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高中英语语法--非谓语动词作定语,状语和补语+练习 一、非谓语动词作定语 1.基本形式和功能 基本形式 功能 现在分词一般式 doing 主动和进行的动作 现在分词一般式的被动结构 being done 被动和进行的动作 过去分词 done 被动和完成的动作,或仅指完成的动作 动词不定式 to do 将要发生的动作 动词不定式一般式的被动结构 to be done 将要发生和被动的动作 The problem discussed at the last meeting was of great importance. 上次会议讨论的问题很重要。 The problem being discussed now is of great importance. 现在正在讨论的问题非常重要。 The problem to be discussed at the next meeting is of great importance. 下次会议要讨论的问题很重要。 2.ability,chance,idea,fact,attempt,moment,way,right 等词后常接不定式作后置定 语。 We promise whoever attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.我们向 参加聚会的人保证有机会和这位电影明星合影。 Do you have the ability to read and write in English?你有英文读写能力吗? 二、非谓语动词作状语 1.不定式作状语 (1)不定式作目的状语也可以构成“so as to do”或“in order to do”的结构。但 so as to do 不 可置于句首。不定式作目的状语置于句中时不可用逗号和句子隔开。 Her mother plans to fly to Beijing at least four times a year so as to/in order to visit her. 为了看望她,她母亲计划每年至少乘飞机去北京四次。 In order not to forget,Bob wrote down my number. 为了不忘记,鲍勃写下了我的号码。 (2)不定式作结果状语。常用于以下句型 so...as to; such...as to do;...enough to do;only to do(常 表示意外的结果);too...to...等。 Jane hurried to the station only to find that the train had left. 简匆匆赶到车站,却发现火车已经开走了。 The walls are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day. 现在墙壁冷得足以在炎热的白天给房子降温。 (3)不定式作原因状语。多用在表示喜怒哀乐的形容词后,表示产生某种情绪或状态的原因。 I’m more than happy to hear the news that you’ll come to visit me. 我非常高兴听到你要来看我的消息。 2.分词作状语 (1)分词作状语时,可表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式和伴随状况等。为了强调, 还可以与 when,while,once,if,unless 等连词连用。 Not knowing what to do,I had to wait here. 我不知道该怎么办,只好在这儿等着。 When offered help,one often says “Thank you” or “It’s kind of you”. 当一个人被帮助时,常说“谢谢”或“你真好”。 (2)不定式表结果时往往是意料之外的结果,而分词表结果时往往是顺理成章、自然而然的 结果。 He glanced at her,noticing that though she was tiny,she seemed very well. 他瞥了她一眼,注意到她虽然很小,但看起来很好。 (3)有些分词或不定式短语作状语,构成独立结构,其形式不受上下文的影响。常见的有: generally speaking 一般说来;judging from/by 根据……来判断;considering.../taking...into consideration 考虑到;compared with/to...与……相比;to tell you the truth 说实话;to begin/start with 首先;given 考虑到;provided/providing that 如果 Generally speaking,if taken according to the directions,the drug has no side effect. 一般说来,如果按说明书服用,该药物没有副作用。 Compared with traditional cards,ecards are more interesting and lively. 与传统卡片相比,电子卡片更有趣、更生动。 三、非谓语动词作补语 1.后接不定式作宾补的动词: advise,allow,ask,cause,encourage,expect,forbid,force,invite,order,permit,persuade, promise,require,teach,tell,want,warn,wish The doctor warned him not to eat too much meat. 医生警告他不要吃太多的肉。 So children should be encouraged to learn music or listen to music. 所以应该鼓励孩子们学习音乐或听音乐。 2.非谓语动词作感官动词的宾补 感官动词 see,watch,notice,observe,look at,hear,listen to,feel 的宾补形式有以下三种: (以 hear 为例) hear+宾语+ do sth.听到……做了……主动、完成 doing sth.听到……正在做……主动、进行 done 听到……被做被动、完成或无时间性 I heard Alice sing an English song in the next door just now. 刚才我听见爱丽丝在隔壁唱了一首英文歌。 I heard Alice singing an English song when I passed by her room yesterday. 昨天我经过爱丽丝的房间时,听到她在唱一首英文歌。 I heard an English song being sung by Alice when I passed by her room yesterday.昨天我经过爱 丽丝的房间时,听到她在唱一首英文歌。 To be honest,I would like to see the plan carried out. 老实说,我希望这项计划得以实施。 3.非谓语动词作使役动词的宾补 使役动词 make,have,let,get,keep,find,leave 等后接非谓语动词作宾补。 (1)make+宾语+do 让……做/done 让……被做 (2)keep+宾语+doing 使……一直做/done 使……被做 (3)have+宾语+do 让……做某事/doing 让……一直/done 使……被做 (4)find+宾语+doing 发现……正在做/done 发现……被做/to be 发现……是…… He was so greedy that he made his workers work 12 hours a day for him. 他是如此贪婪,让工人一天为他工作 12 小时。 Tom had his leg broken while playing football. 汤姆踢足球时腿骨折了。 They found the answer the boy offered to be quite satisfying. 他们发现男孩提供的答案相当令人满意。 4.with 复合结构 with+sb.+doing(主动、进行)/done(被动、完成)/to do(将来) John received an invitation to dinner and with his work finished,he gladly accepted it. 约翰收到了吃饭的邀请,因为工作做完了,他欣然接受了。 With a lot of difficult problems to settle,the newly elected president is having a hard time. 由于有许多难题要解决,新当选的总统日子不好过。 With the little boy leading the way,we had no difficulty finding the village. 在小男孩的带领下,我们毫不费力地找到了那个村庄。 四.练习 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.I couldn’t do my homework with the noise ______(go)on. 2.They use computers to keep the traffic _______(run) smoothly. 3.The cars________ (sell) at the market now are made in Guangzhou. 4._______(li ve) in Beijing for years,I almost know every place quite well. 5.Jim has retired,but he still remembers the happy time ______(spend) with his students. 6.He spoke slowly and clearly so that he could make himself ________(understand). 7.The stadium ______(build) at present in our city is intended for the coming Asian Games. 8.To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English ______(speak) as much as possible. 9.With the couple ______(work) in a nearby town,the house seems pretty empty most of the time. 10.In 2011,a film,Soul Surfer,________(base) on her experiences,was released and made a hit immediately. 1.going 2.running 3.being sold 4. Having lived 5. spent 6. understood 7. being built 8.spoken 9.working 10. based Ⅱ.完成句子 11.如果你想让自己被尊重,你必须首先尊重自己。 12.再给 10 天时间,我们一定能把这台机器修好。 13.一旦失去,这样的机会可能永远不会再来了。 14.由于非常激动,那晚他没睡着。 15.从他的话判断,他对我的工作不满意。 11.If you want to make yourself respected,you are above all to respect yourself. 12.Given another 10 days,we are sure to complete repairing the machine. 13.Once lost,such a chance might never come again. 14.Being so excited,he couldn’t go to sleep that night. 15.Judging from what he said,he wasn’t satisfied with my work. Ⅲ.句型转换 1.After she had finished her homework,the little girl began to watch TV. →Having finished her homework,the little girl began to watch TV. 2.When you are crossing the road,please be careful. →When crossing the road,please be careful. 3.Most of the people who had been questioned were students. →Most of the people questioned were students. 4.The books which were bought yesterday are of high quality. →The books bought yesterday are of high quality. 5.The teacher came into the room,and was followed by two students. →The teacher came into the room,followed by two students. Ⅳ.单句写作 6.我停下车休息了一会儿,因为我觉得累了。 7.全面考虑的话,他的计划要比你的好。 8.从空中看,长城看起来像一条巨龙。 9.我匆忙赶到学校,结果发现是星期天。 10.那孩子滑倒了,头撞在了门上。 I stopped the car to take a short break as I was feeling tired. With everything considered,his plan is better than yours. Seen from the air,the Great Wall looks like a giant dragon. I hurried to school,only to find it was Sunday. The child slipped and fell,hitting his head against the door. Ⅴ.语法填空 1 . _______(know) as an inspector, Mike insisted that he 2._________(make) a weekly examination on the production procedure of the factory carefully.Every morning he got up , washed,shaved and then he went out to work.There was glare outside so he bent 3.______ and found some feathers of goose on the ground.In the distance,he heard the rhyme 4.________(sing) from the church. He sighed and continued his way to his company.There he saw some cleaners 5._________(sweep) the ground thoroughly and other employees were busy unloading some piles of wheat from the wagon.He was 6. _______ (puzzle) ; therefore , he questioned them 7._______(gentle) what they were doing.The workers answered with tremble that they did nothing wrong.However,Mike was alert to that and he found 8._______(dozen) of faults in 9._____ they said.He thought it was his duty 10.________(protect) the reputation of the company and avoid any mistakes that would happen. 1.Known 2.should make 3. down 4. being sung 5. sweeping 6. puzzled 7. gently 8.dozens 9.10.what to protect

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