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课题 Unit5 What color is it? 课型 新授 课时 第一课时 教学 目标 Aims on the knowledge:To listen and say the sentences “What color is it? It’s… May I have a look ?Sure.” and use the sentences in real situations; To learn the new words “red , green , yellow , blue ”; To understand and act the dialogue “Listen and say” . Aims on the ability:To train the ability of thinking. To train the ability of working in groups Aims on the emotion:To encourage the Ss to cooperate with others. 教学 重点 To ask and answer about colors. Read the new words: red yellow green blue 教学 难点 To listen and say the sentences and use the sentences in real situations. 知识 链接 What color is it? It’s … 教学 方法 ‘Task-based’ teaching method 教学 环节 教学活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Warming up 1. Greetings . 2. Enjoy a song 3.Show the picture and ask “What do you see?” Ss answer to review the words about animals. Greetings. Enjoy the song together. Review the words. 复习旧知,一 首 好 听 的 歌 曲,既创设轻 松 的 课 堂 氛 围,又为本节 课的新知做铺 垫。Step2 Presentation and drills 1. T: Today we’ll learn Unit5. Look!I have a magic pencil. 2. Show the blue pencil to teach new word “blue”. 3. Practice the new word and present “What color is it? It’s …” Read the title. Learn the new word “blue”. Practice new word and sentence patterns. 观察魔术笔颜 色,出示问题 引导生回答, 学习新词,潜 移 默 化 的 了 解、运用新句 4. The same way to teach other colors “yellow, red, green”. 5.Show a pencil and make a short dialogue, then encourage Ss to say . S1: I have a … T: What color is it ? S1: It’s… T:May I have a look? S:Sure! 6.play a game 7.Chant together. 8. Show the picture about the dialogue and give the question “ What color is Billy’s Robot?”. 9.Listen to the dialogue and repeat. 10..Read and act. Learn the sente Learn other new Work in groups. play a game Chant together. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Listen and repeat, read and act. . 型,学生易于 理解掌握。词 不离句,练习 巩固重难点, 不枯燥。 师生对话引出 新句型。 小游戏复习新 单词。韵律感 很 强 的 小 chant, 在 激 发 兴趣的同时分 层次的巩固新 词、新句型。 听对话回答问 题,加强学生 听音能力,初 步了解对话内 容。 学 生 再 听 录 音,进一步感 知模仿对话内 容。 Step3 Consolidation and Practice 1. Make a new dialogue 2. Game time a. Lucky ball! b. Have a match! Make a new dialogue in groups. Play the game . 小 组 拓 展 练 习,新旧知识 结合,为学生 提供展示自己 的机会。 有趣的游戏, 激发学生学习 的积极性,让 学生轻松愉快 的巩固运用新 知识。 Step4 Summary 1. Sum up what we have learnt in this class. 2.sing a song 3.Emotional education. ( The life is colorful.Treasure our life!) 4. Homework. Say what we have learnt. sing a song Homework. 总结新知识, 同时了解学生 掌握情况。 生 活 是 多 彩 的。 珍惜我们的生 活。 板 书 设 计 Unit5 What color is it? What color is it? It’s blue yellow red. green 反 思 升 华

资料: 3.2万


