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2021 届苏州八校联考英语读后续写:母亲节的礼物 题目: 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A boy on in-line skates zoomed around the corner and crashed into me before I jumped out of the way. We fell into a sprawling(摊开四肢躺着) heap as the box I’d been carrying flew from my hands and landed in the street with a sickening beat. A moment later, a car whizzed past, sending the box spinning in circles. The skater got up, mumbled sorry, and sped off around the corner. “Are you OK, Emily?” Aiden asked. “I think so.” My arm had slapped the sidewalk hard. I stood and slowly moved it in circles. “Oh no! Look at Mom’s present!” Aiden’s face was red. I picked up the crushed box and opened it. The drinking glasses inside were broken. I closed the box and left it in a garbage can on the sidewalk, then started hurrying toward home. Aiden had to run at full speed to keep up with me. When we got to the apartment, we threw ourselves down on chairs in the kitchen. “It isn’t fair! Why did that happen?” Aiden said. “I didn’t even see that guy! He came out of nowhere,” I said angrily. Aiden’s lower lip trembled. “Mom would’ve loved these glasses.” We’d saved our money for weeks to buy glasses with pink flowers on them for Mother’s Day. We have other glasses, but not a full set that matches. I wished I could hang something against the wall and scream, but I knew I couldn’t. I’m the older one. I had to hold it together. “I wanted to make her happy,” Aiden said. I thought about how Mom had been before the divorce. She used to joke around and laugh a lot. Now she had a deep worry line between her eyes and hardly ever smiled. “We’ll think of something else to give her for Mother’s Day,” I said, trying to cheer up Aiden. “Like what?” he asked. “We don’t have any money left.” 1.续写词数应为 150 左右。 2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 I swallowed hard and said, “Maybe we can make a present for Mom.” When Aiden saw tears rolling down Mon’s cheeks, 下水文: I swallowed hard and said, “Maybe we can make a present for Mom.” Aiden’s eyes sparkled with confusion, as if to ask how. A sudden glance at the broken glasses brought me a good idea — why not make a paper glass and decorate it with pictures? I poured out my plan to Aiden and he jumped to his feet with excitement. The next three days witnessed our effort to design, make and color the paper glass. Eventually, a special work of art was born! On Mother’ s Day, we carefully took it out and couldn't wait to give mom a surprise, only to find her eyes red and wet. (94words) When Aiden saw tears rolling down Mom’s cheeks, he blurted out, “Mom, you are crying! Are you sad with it? ” His voice was worried and upset. But mom stroked the paper glass lovingly as if it was the most precious jewel. Pulling us into her arms, she laughed brightly, “ No. Never have I had a more beautiful gift than this. I am just too moved. ” Hearing the familiar laughter, how happy I was to see mom’s gloomy days gone! How I wished Mom could laugh as often as before! (80words) 学生范文: I swallowed hard and said, “ Maybe we can make a present for Mom. ” “ Yeah. A gift hand-made is more valuable than a gift bought.” He nodded as if a good idea had struck him, “Why not make cards?” The following few hours witnessed us cutting the paper into different shapes, coloring various pictures and writing our feelings and wishes. After wrapping the card into a delicate box, both of us rounded our eyes in anticipation. All the sad memories of glasses being ruined were swept away. On Mother’s day, we handed the gift to Mom, while she opened the box and saw the card. When Aiden saw tears rolling down Mom’s cheeks, so moved was the boy that he hugged mom immediately and so did I. “Just as you put,” Mom pointed to the card, “Every cloud has its silver lining. I will make a difference.” Just then, a surge of warmth welled up in my heart. How I wished we could go through the gloomy days and be happy forever! So small a card could bring huge happiness to my mother. I believe it was the magic of love.

资料: 1.9万


