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1 Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 教案 Welcome to the unit &Reading (I) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. understand the structure and content of the news report; 2. read the news report critically and rewrite the title; 3. express their opinions on how to deal with weight problems properly. II. Key competence focus 1. Analyse the features of a news report. 2. Read the news report critically. III. Predicted area of difficulty Rewrite the title of the news report. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Brainstorming T asks Ss to express their opinions on weight problems. •Do you think senior high school students should pay much attention to their weight? Why or why not? •What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight? 【设计意图:让学生自由表达对减肥的看法,为下文的新闻报道做铺垫。】 Step 2 Predicting T asks Ss to predict what the news report will talk about according to the title and the pictures. 【设计意图:从文本的主题语境入手,让学生根据标题和图片推测文本内容,从而深度解读 课文标题,培养学生预测性思维能力。】 Step 3 Analysing the structure 1. T asks Ss to analyse the genre of the text. 2. T asks Ss to analyse the structure of the text. 3. T introduces the reading strategy of a news report. T: A news report usually starts with a lead. It gives the most important information about an event. Then the following paragraphs give more detailed information about the event. Some news reports go on to provide background or supporting information. 4. T guides Ss to divide the news report into several parts and summarize the main idea of each point. 5. T introduces inverted-pyramid structure to Ss. T: In news stories, the inverted pyramid refers to the structure where the most important information is presented first. The who, what, when, where and why appear at the start of a story, followed by supporting details and background information. The lead is an introductory paragraph and provides essential information for your communication 2 to be successful (key messages such as who, what, when, where, why and how). The body contains details that help readers to understand the news story better. The tail focuses on the least important information that is interesting or nice for readers to have. 6. T guides Ss to think why a news story follows the structure of an inverted pyramid. T: This structure helps readers get the key information quickly. Even those who have the time or intention to read only a single paragraph, or even single sentence will still know what the story is about. The inverted pyramid also helps editors when they need to cut a piece at a certain length to fit a publication: if the paragraphs get less and less important as you advance in the article, the article can easily be trimmed at practically any point. 【设计意图:通过指导学生分析体裁,帮助学生阅读文本。同时让学生关注新闻报道的特点: 导语,通过阅读策略的介绍,让学生意识到导语在新闻报道里的重要性。引导学生对新闻报 道分段也是为学生更深入地理解文章和后面讲解倒金字塔结构做铺垫。】 Step 4 Close reading 1. T asks Ss to focus on part.1(para. 1) and answer the following question. What is the function of the first paragraph? To introduce some key information. 2. T asks Ss to focus on part 2 (paras. 2-4). (1) T guides Ss to find out the details of the story. •Jennifer has struggled with eating problems for a long time. She has not eaten breakfast for the last few months and had trouble concentrating in class. •Jennifer missed breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. •Jennifer said she was feeling unwell. •Jennifer passed out and was rushed to hospital. •Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. •Jennifer is out of danger and will recover in one or two days. T: We can see that from part 2, we know more details about the story: what happened to Jennifer before she fainted, how she is now, etc. (2) T asks Ss the following questions. • What is the relationship between the first and the second paragraph?(The second paragraph further illustrates the lead..) •Why was Jennifer rushed to hospital? (Because she fainted in her morning PE lesson.) •Can you paraphrase “They say that she has struggled with eating problems for a long time.”? (She has been trying for a long time to lose weight through skipping meals.) •What did Laura do when she found out Jennifer was skipping meals? (She warned Jennifer that it was unhealthy.) 3. T asks Ss to focus on part 3 (para. 5-7) and answer the following questions. • What are some of the dangerous methods teenagers use to lose weight? (Skipping meals, over-exercising and taking weight-loss medicine.) •What numbers are given in para. 5? What’s the purpose of giving these numbers? (Almost one fifth of teenagers regularly skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Giving these numbers can help support the topic sentence of the paragraph.) •What lifestyle tips did the expert give? (Having a healthy balanced diet, keeping regular hours and getting plenty of exercise.) 【设计意图:通过第一部分分析导语,第二部分对导语进行更多的解说,第三部分提供其他 3 相关信息。通过分析,让学生对新闻报道的题材特点有了更多的了解。设计的相关问题为了 让学生对文章有更深刻的理解。】 Step 5 Critical reading 1. T guides Ss to think of an alternative title for the news report. T: Do you think the title is attractive enough? Do you have a better version? 2. T asks Ss to analyse the problem on their own. T: Why do some teenagers care so much about their weight? What are the possible causes? 3. T asks Ss to act in the role of Jennifer’s friend. T: If you were Jennifer’s classmate, how would you persuade her not to skip meals? Step 6 Thinking and sharing T: If you were an expert on health and were invited to give a lecture on losing weight, what would you present to your audience? Prepare with your group members to deliver a speech. 【设计意图:通过对相关问题的进一步讨论,引导学生从微观走向宏观,使学生对语篇意 义有深刻的了解。此部分的教学主要围绕学习理解和应用实践展开,培养学生的批判性思维 和逻辑思维。】 V. Homework Continue the news report within 150 words. When Jennifer came back to her class, all the classmates were very glad to see her back.________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Jennifer’s mom was delighted that Jennifer could recover so quickly._______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

资料: 3.2万


