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Unit 8 Pets Grammar 设计说明 首先通过游戏导入本课节的第一个语法项目——形容词; 通过图片描 述, 让学生进一步了解形容词的用法。然后讲解形容词和连系动词的用法, 帮助学生理解和掌握。通过向学生展示描述宠物的句子, 引出本课节第二个 语法项目——不定代词。然后通过例句讲解不定代词的用法, 帮助学生理解 和掌握; 通过对应练习, 检查学生对本课节的掌握情况。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学, 让学生达成以下目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)掌握词汇: anywhere, repeat, agree, keep, all the time; (2)掌握形容词作定语和表语的用法; (3)掌握不定代词的用法。 2. 能力目标: (1)能使用形容词来描述人和物; (2)能运用不定代词指代人或物。 3. 情感目标: 让学生感受语言的趣味性, 同时培养他们学习英语的兴趣。 重点难点 1. 重点: (1)能使用形容词来描述人和物; (2)形容词作定语和表语时的位置; (3)不定代词的用法。 2. 难点: (1)形容词作定语和表语时的位置; (2)不定代词的用法。 教学准备 PPT 课件。 授课时数 1 课时 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in Ask the students to play a guessing game.  It’s small. It has four long legs. 教学反思 It has a big mouth. It can jump. It is green. It can live on land and in water.  It’s big. It is brown. It has a big mouth. It has a big nose. It can run fast. It is the king of animals.  It’s tall. It’s thin. It has a long neck. It has two small ears. It has four long legs. It can run very fast. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show some pictures and ask the students to choose one of the animals to describe. e. g. Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits’ ears are long. A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat on the sofa is lazy. 2. The teacher explain: We use adjectives to describe people or things. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb. linking verbs 连系动词 be become feel get grow keep look seem smell sound taste turn 3. Ask the students to describe the animals with adjectives in groups. Step 3 Practice 1. Ask the students to finish A1. Daniel is making some notes about pets. Help him make sentences with the words below. 1 make/ Birds/sounds/ nice 2 are/ clever/ Dogs/ and / friendly 3 and/ quiet/ Goldfish/ look after/ to / are/ easy Answers: 1 Birds make nice sounds. 2 Dogs are clever and friendly. 3 Goldfish are quiet and easy to look after. 2. Ask the students to finish A2. Daniel found two passages about pets on the website. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. black clever happy hungry special tired I have a (1) cat. She likes to run after balls. When she gets (2) , she sleeps anywhere. She miaows when she is (3) . My parrot is a (4) friend of mine. He is very (5) , and he can repeat my words. He says “Hello!” when I come back home. He is (6) all the time. Answers: (1) black (2) tired (3) hungry (4) special (5) clever (6) happy Step 4 Grammar 形容词 定义: 表示人或事物的属性、特征或状态的词叫形容词。 用法: (1)修饰名词, 放在名词前作定语。 It’s a nice gift. 那是一件很好的礼物。 I have a beautiful bag. 我有一个漂亮的包。 (2)放在连系动词后作表语。 He is very friendly. 他很友好。 You look tired today. 你今天看起来很累。 Step 5 Presentation 1. Show some sentences to talk about pets. e. g. I know someone in our class keeps a rabbit as a pet. I know he feeds his rabbit something to eat every day. 2. Explain indefinite pronouns. We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people and things when we do not know or do not need to mention who or what we are talking about. Step 6 Grammar 不定代词 1. 不定代词是由 some-, any-, no-, every-加上-one, -body, -thing 等构成的。不 定 代 词 包 括 someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, nobody, no one, nothing, everyone, everybody, everything 等。 2. 不定代词的用法 (1) 不定代词 someone, somebody, something 常用于肯定句中。 Hi, Lily. There is someone outside the door. 嗨, 莉莉, 门外有人。 There is something wrong with my bike. 我的自行车坏了。 注意: 在疑问句中, 希望得到对方的肯定回答时, 也用someone, somebody, something。 Would you like something to drink? 你想要些喝的东西吗? (2) 不定代词 anyone, anybody, anything 常用于否定句或疑问句中。 Is there anything new in today’s newspapers? 今天的报纸上有新内容吗? Did you meet anyone when you came to school last Sunday? 上个星期天你来学校时见到什么人了吗? (3) nobody, no one, nothing 可指代 not anyone 和 not anything。 There is nothing in the room. =There is not anything in the room. 房间里什么也没有。 (4) everyone, everybody 指代所有人, everything 指代所有事(物) 。 Everyone is here. 大家都在这里了。 Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。 Step 7 Practice 1. Ask students to finish the exercise on page 98. Mr Wu is asking the students about their pets. Complete their conversation with the correct indefinite pronouns. Mr Wu: Millie, I know you have a dog. What do you feed him? Millie: We usually give him dog food. Mr Wu: Do you feed him(1) else? Millie: Yes. Sometimes we give him some meat. He likes it. Mr Wu: I see. Does (2) have a cat? Amy: Yes, I have a cat. She’s nice to (3) . Mr Wu: Good. I know (4) has goldfish, right? Peter: Yes, I do. Goldfish are easy to look after. Mr Wu: That’s true. Does (5) have a snake? Kitty: No. (6) wants a snake, I think. Daniel: I don’t agree. There’s (7) wrong with keeping a snake if you like it. Answers: (1) anything (2) anybody/anyone (3) everyone/everybody (4) somebody/someone (5) anybody/anyone (6) Nobody/No one (7) nothing 2. Ask the students to practice the conversation in groups. And then act it out. Step 8 Homework 1. Review adjectives and indefinite pronouns. 2. Preview the new words in the next lesson. 当堂达标 Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词 1. I saw (有人) in the house. 2. There is (某物) under the bed. 3. I did not see (有人) in the house. 4. There is not (某物) under the bed. 5. Do you feed your goldfish (某物) else? 6. There is (没人) in the living room. 7. I saw (没有东西) in the fridge. Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子 1. 霍波叫埃迪不要对他不礼貌。 Hobo asks Eddie not to to him. 2. 我的狗是我的一位特殊朋友。 My dog is a . 3. 金鱼容易照看。 Goldfish are . 4. 如果你喜欢, 养蛇也没什么不对。 There’s wrong with if you like. Answers:Ⅰ. 1. someone/somebody 2. something 3. anyone/anybody 4. anything 5. anything 6. nobody 7. nothing Ⅱ. 1. be rude 2. special friend of mine 3. easy to look after 4. nothing, keeping a snake 板书设计 Unit 8 Pets Grammar 形容词 定义: 表示人或事物的 属性、特征或状态的词 叫形容词。 用法: (1) 修饰名词, 放在名词 前作定语。 (2) 放在连系动词后作 表语。 linking verbs 连系动词 be become feel get grow keep look seem smell sound taste turn 不定代词 1. 不定代词是由 some-, any-, no-, every-加上 -one, -body, -thing 等构成的。 2. 不定代词的用法 (1) 不定代词 someone, somebody, something 常用于肯定句中。 注意: 在疑问句中, 希望得到对方的肯定回答时, 也用 someone, somebody, something。 (2) 不定代词 anyone, anybody, anything 常用 于否定句或疑问句中。 (3) nobody, no one, nothing 可指代 not anyone 和 not anything。 (4) everyone, everybody 指代所有人, everything 指代所有事(物)。

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