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2021 年呼和浩特市高三年级第一次质量普查调研考试 英语 注意事项: 1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、座位号涂写在答题卡上。 2. 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动用橡皮擦干净 后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 3. 考试时间:100 分钟试卷满分:120 分。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.分, 满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该 选项涂黑。 A Welcome to the North Pole Adventure The North Pole Adventure is a one-of-a-kind interactive Christmas attraction for the entire family. Unlike other Christmas attractions, it is open from November 26 until Christmas Eve. It is not a guided tour. While elves (小精灵) are throughout the adventure to interact with your children, your kids can spend as much time in each area as they wish. The adventure features a replica (复制品) of the North Pole including everything you imagine at Santa’s North Pole. Santa’s House Kids will experience what it’s like at the North Pole and see first-hand what it takes for Santa and his elves to get ready for Christmas each year. The memories your children will take away from Santa’s House will be ones they will remember for a life time. Post Office All kids will be assisted by Santa’s elves in writing a letter to Santa and then depositing it in Santa’s magical mailbox. A few days before Christmas, they will receive letters at their own homes from Santa. Elf University Elf University is the place where elves go to school. It’s also the place where kids enjoy making Christmas presents, coloring Christmas pictures, and even filling out applications to become elves one day. Admission Buy your tickets online to avoid waiting in line. If the tickets sell out when you buy them online, there will still be tickets available at the ticket office. 1. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. The North Pole Adventure provides visitors with tour guide service. B. The North Pole Adventure arranges elves to entertain kids in some areas. C. The North Pole Adventure is modeled on other Christmas attractions. D. The North Pole Adventure is open to visitors for nearly one month. 2. What can we learn about the North Pole Adventure? A. Kids can have fun in Santa’s House by dressing up like Santa. B. Elf University offers kids opportunities for becoming elves. C. Kids who visited Post Office would receive letters on Christmas Eve. D. Tickets to the adventure can be bought online if they sell out at the ticket office. 3. Where can you probably see the text? A. A tourist booklet. B. A science fiction. C. A newspaper. D. A story book. 【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇应用文。本文主要介绍了 The North Pole Adventure 这个圣诞景点以及它的特色内容。 【1 题详解】 细 节理 解 题。 根 据第 一 段关 键 句“Unlike other Christmas attractions, it is open from November 26 until Christmas Eve.”(与其他圣诞景点不同,它从 11 月 26 日一直开放到平安夜。)可知,The North Pole Adventure 的开放时间是从 11 月 26 日一直到平安夜,平安夜是 12 月 24 日,由此可知,The North Pole Adventure 对游 客开放近一个月。故选 D 项。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Elf University 部分内容“Elf University is the place where elves go to school. It’s also the place where kids enjoy making Christmas presents, coloring Christmas pictures, and even filling out applications to become elves one day.”(精灵大学是精灵上学的地方。这里也是孩子们享受制作圣诞礼物,给圣诞图片着 色,甚至填写申请表,在某一天成为精灵的地方。)可知,在精灵大学,孩子们可以填写申请表,在某一天 成为精灵,由此可知,精灵大学为孩子们提供成为精灵的机会。故选 B 项。 【3 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章内容及第一段关键句“The North Pole Adventure is a one-of-a-kind interactive Christmas attraction for the entire family.”(The North Pole Adventure 是全家人独一无二的互动圣诞景点。)可知,本文 主要介绍了 The North Pole Adventure 这个圣诞景点以及它的特色内容,这是一篇与旅行相关的文章,A tourist booklet 意为“旅游手册”,符合文章出处,由此可知,你可能在旅游手册上看到这篇文章。故选 A 项。 B My day began on a definitely sour note when I saw my six-year-old wrestling with a limb of my azalea(杜鹃 花)bush. By the time I got outside, he'd broken it. "Can I take this to school today?" he asked. With a wave of my hand, I sent him off. I turned my back so he wouldn't see the tears gathering in my eyes. The washing machine had leaked on my brand-new linoleum. If only my husband had just taken the time to fix it the night before when I asked him instead of playing checkers with Jonathan. It was days like this that made me want to quit. I just wanted to drive up to the mountains, hide in a cave, and never come out. Somehow I spent most of the day washing and drying clothes and thinking how love had disappeared from my life. As I finished hanging up the last of my husband's shirts, I looked at the clock. 2: 30. I was late. Jonathan's class let out at 2: 15 and I hurriedly drove to the school. I was out of breath by the time I knocked on the teacher's door and peered through the glass. She rustled through the door and took me aside. "I want to talk to you about Jonathan, " she said. I prepared myself for the worst. Nothing would have surprised me. "Did you know Jonathan brought flowers to school today?" she asked. I nodded, thinking about my favorite bush and trying to hide the hurt in my eyes. "Let me tell you about yesterday, " the teacher insisted. "See that little girl?" I watched the bright﹣eyed child laugh and point to a colorful picture taped to the wall. I nodded. "Well, yesterday she was almost hysterical. Her mother and father are going through a nasty divorce. She told me she didn't want to live, she wished she could die. I watched that little girl bury her face in her hands and say loud enough for the class to hear, 'Nobody loves me. ' I did all I could to comfort her, but it only seemed to make matters worse. " "I thought you wanted to talk to me about Jonathan, " I said. "I do, " she said, touching the sleeve of my blouse. "Today your son walked straight over to that child. I watched him hand her some pretty pink flowers and whisper, 'I love you. '" I felt my heart swell with pride for what my son had done. I smiled at the teacher. "Thank you, " I said, reaching for Jonathan's hand, "you've made my day. " Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my azalea bush. As my mind wandered back to the love Jonathan showed the little girl, a biblical verse came to me:"…these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. " While my son had put love into practice, I had only felt anger. I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive. I snapped a small limb bristling with hot pink azaleas off the bush. I felt the seed of love that God planted in my family beginning to bloom once again in me. My husband's eyes widened in surprise as I handed him the flowers. "I love you, " I said. 4. Why did the woman cry when seeing her son had broken the azalea bush? A. Because she could not tolerate the harm to it. B. Because it made her bad mood even worse. C. Because her son did not ask her for permission. D. Because she wanted to hand it to her husband. 5. The writer wanted to hide in the mountain cave probably for the reason of_________. A. feeling fed up with her endless daily housework B. her husband's failing to fix the machine in time C. boring daily routine with a feeling of lack of love D. her hoping to seek happiness in a brand-new place 6. We can infer from the passage that the writer expressed love to her husband in that_________. A. she was inspired by her son that love was supposed to be felt and practiced B. she felt guilty that she misunderstood her husband and wanted to apologize C. she felt it necessary to have a complete family for the happiness of herself D. she wanted to prove her love and expected the same words from her husband 7. What did the teacher intend to express when telling the story of the little girl? A. the girl was from a poor family. B. the troublesome work at school. C. the love between the girl and the author’s son. D. the author should be proud of her son. 【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 【解析】 【分析】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者被日常琐事所劳累,感觉到生活中爱的消失,为此感到苦恼。但 是儿子的行为激励了作者, 感觉到了爱的伟大。 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“I turned my back so he wouldn't see the tears gathering in my eyes. (我转过 身去, 以免他看到我眼里的泪水。)”由此可见,儿子的行为让作者的情绪更糟。故选 B。 【5 题详解】 推理判断题。文章第二段中提到“If only my husband had just taken the time to fix it the night before when I asked him instead of playing checkers with Jonathan.(要是我丈夫前一天晚上花点时间把它修好就好了,而不 是和乔纳森下跳棋。)”;第三段中提到“It was days like this that made me want to quit.”;第四段中提到 “Somehow I spent most of the day washing and drying clothes and thinking how love had disappeared from my life.” 丈夫不管家里的事情,而作者每天忙于家庭琐事,让作者想放弃这样的日子,觉得生活中的爱已经 消失了。 这就是作者想躲进山洞的原因。故选 C。 【6 题详解】 推理判断题。文章倒数第二段中提到“As my mind wandered back to the love Jonathan showed the little girl, a biblical verse came to me:‘…these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ (当我的 思绪又回到乔纳森向小女孩表示爱时, 一句圣经经文浮现在我脑海里:‘……这三样依然存在:信仰、希望 和爱。’)”和最后一段中提到“I felt the seed of love … beginning to bloom once again in me.( 我感觉爱的 种子又开始在我体内开花。)”由此可以推断,是儿子的行为鼓舞了作者, 让她觉得爱应该让对方感受到, 并表达出来。故选 A。 【7 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段中“I felt my heart swell with pride for what my son had done.”听到老师讲 述儿子的故事后,作者为儿子感到自豪。由此可以推断,老师想通过小女孩的故事, 告诉作者儿子做的很好, 作者应该为儿子感到自豪。故选 D。 C Almost every community has some form of rules and some way of enforcing them. So why do we have rules, and what makes people follow them? Studies have suggested that the reason we don't like rule-breaking is because fairness is programmed into our brains. Scientists have found that the brain reacts in a particular way when we feel we are being treated unfairly.A fair situation makes us feel comfortable and even happy, but unfairness causes our brains to respond with negative feelings.The study found that this a so happened when subjects saw others being treated unfairly. They concluded that fairness is one of basic human needs. Arriving at a feeling of fairness means considering different, often conflicting, points of view. Regardless of the disagreement, people almost always need to compromise. But it can be difficult to arrive at a compromise when there are conflicting interests. This is why communities have rules that everyone must follow. Social controls are an important factor in setting and following rules.They influence the way we be have, and can be internal (内在的) or external. Internal controls come from within and are based on our values and fears. Most of us don't steal, for example, because we believe that theft is unfair and wrong. We also don't want to disappoint our family and friends. In other words, our internal controls keep us from behaving in ways that cause conflict. External controls include rewards and punishments. Rewards, such as job promotions and praise, are designed to encourage people to be have and actin the interest of the whole community. Punishments, such as public embarrassment, fines, and even imprisonment can prevent people from acting against the community's best interests. People need their communities to function smoothly.If there were no rules, most people would probably still behave positively. However, there would always be a minority who would not. This is why a society without rules is unlikely to exist. 8. What does the underlined word ''this'' in paragraph 2 refer to? A. A program in human brains. B. A comfortable situation. C. The response with bad feelings. D. The requirement off fairness. 9. Why do communities have rules? A. To punish illegal activities. B. To prevent disagreement. C. To promote fairness. D. To meet various demands. 10. Which of the following is an example of internal control? A. Take exams honestly because cheating is shameful B. Park in the right place so as not to get a parking ticket. C. Pay the electricity bill on time in order not to get a late fee. D. Cooperate with your classmates to win a prize for your class. 11. What is the best title for this passage? A. Living by the rules B. Why communities need rules C. Reaching a compromise D. How fairness functions 【答案】8. C 9. C 10. A 11. A 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇议论文。本文主要讲述了人们生活的社区和社会都需要有规则来促进公平,如果没有规 则社会就无法运行。 【8 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据第二段的 A fair situation makes us feel comfortable and even happy, but unfairness causes our brains to respond with negative feelings. The study found that this a so happened when subjects saw others being treated unfairly.可知,一个不公平的情况会让我们感到舒适甚至开心,但是不公平会让我们的大脑产生负面 情绪。他们的研究发现,当受到不公平待遇时,这种情况就会发生。根据句意可知 this 指代上文提到的“大 脑会产生负面情绪”。C. The response with bad feelings.(负面情绪的反应)符合以上说法,故选 C 项。 【9 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段的 Regardless of the disagreement, people almost always need to compromise. But it can be difficult to arrive at a compromise when there are conflicting interests. This is why communities have rules that everyone must follow.(尽管有分歧,人们总是需要妥协的。但是,当存在利益冲突时,很难达成妥协。这就 是为什么社区有每个人都必须遵守的规则)可知,社区设立规则的目的是让人们能够达成妥协,即促进公平。 C. To promote fairness.(促进公平)符合以上说法,故选 C 项。 【10 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第四段的Internal controls come from within and are based on our values and fears.In other words, our internal controls keep us from behaving in ways that cause conflict.可知,我们的内部控制基于我们的 价值观和恐惧,使我们不做出引起冲突的行为。A. Take exams honestly because cheating is shameful(诚实地参 加考试,因为作弊是无耻的)是和我们的价值观相关,属于内部控制,故选 A 项。 【11 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第一段的 Almost every community has some form of rules and some way of enforcing them.(几 乎每一个社区都有某种形式的规则,和某种执行他们的方式)和最后一段的 This is why a society without rules is unlikely to exist.(这就是为什么一个没有规则的社会是不可能的)可知,本文主要讲述了人们生活的社区和 社会都需要有规则来促进公平,如果没有规则社会就无法运行。A. Living by the rules(按规则生活)可以作为 本文的标题,故选 A 项。 D Concerned about pollution and congestion (拥塞), a growing number of local governments are trying to reduce the number of drivers in Europe’s big cities. Some, like London and Stockholm, have introduced congestion charges to discourage driving during peak hours. Paris has tried banning cars from driving on certain days, depending on whether they have even or odd number plates. Perhaps the most ambitious plan to curb cars comes from Oslo, Norway’s capital. The change that is most easily to be noticed in Oslo is somewhat different from that in other European cities. Late last year, the government removed some 700 parking spaces from the city centre, replacing them with benches, bicycles and more pavements. The mere 50 or so spots that remain are largely reserved for handicapped residents and local businesses that rely on deliveries. Another big change has come in the form of zoning reform. Some roads in the city centre have been closed off to private cars; others have been changed so that traffic can only flow in one direction. Enforcement has been severe, though. The city government has placed signs informing drivers of the new rules, but not everyone has paid them much attention. In addition, Norway’s conservatives believe strongly in the idea of car ownership, and shopkeepers worry that fewer cars might mean fewer customers. It is still too early to assess how effective the new measures have been. Still, early data show that pedestrian traffic in the city centre was up by 10% in the fourth quarter of 2018 over a year earlier, which suggests the reforms are working as intended. Hanna Marcussen, vice-mayor for urban development and a member of the Green Party, notes that Oslo’s most successful shops are on the high street, where most customers are pedestrians anyway. The government is busy compiling tax records to measure the economic impact of its reforms. Research on Stockholm’s congestion-pricing scheme finds that the benefits from factors such as shorter travel times and safer roads far outweigh the fees paid by drivers. The fact that the city’s efforts to control traffic have been controversial has forced the government to take an incremental (递增的) approach, constantly negotiating with suspicious business owners. Ms Marcussen compares the government’s traffic reforms to Norway’s public-smoking ban, which was passed in 2004. She said many people complained before the law was passed, but few today would demand loudly to let people smoke in pubs again. 12. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “curb” in paragraph 1? A. Support. B. Control. C. Replace. D. Abandon. 13. What is the most visible change in Oslo? A. The removal of public parking. B. Creating more one-way traffic. C. The limitation on cars in rush hours. D. Placing strict restrictions on private cars. 14. What message is conveyed in the third paragraph? A. Cars are hardly banned. B. Anti-car policies are in vain. C. The car industry is declining. D. The reforms haven’t come easily. 15. What does Ms. Marcussen mean in the end? A. New things need to be tested repeatedly. B. Timing is important to the success of reforms. C. More efforts are to be put in the traffic reforms. D. Most people will finally support the traffic reforms. 【答案】12. B 13. A 14. D 15. D 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了,出于对污染和交通拥堵的担忧,越来越多的地方政府正试图通 过各种措施控制城市交通。 【12 题详解】 词 义 猜 测 题 。 由 第 一 段 中 的 “Some, like London and Stockholm, have introduced congestion charges to discourage driving during peak hours. Paris has tried banning cars from driving on certain days, depending on whether they have even or odd number plates. Perhaps the most ambitious plan to curb cars comes from Oslo, Norway’s capital.”(一些城市,如伦敦和斯德哥尔摩,已经开始征收交通拥堵费,以阻止在高峰时间开车。 巴黎已经尝试在某些日子禁止汽车行驶,这取决于汽车牌照是偶数还是奇数。也许最雄心勃勃的 curb 汽车 计划来自挪威首都奥斯陆。),可知伦敦、斯德哥尔摩和巴黎都在采取措施控制汽车出行,而挪威首都奥斯 陆也和这些城市一样采取了控制汽车计划,curb 在此处意为“Control(控制)”。故选 B 项。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。由第二段中的“The change that is most easily to be noticed in Oslo is somewhat different from that in other European cities. Late last year, the government removed some 700 parking spaces from the city centre, replacing them with benches, bicycles and more pavements.”(奥斯陆最容易注意到的变化与其他欧洲城市有 所不同。去年年底,政府从市中心拆除了约 700 个停车位,取而代之的是长凳、自行车和更多的人行道。), 可知奥斯陆最明显的变化是拆除了公共停车区域。故选 A 项。 【14 题详解】 推理判断题。由第三段中的“The city government has placed signs informing drivers of the new rules, but not everyone has paid them much attention. In addition, Norway’s conservatives believe strongly in the idea of car ownership, and shopkeepers worry that fewer cars might mean fewer customers.”(市政府已经贴出告示,告知 司机新规,但并不是每个人都很重视。此外,挪威的保守派强烈相信拥有汽车的想法,店主担心汽车减少 可能意味着顾客减少。),可知对于此次改革并不是所有人都赞同,有许多反对声音,说明此次改革来之不 易。故选 D 项。 【15 题详解】 推理判断题。由最后一段“The fact that the city’s efforts to control traffic have been controversial has forced the government to take an incremental (递增的) approach, constantly negotiating with suspicious business owners. Ms Marcussen compares the government’s traffic reforms to Norway’s public-smoking ban, which was passed in 2004. She said many people complained before the law was passed, but few today would demand loudly to let people smoke in pubs again.”(城市控制交通的努力一直备受争议,这一事实迫使政府采取渐进 的方式,不断与持怀疑态度的企业主谈判。马库森将政府的交通改革比作挪威 2004 年通过的公共禁烟令。 她说,在这项法律通过之前,很多人都抱怨过,但现在很少有人会大声要求让人们在酒吧吸烟。),可知此 次交通改革与挪威 2004 年通过的公共禁烟令一样,一开始人们都会抱怨反对,但实行一段时间后,就像不 会有人要求让人们在酒吧吸烟一样(即不吸烟,赞同公共禁烟了),人们也不会觉得交通改革不好。由此推 知,大多数人最终会支持交通改革。故选 D 项。 第二节(共 5 小题;每题 2 分, 满分 10 分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Do you often go out for shopping? How to avoid germs when shopping in the grocery store? ____16____. Firstly, go to the grocery store bright and early when they’re just opening. This might be your best option. By avoiding large groups of people, ____17____, as the virus is mainly spread through close contact with other people. One of the easiest ways to spread the virus is by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth. ____18____. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because people touch their faces more than 20 times in a single hour. While a mask can help prevent you from touching your mouth and nose, it is strongly recommended to wear one. ____19____. This may be as simple as avoiding a crowded aisle and circling back a few minutes later. Since other shoppers might not be as mindful as you are about maintaining social distance, be polite in your request that they keep their distance with a polite “excuse me.” Just as you’re being thoughtful about your own health, be thoughtful about the health of others, suggests Dr. Larkin. “____20____, see if you can shop for them or teach them to use an online and delivery option,” she says. “Be patient and kind with one another, especially the workers keeping the stores open and functioning—and of course, if you are ill, please stay home and don’t expose others.” A. you decrease your risk of becoming infected B. If you have an elderly neighbor who needs help C. you had better stay at home instead of going out D. As a result, avoid touching your face while shopping E. As a result, you should wear a mask when you go shopping F. Moreover, try to maintain a safe, six-foot distance from other shoppers G. Before you head out to one, you need some guidelines to ensure your safety 【答案】16. G 17. A 18. D 19. F 20. B 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了出去购物时避免感染病毒的几个建议。 【16 题详解】 空前提出问题“在杂货店购物时如何避免细菌呢?”,下文是具体的方法,所以 G 项“在你出去进一个杂货店 之前,你需要一些指导来确保你的安全”承上启下,符合语境,故选 G 项。 【17 题详解】 空后 as 引导一个原因状语从句,“因为病毒主要通过近距离接触别人传染”,结合空前“通过避免接触人群” 可知,A 项“你就能减少感染的风险”切题,故选 A 项。 【18 题详解】 空前提到“病毒传播最容易的一种方法就是通过接触被污染的表面,然后摸你的脸,眼睛,鼻子或者嘴巴”, 所以要避免感染就不要在购物时摸脸,D 项符合语境,D 项中“ touching your face”与上下文呼应,且空后的 This 指代 D 项内容,故选 D 项。 【19 题详解】 空处位于句首,是段落主题句,根据本段最后一句“因为别人可能不会像你一样保持社交距离,用‘不好意思’ 礼貌地要求他们保持距离”可知,本段主要讲要保持距离,F 项“此外,尽量与别的购物者保持安全的六英尺 距离”切题,故选 F 项。 【20 题详解】 空前一句提到在关心自己健康的同时,还要关心别人的健康,结合空后“看看你是否能帮他们购物,或者教 他们使用网上配送选择”可推知,B 项“如果你有年迈的邻居需要帮助”切题,故选 B 项。 【点睛】 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5, 满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an Art lesson. It was their favourite lesson of the week. Everyone ___21___ Trudy Hubble looked forward to it. Trudy had arms that stuck out and always knocked things over. When Trudy came into the classroom, Rob Mason said, “Look out, here comes Trouble!” All the kids ___22___. Trudy had to smile and pretended she didn’t mind. How she wished she could be more like Lisa Gibbs, who had small hands and feet and never ___23___ things over! That day, they were going to paint animals. Again, Trudy knocked over the jam jar. Dirty water spread in a pool across the table and ___24___ Lisa’s dragon. Every time Trudy tried to do Art, it was always a ___25___. “I hate Art,” Trudy thought as she went home on the bus, wishing never to go to school again. As soon as she got home, Mum asked her to take a ___26___ to Mrs. Willow. Trudy knocked on the door and the door opened. There stood an old lady, so tall and elegant, like her house, which was full of ___27___ china. “My mum’s your home help. She won’t be able to come tomorrow. She’s got a cold.” “I’m sorry to hear that. What she needs is my special cold ___28___. Come inside and I’ll give you some. ” Mrs. Willow opened the door wider. Keeping her arms pressed to her sides, Trudy stood ___29___, much like a statue, afraid to move in. “Why?” “I am the clumsiest person in our school! I know something will get broken when I’m ___30___.” “I used to be clumsy too, a real ugly little duck,” Mrs. Willow smiled. “But I grew up to be a swan(白天鹅).” “But I don't think I shall,” Trudy doubted. “I’ll just grow up to be an ugly ___31___.” “Not if you do as I did. You have to keep telling yourself that inside, where it matters, you’re really a swan.” “I’m a swan,” Trudy ___32___ her throat and took the medicine, heading for home. Next morning Mum’s cold was much better. “If Mrs. Willow’s cold cure is a kind of ___33___, then her swan cure must work as well.” Trudy couldn’t wait to try it out. In the school playground some children stood looking up into the chestnut tree. Lisa was in tears. “What’s the matter?” asked Trudy. “It’s my kite,” Lisa said, wiping her eyes. “Rob let go and it’s got ___34___ up the tree.” “I’ll get it down for you,” Trudy said kindly. “No, you’ll tear it!” Lisa looked ___35___. “It’s a special Chinese kite! I got it for my birthday.” For a moment Trudy felt like her old ___36___ self. But then she remembered what Mrs. Willow had said. It didn't matter how she looked outside. Inside, she was really a swan. She jumped up and grabbed the lowest ___37___ and began to climb. “Swans never rush,” she told herself. It took her ages, but she didn't rush. At last she managed to ___38___ the kite. But now she had to climb down again using only one hand. Very, very ___39___ she swung herself down to the ground. The kite was safe! “Thanks, Trudy.” Lisa showed it to the others. “Look, it’s all right!” Trudy felt very, very proud and different. Smiling at everyone, she walked swan-like across the playground and into school, so tall and ___40___. 21. A. except B. besides C. including D. behind 22. A. danced B. sang C. laughed D. jumped 23. A. took B. turned C. rolled D. tripped 24. A. drew B. drowned C. marked D. colored 25. A. success B. masterpiece C. failure D. disaster 26. A. gift B. textbook C. message D. letter 27. A. delicate B. ugly C. cheap D. messy 28. A. care B. leave C. concern D. cure 29. A. straight B. still C. by D. tall 30. A. around B. apart C. ahead D. away 31. A. dragon B. swan C. tiger D. duck 32. A. touched B. cleaned C. cleared D. wiped 33. A. imagination B. magic C. cheating D. creation 34. A. stuck B. crashed C. torn D. damped 35. A. satisfied B. disappointed C. frightened D. delighted 36. A. beautiful B. clumsy C. dishonest D. smart 37. A. root B. trunk C. branch D. leaf 38. A. fly B. design C. make D. free 39. A. carefully B. doubtfully C. confidently D. anxiously 40. A. eager B. elegant C. enthusiastic D. energetic 【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. B 【解析】 【分析】本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了 Trudy 因自己毛手毛脚而被同学笑话,失去了自信,最终变成了帮助同 学,因此找回自信的故事。 【21 题详解】 考查介词词义辨析。句意:每个人都想上艺术课除了 Trudy。A. except 除了;B. besides 此外;C. including 包括;D. behind 后面。通过下文 Look out, here comes Trouble!可知,Trudy 在艺术课上经常惹麻烦,所以不 想上艺术课。故此题选 A。 【22 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有同学都笑了起来。A. danced 跳舞;B. sang 唱歌;C. laughed 笑;D. jumped 跳。通过上文 Look out, here comes Trouble!可知,大家都认为 Trudy 是麻烦事,所有同学都笑了起来。故此 题选 C。 【23 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她多么希望自己能像 Lisa 那样,手脚纤细,从不绊倒任何东西!A. took 拿;B. turned 转动;C. rolled 滚动;D. tripped 绊倒。通过下文的 knock over 可知 Trudy 想像 Lisa 那样不要打翻任何东西。 故此题选 D。 【24 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:脏水打翻在桌子上,浸泡 Lisa 画的龙。A. drew 绘画;B. drowned 浸泡;C. marked 标记;D. colored 涂色。上文讲到脏水打翻了,所以画应该是被水浸泡了。故此题选 B。 【25 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每次 Trudy 进行艺术创作时,都是一场灾难。A. success 成功;B. masterpiece 著 作;C. failure 失败;D. disaster 灾难。上文说到 Trudy 在画画时,打翻了水浸泡了同学的画可知,她在创作 时会引起许多问题。是一场灾难。故此题选 D。 【26 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她一到家,她妈妈让她给柳女士带句话。A. gift 礼物;B. textbook 教材;C. message 信息;D. letter 信件。通过下文两个人的对话可知,妈妈是让 Trudy 转告明天不能来的事情。故此题选 C。 【27 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那儿站着一位老太太,高高的,优雅的,像她的房子里面满是精致的瓷器一 样。A. delicate 精美的;B. ugly 丑陋的;C. cheap 廉价的;D. messy 混乱的。通过句子中的 elegant 可知,老 太太非常优雅,家里的装潢和她的气质一般,所以是精致的瓷器。故此题选 A。 【28 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她需要的是我特制的感冒药。A. care 照顾;B. leave 离开;C. concern 担心;D. cure 治疗。根据下文 Mrs. Willow’s cold cure 可知。柳夫人认为作者的妈妈需要的是她特制的感冒药。故此题选 D。 【29 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Trudy 两臂紧抱,一动不动,就像一尊雕像,不敢进去。A. straight 直的;B. still 一动不动的;C. by 经过;D. tall 高的。通过句子中的 like a statue 可知,她是像雕塑一样的,一动不动。故 此题选 B。 【30 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我知道在我身边的东西很容易被打破。A. around 四周;B. apart 分开;C. ahead 向前;D. away 离开。根据前文描写 Trudy 的身材描写可知,她身材太高大了,所以在她周围东西很容易打 破。故此题选 A。 【31 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我长大后会变成一只丑小鸭。A. dragon 龙;B. swan 天鹅;C. tiger 老虎;D. duck 鸭子。根据上文 I used to be clumsy too, a real ugly little duck 可知,Trudy 也认为自己也是一只丑小鸭。故此 题选 D。 【32 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是只天鹅,Trudy 清了清嗓子,拿上药,准备回家。A. touched 触碰;B. cleaned 清扫;C. cleared 清除;D. wiped 擦。这里是指清嗓,使用固定搭配 clear ones throat。故此题选 C。 【33 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果说柳太太的感冒药是一种魔法,那么她的天鹅药也一定管用。A. imagination 想像;B. magic 魔法;C. cheating 欺骗;D. creation 创造。根据上文 Next morning Mum’s cold was much better. 可知,妈妈的病好多了,所以 Trudy 认为这个药是有魔力的。故此题选 B. 【34 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:罗伯放开它,它就被卡在树上了。A. stuck 卡住;B. crashed 坠毁;C. torn 撕毁; D. damped 潮湿。跟据下文 Trudy 爬到树上取回风筝可知,风筝卡在树上了。故此题选 A。 【35 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Lisa 看起来很害怕。A. satisfied 满意的;B. disappointed 失望的;C. frightened 害怕的;D. delighted 高兴的。根据上文 you will tear it 可知,Lisa 怕风筝被撕坏了。故此题选 C。 【36 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一阵子,Trudy 觉得自己像个笨手笨脚的老家伙。A. beautiful 漂亮的;B. clumsy 笨拙的;C. dishonest 不诚实的; D. smart 聪明的。根据上文 I am the clumsiest person in our school 可知 Trudy 认为自己是学校最笨拙的人。故此题选 B。 【37 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她跳起来抓住最低的那根树枝然后开始爬。A. root 树根;B. trunk 树干;C. branch 树枝;D. leaf 叶子。根据句子中 grab 可知,作者抓住的是树枝,树干是抓不住的。故此题选 C。 【38 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终她成功解救了那个风筝。A. fly 飞;B. design 设计;C. make 制作;D. free 释放。上文讲到风筝卡住了,所以这里是把风筝解救了出来。根据 Thanks, Trudy.可知,最终她成功解救 了那个风筝。故此题选 D。 【39 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她非常非常小心地回到地面上。A. carefully 仔细地;B. doubtfully 怀疑地;C. confidently 自信地;D. anxiously 焦虑地。这里是从树上回到地面,所以要万分小心。故此题选 A。 【40 题详解】 考场形容词词义辨析。句意:她对每个人微笑着,像天鹅一样穿过操场走进学校,那么高,那么优雅。A. eager 渴望的;B. elegant 优雅的;C. enthusiastic 充满激情的;D. energetic 有能量的。根据 she walked swan-like 上文说到天鹅是优雅的,这里 Trudy 像 一只天鹅,也很优雅。故此题选 B。 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, “Where there’s tea, there’s hope.” Similarly in China, it is said ___41___firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessary___42___(item) to begin a day. Tea is, without doubt, welcomed all over the world. Tea is much more than just a hot drink. It’s a big part of many cultures around the world. People in China use top-grade tea___43___(show) respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile,___44___British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country’s identity. As an____45____(express) of Moroccan hospitality and tradition, mint tea – a mix of green tea, spearmint (绿薄荷) leaves and sugar –____46____(serve) during gatherings and negotiations. Apart from its___47___ (culture) significance, tea is also a medicine, ___48___ (use) from ancient times to modern day. “Tea is cold and lowers the fire,” Chinese herbalist Li Shizhen once____49____(say). The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked ____50____drinking green tea. 【答案】41. that 42. items 43. to show 44. the 45. expression 46. is served 47. cultural 48. used 49. said 50. to 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍茶不仅是世界上很多文化的重要部分,而且也具有医药价值。 【41 题详解】 考查连词。分析句子结构可知,“___1___firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessary___2___(item) to begin a day.”在句中作主语,是主语从句,空格在主语从句中不作任何成分,需用 连词 that。故填 that。 【42 题详解】 考查名词单复数。分析句子可知,seven necessary 表示 7 个必须的…,后接的名词需要复数 items。故填 items。 【43 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词 show 在句中作状语,对谓语动词 use 发生的目的的说明,需用 动词不定式 to show。故填 to show。 【44 题详解】 考查冠词。分析句子可知,名词“British tradition”后有“of afternoon tea”作定语修饰说明,表示的是英国 下午茶的传统,表特指,需用定冠词 the。故填 the。 【45 题详解】 考查名词。分析句子可知,冠词 an 之后需接名词,express 是动词,需转变为名词 expression。故填 expression。 【46 题详解】 考查动词时态和语态。由全文整体时态是一般现在时可知,动词 serve 要用一般现在时,和主语 mint tea 之 间是被动关系,需用被动结构 be served,主语 mint tea 是不可数名词,be 动词需用 is。故填 is served。 【47 题详解】 考查形容词。分析句子可知,名词前要用形容词修饰,culture 是名词,需转变为形容词 cultural。故填 cultural。 【48 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词 use 在句中作状语,和主语 tea 之间是被动关系,需使用过去分 词 used。故填 used。 【49 题详解】 考查谓语动词时态。分析句子可知,动词 say 在句中作谓语,once 表示曾经,是过去的时间,所以动词 say 需使用一般过去时。故填 said。 【50 题详解】 考查介词。分析句子可知,空格处缺失介词,谓语动词 link 和介词 to 搭配为 link to,表示把……和……联 系起来,符合语境。故填介词 to。 第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) 51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)画掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 A city,whether big and small,should be clean. Only when we live in a clean city we live a happy life. As we know,a clean city,that disease may be reduced and people's health may be better,are good both to our mind and body. No one believes people lived in a dirty city with waste everywhere can live happy. However,as more and more people moving into our city,it is not easy to keep our city clean. Beside,some factories will pour waste into the air,the river and onto the ground,making it is hard to keep our city clean. To make our city the better place to live in,we still have a lot to do. 【答案】1.and→or 2.when 后添加 can/will 3.that→where 4.are→is 5.lived→living 6.happy→happily 7.moving→move 8.Beside→Besides 9.去掉 is 10.the→a 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇议论文。文章论述了保持城市清洁干净的重要性。 【详解】1.考查固定用法。句意:一个城市,无论大小,都应该是干净的。固定句式 whether…or…表示“无 论……还是……”,故 and 改为 or。 2.考查倒装句。句意:只有当我们能生活在一个干净的城市,我们过上幸福的生活。Only when we live in a clean city 后修饰状语位于句首,应用部分倒装。故 when 后添加 can/will。 3.考查定语从句连接词。句意:我们知道,一个干净的城市,可以减少疾病,人们的健康可能会更好,对我 们的身心都有好处。本句为定语从句修饰先行词 a clean city,且先行词从句中做地点状语。故 that 改为 where。 4.考查主谓一致。本句的主语为单数名词 a clean city,故 are 改为 is。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:没有人相信生活在到处都是垃圾的肮脏城市里的人能幸福地生活。此处为现在分 词作定语,故 lived 改为 living。 6.考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词 live。故 happy 改为 happily。 7.考查动词时态。句意:然而,随着越来越多的人搬进我们的城市,保持我们的城市干净是不容易的。本句 中 as 引导时间状语从句,从句中使用一般现在时。故 moving 改为 move。 8.考查副词。句意:此外,一些工厂将废物倾倒到空气,河流和地面,使我们的城市很难保持干净。besides 此外;而且;beside 表示“在……旁边”。根据句意,故 Beside 改为 Besides。 9.考查固定用法。making it hard to keep our city clean 为 it 作形式宾语的句型。故去掉 is。 10. 考查冠词。句意:为了使我们的城市成为一个更适合居住的地方,我们还有很多事情要做。place 为可 数名词,此处泛指“一个地方”应用不定冠词,故 the 改为 a。 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分) 52. 假定你是李华, 你校将举办“我的祖国和我”英语演讲比赛。请给你校外籍教师 Mr. Smith 写一封电子 邮件, 告知他演讲比赛的有关内容, 并邀请他当评委。 要点包括: 1. 比赛的时间和地点; 2. 举办此活动的目的和意义; 3. 诚挚邀请他担任评委。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr. Smith, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ With best wishes, Li Hua 【答案】Dear Mr. Smith, I'm Li Hua, chairman of Student Union. I’m writing to inform you that an English speech contest will be held in the lecture hall next Friday and we would like to invite you to be one of the judges of the contest. The speech contest, whose theme is “My Motherland and I”, is intended to arouse students' patriotic enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility. What’s more, inspired by the activity, students will be motivated to express their love for the country as well as determination to study hard and make contributions to the motherland. We will greatly appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求给外籍教师 Mr. Smith 写一封电子邮件,邀请他当演讲比赛的评委。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:一般现在时 结构:总分法 第一部分是文章的开头段,说明写邮件的原因;第二部分是支持段,说明演讲比赛的具体安排和事宜,第 三部分是结尾段,希望对方接受邀请。 要求: 1. 说明写信的原因:邀请外籍教师 Mr. Smith 当英语演讲比赛的评委 2. 说明演讲比赛的具体事项: ①比赛的时间和地点:下周五,在报告厅举行英语演讲比赛 ②举办此活动的目的和意义:激发学生的爱国热情和责任感;让学生表达对祖国的热爱以及对祖国做出贡 献的决心 3. 希望对方接受邀请 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) chairman;inform sb.;an English speech contest;in the lecture hall;next Friday;invite sb. to do …;judge; speech contest;theme;be intended to;arouse one’s enthusiasm;a sense of responsibility;be inspired by;motivate; express one’s love for …;determination;make contributions to ;appreciate ;accept invitation 第三步:连词成句 (1) I'm Li Hua, chairman of Student Union. (2) I’m writing to inform you that an English speech contest will be held in the lecture hall next Friday. (3) We would like to invite you to be one of the judges of the contest. (4) The speech contest, whose theme is “My Motherland and I”, is intended to arouse students' patriotic enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility. (5) Inspired by the activity, students will be motivated to express their love for the country as well as determination to study hard and make contributions to the motherland. (6) We will greatly appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇 1.表递进关系:what is more 2.表并列关系:as well as 【点睛】[高分句型 1] The speech contest, whose theme is “My Motherland and I”, is intended to arouse students' patriotic enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility.(whose 引导的非限制性定语从句) [高分句型 2] Inspired by the activity, students will be motivated to express their love for the country as well as determination to study hard and make contributions to the motherland.(过去分词作状语) [高分句型 3] We will greatly appreciate it if you could accept our invitation.(it 作形式宾语)

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