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1 Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 教案 Extended reading I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. master the main idea and the structure of the text; 2. analyse the reasons of teenagers’ negative thoughts on their physical appearance and find out some solutions; 3. develop a deep understanding of true beauty; 4. learn how to voice and write about their opinions on a saying about one’s physical appearance. II. Key competence focus 1. Analyse the reasons of teenagers’ negative thoughts on their physical appearance and find out some solutions. 2. Develop a deep understanding of true beauty. III. Predicted area of difficulty Write about opinions on a saying about one’s physical appearance. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk T: Do you think physical appearance is important? Why? 2. Survey T: Have you been troubled with your physical appearance? T: Worrying about appearance is a common problem among teenagers. Today, we are going to analyse what causes your worries and how to deal with them. 【设计意图:通过探讨外貌是否重要,引发学生对本堂课主题的兴趣,同时让学生对自我的 价值观有个初步了解,为之后形成正确的对美的认识作铺垫。通过一个简单的全班调查,让 学生感受到为外貌困扰在青少年中是个很普遍的问题,课堂目标之一就是分析这个问题的原 因,找到解决方法。】 Step 2 Detailed reading 1. Title and predict the main idea of this passage Don’t judge a book by its cover → Don’t judge a _____ by his/her ______ 2. Structure of the passage Skim the passage and find out the structure. Introduction (Para.1) Body (Paras. 2–6) Where do the negative thoughts come from? (Paras. 3–4) How can we deal with them? (Paras. 5–6) Conclusion (Para. 7) 3. Deep understanding (1) Where do the negative thoughts come from? 2 • From ____________________ • From ____________________ Question 1: Nowadays, some people are pursuing the beauty of V-shaped face, but do you think it is beautiful? Tip 1: Standards of beauty in the media are not reliable. Question 2: These standards are simply _________ for most of the population to live up to. Why impossible? Tip 2: Plastic surgery or excessive weight loss will damage our health. Measuring our size against stars’ figures will make us feel worse. Question 3: Why does the author say social media makes this worse? You may feel more peer pressure from your friends. Your friends may post a never-ending series of photos online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, and it becomes easier for you to compare yourself to them. Sometimes they beautify their photos by using some apps. Tip 3: This is not true beauty. Question 4: A girl who has just graduated from university decided to teach in a primary school in the countryside. Do you think she is beautiful? Why? Tip 4: One is beautiful because of what he or she has done, not how he or she looks. 【设计意图:针对书本对于青少年对外表的消极情绪的来源的描述,设计了 4 个问题,帮助 学生形成两个观念:一、网络上对美的标准的定义不准确。二、美并不来自外表。】 (2) How to deal with the negative thoughts? “Dark thoughts about your physical appearance can hang over your all the time like a rain cloud.” (Para.1) What does this sentence mean? The dark thoughts about your physical appearance can make you feel very bad all the time. It’s urgent that we do something to the “rain cloud”. Then how? • _________________________________ • Remind yourself that you are unique. ☆ _______________________________ ☆ _______________________________ • _________________________________ Question 1 : How can we make ourselves look good and feel good? • Have you seen the film Edward Scissorhands? Edward is a robot with scissorhands. He does not have attractive looking, but he is kind and ready to help others. The doctors are beautiful because they’re committed to fighting with the virus for the benefit of people. Tip 1: Helping others makes us look good and feel good. • Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin. Focusing on your strengths also helps you build your confidence. (Para. 5) Tip 2: Confidence makes you look good and feel good. Question 2: Have you tried such ways recommended as reading a book or taking part in a social activity? Do you think they will be useful? Why? Tip 3: Reading a book will not only shift your attention from negative thoughts about your appearance, but also give you a chance to enlarge your knowledge, and you will become more knowledgeable, more confident and thus more attractive. So will a social activity. 3 【设计意图:通过对第 4—第 6 这三段的分析,学生能迅速从文中掌握克服对外表不良情绪 的方法。第 4、第 5 两段的分析让学生逐渐清晰美的标准是什么,帮助学生学会应对对外表 的消极情绪。第 6 段的分析让学生实践文中提到的方法,并深入理解其实美在于内在,只要 内在变得强大,外表就变得越美。】 Step 3 Critical thinking 1. Thinking of their reasons and solutions T: Can you think of other reasons and other ways of dealing with negative feelings? Negative thoughts from the media and friends are external reasons. Can you think of some internal reasons? What are some possible solutions? A possible answer: The causes of teenagers’ negative thoughts on their physical appearance are not always external. Some teenagers are not confident enough and always believe they do not look good enough. To get rid of thoughts like this, they must have more confidence in themselves. For instance, they can write down things that make them feel good about themselves. Stopping comparing themselves with others may help too. It is also a good idea to use positive statements and spend more time with supportive people. 【设计意图:让学生多角度分析问题,解决问题。】 2. Considering the conclusion T: What do you think of the conclusion? “Like a book, your contents are much more important than your cover.” → True beauty lies in ______________ T: The conclusion is inspiring, and it echoes the title and first paragraph. 【设计意图:总结文章的要点。同时让学生欣赏并学习首尾呼应的写作手法。】 3. Commenting on some Chinese sayings T: What are some Chinese sayings about one’s physical appearance? Choose one that you agree with and explain why. You can follow this pattern: The one that I agree with most is _______________. It is used to describe _______________. The reason I agree with it is that ________________. A possible answer: I know of a few Chinese sayings about one’s appearance, for example, “人靠衣装马靠鞍” and “人不可貌相,海水不可斗量”. The one that I agree with most is “人不可貌相,海水不可斗量”. If we judge by appearances, we may make mistakes. After all, appearance is only superficial and one’s inner self is what matters more. T: Please remember: 1. Caring too much about what other people think of how you look doesn’t make them like you more. 2. You realize that being trendy only proves you’re great at being a follower. Having personal style proves you’re an individual. 3. Being yourself feels so much better than looking “Perfect”. I hope all of you won’t care too much about your physical appearance and pay more attention to your inner beauty. 【设计意图:比较中西方文化的异同,让学生通过学习,思考中文谚语中对于外表的描述, 并进一步理解美的真谛。】 V. Homework Find out more Chinese sayings about one's physical appearance and make a comment.

资料: 3.2万


