操练问句:Which one do you like ? 4.教读 triangle 游戏:Make triangle (系红领巾) 突破单词 triangle 的读 音 5.教读 star 游戏: Read and get (奖励) 操练 It looks like a star. 6.教读 heart 游戏: I do, you say 检 测 句 型 : It looks like a heart . 7.总结:单词 回归课本 小组合作讨论 句型: work in pains Act out 4 七、板书设计 What shape ? What shape is it ? It’s … It looks like a… Which one do you like ? I like … 八.反思: 1.小组合作的时间要给够。 2.每个步骤的操作指令要明确。 Pra:GA and GB PK Pro:Work in pains. Act out Output & Games T:1.Listen and circle. 2.Do exercise. 1. 练习听力 2. 结合考点 Homework T:1. 1.运用今天学过的内容小组编 对话. 2.收集不同的形状的树叶,并制作 成标本

资料: 3.2万


