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辽师大版快乐英语(三年级起点)三年级下册 Unit 7 What color is your car? 第二课时 教学设计 教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)能认读单词 noodles,并了解字母 Mm, Nn 的简单发音规律。 (2)会正确书写字母 Mm, Nn 的大小写形式和单词 banana. 2、能力目标 能运用所学的知识,在图片的帮助下读懂本单元的英语小故事,并给出合理 的补充。培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美、欣赏美 的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 3、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在 活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。在课堂中注意倾听,积极思考,主动参 与交流。 教学重点 正确书写字母 Mm, Nn 的大小写形式。 教学难点 (1) M 的书写格式和 N 的写法。M 占上两格,第三笔要写到第三线而不 是第二线再向上折。N 三笔写成,每一笔都是从上向下写。 (2) 字母 Mn,Nn 在 monkey, noodles 中的发音。 学情分析 三年级的学生学习英语时间不长,字母书写及发音规律是以后学习英语的基 础,必须抓牢抓实,所以本节课我特别注重学生这方面的练习和培养。另外,在 单词 banana 的教学上主要是通过上节课的句型 What color is your…?的练习加上 孩子们对颜色的新鲜感,达到学以致用的效果。动物永远是孩子们的最爱,本单 元故事讲述的是变色龙的生活习性,孩子们不懂这方面的科普知识,所以本课的 情景设计我充分考虑这一点,尽量创设适宜的语言情境,使学生在学习过程中乐 于感知,并积极尝试使用英语。 课前准备 1、课件。 2、字母卡片,单词卡片,猴子、面条图片,香蕉形状的透明的塑料薄板及 Read and say 中出现的动物头饰。 3、准备一些彩色小铅笔,复习句型同时作为奖品,激发学生兴趣。 一、Greeting Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao! T: Good morning ,everyone! Sit down ,Please! Nice to see you again! Today we will divide you into two groups: Group A and Group B. We will have a match between your two groups. You are all very clever, so I hope all of you are the winners. Come on, boys and girls! Are you ready? Ss:Ready! T:Today we will go on learning Unit 7.Now which group can act the dialogue we have learned last class.(Ss 表演上节课句型) 二、Presentation 1. Mm 的呈现与操练 Review the A-L , spell a capital letter“M”with the letter cards A-L. T: Now look this,what is it? It’s the capital letter M. (T 领读,Ss 跟读) T:Look ,What’s this in the picture? (PPT shows a monkey) Ss: A monkey. T: Yes. You’re so clever. It’s a lovely monkey. Let’s look at the first letter of the word monkey. It’s the small letter m. Now, follow me. m,m,m,/m/,/m/,/m/,let’s add the action. Read the words with the letter m: name, am ,my. T:How to write the letter Mm, Now look at me .(T 边示范书写边教学易错处,Ss 观 察) Now take out your exercise book and write down the letter Mm. Ss:(Ss 写,T 指导) 2. Nn 的呈现与操练: T: Now, look at this.(拿掉由字母卡拼成的 M 的一竖,呈现出大写的 N)What is it? Ss:It’s the capital letter N. T: Yes, it’s the capital letter N. And this is the small letter n.(PPT 出示 small letter n) Follow me. n,n,n,/n/,/n/,/n/ T:Now,this time,let’s add the action. T: How to write the word correctly? Now look at me.(T 板书,Ss watch.) Now let’s write the word with our hands.(Ss 用手和 T 一起书空 Nn ) Then, take out your exercise book ,write your capital letter N and the small letter n carefully. 3.noodles 的呈现与操练 T:What is the monkey eating?(PPT 出示猴子吃面条的图片) Ss: 面条。 T: Yes,The pronunciation of English of the word is “noodles”, follow me. (多种形式操练 noodles) 3. banana 的呈现与操练: T: OK! Look! What’s in the monkey’s hand? Can you see? Ss: Yes. A banana. T:Now let’s clap your hands and chant :ba-ban-bana-banan-banana. Let’s write the word on your exercise book. Look, follow me.(T 示范并指导学生书 写) T:Now let’s review the letters and the words we learned this class.(通过“challenge the eyes ”and“guess”两个环节操练字母和单词 ) T: What color is the banana?(PPT 出示) Ss: It’s yellow. T:Now, I have a banana, but it doesn’t have color. I can change its color. Look carefully!(T 演示香蕉变色的过程)Very good. Now, What color is the banana?(给孩 子们发不同颜色的彩色纸,放上透明的塑料香蕉练习句型 what color is your…? 及回答) T: What color is your banana? Ss: It’s...(ask one by one) T: OK. Can you ask your partner?OK. Now, please ask and answer with your partner, I’ll give you 2 minutes to prepare. One, two, go! S1: What color is your banana? S2: It’s...(生生练习) T: Do you know the kind of animal? It’s a lizard. It can change his body’s color with the environment .Now open your book and turn to Page 41and look at the Part 6“read and say ”,read this by yourself . T:Let’s listen to the dialogue.(播放录音) T:What color is the Lizard’s body? Can you tell me? Ss: It’s... T:Oh,it changes all the time. How does it change? Now let’s following the tape and read the dialogue.(跟读课文) T:OK!I’ll give you two minutes to read the dialogue freely. One, two, go! (自读课文) T: OK! Time is up. Let’s read the dialogue together.(齐读课文) T: I think we can read the dialogue freely. Can you fill in the blanks?(填空) T: OK. Now, who wants to be lizard? And Funny, lion and bird?(分角色读) 四、Consolidation T: So much! All of you have done a good job! Boys and girls, cheers for yourselves. S o wonderful! Now, look here.(总结比赛情况) 五、Homework T:First ,write the letters and the word we have learned five times for each.Second, please read the Part 6 to others. Today, you have done a very good job. Thanks very much. Goodbye, boys and girls! 板书设计 What color is your car? Mm Nn banana /m/ /n/ M---N

资料: 3.2万


