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课时5 Writing 牛津沪教版九年级下 本单元的话题为“探索”,该话题常见的命题 方式为要求学生学会描述探索自然或旅行经历。 牛津沪教版九年级下 素材典藏 explorer, navigator, sailor, travel, die, remember 单 词: 素材典藏 be born, dream of, at/from an early age, have never been to, in my mind, learn from 短 语: 素材典藏 1. Christopher Columbus was a very great explorer and navigator. 2. He dreamed of being a sailor from an early age. 3. In my mind, Christopher Columbus was a very brave man. 句 型: 经典例题 克里斯托弗• 哥伦布是一位伟大的探险家 (explorer) 和航海家(navigator)。他为人类的文明进步做出了不可磨 灭的贡献。请根据以下表中的内容提示,写一篇短文, 向大家介绍一下他。要求:80 词左右,语句通顺,条理清 晰。可适当发挥。 经典例题 Christopher Columbus 出生时间 1452 年9 月22 日 经历 * 从小梦想成为一名海员(sailor); * 年轻的时候就出海了并且出行 广泛(widely); * 在1492 年和1502 年之间完成 了四次航行;去了很多人们没 有去过的地方。 去世时间 1506 年5 月20 日 经典例题 【审题指导】 体裁 记叙文 人称 描述他人以第三人称为主,介绍个 人观点用第一人称 时态 对过去的人和事进行描述以一般过 去时态为主 经典例题 【思路构建】 经典例题 Christopher Columbus was a very great explorer and navigator. He was born on 22 September, 1452. He dreamed of being a sailor from an early age. And he went to sea at a young age and traveled widely. 【范文赏析】 经典例题 Between 1492 and 1502, he completed four great voyages and he went to a lot of places that people had never been to. He died on 20 May, 1506. He did a lot to the world and till today people still remember him. In my mind, Christopher Columbus was a very brave man. I should learn from him. 经典例题 点评:本文先引入话题,点明主题,再按时间顺 序介绍生平事迹,思路清晰,逻辑严谨,最后表达了 自己的看法。在写作的过程中运用了一些高级词汇, 如: dream of, have been to, in one’s mind, learn from 等, 使文章词汇丰富,句式多变。 写作实践 假如你是九年级五班班长David, 你们班下周末要到 西山探险。出发之前,你想向大家交代一下注意事项。 请根据下列提示,写一篇小短文,向大家做一下简要介 绍吧! 词数: 80 以上。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 写作实践 提示: 1. 带好足够的食物和水; 2. 带暖和的衣服和舒服的鞋子; 3. 不要独自行动; 4. 不要随便采摘路上碰到的植物或野果; 5. 收集一些树叶和特别的石头。 写作实践 Hello, everyone! Our class will have an exploration to the West Mountain next weekend. Before we start, I have something important to tell you. _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ____ 写作实践 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Hello, everyone! Our class will have an exploration to the West Mountain next weekend. Before we start, I have something important to tell you. First, please take enough food and water, or we'll be hungry and thirsty on the way. What's more, we'd better take some warm clothes and wear comfortable shoes, because it may be cold at night and we will walk a long way. 写作实践 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Then, we should keep together. Don't go off on your own, or you'll get lost. Don't pick plants or fruits on trees. It's not safe. Finally, don't forget to collect some special leaves and stones. They will help us to know more about the mountain. That's all. Thanks for your listening.

资料: 3.2万


