PEP版五下英语Unit 6 Work quietly Part A Let’s spell课件

PEP版五下英语Unit 6 Work quietly Part A Let’s spell课件


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Unit 6 Work quietly! Let’s spell. where way whose what whenweekend why win winter wash wet weather who which waterwell will window woman wonderful work what whose where which who which why when wall 头脑风暴 way what why woman way weather weekend work wonderful will well water wet window win wall w /w/ 相同的发音相同的字母 我会认 听音辩词 1.wet vet 2.vail will 3.wall vary 4.vent wait 5.voice woman 6.wash vase 我会读 读出下列单词 1.want 3.watermelo n 4.wave 5.we 6.wear 7.week 8.west 9.wife 10.windy 11.wish 12.with 14.would 我会写 听音写字 母 1.__aiter 2.__ake 3. __ant 4. __arn 5. __orry 6. __allet 7. __ar 8. __ashroom 9. __eak 10. __onder w w w w w w w w w w where what which why when What can you find? 你发现了什么? 相同的字母 wh who whose wh where what which why when What can you find? 你发现了什么? 相同的字母 不同的发音 wh /w/ who whose /h/wh 我会认 听音辩词 1.what white 2.wait when whose 4.who wall 5.where well 6.which watch 我会写 听音写字 母 1. __ether 2. __ite 3. __atever 4. __oever 5. __ole 6.__olesaler wh wh wh wh wh wh where what when /w/ who whose /h/ Make sentences. 造句 what Make dialogues.编对话 什么 Make sentences. 造句 when Make dialogues.编对话 什么时候 Make sentences. 造句 where Make dialogues.编对话 哪儿 Make sentences. 造句 who Make dialogues.编对话 谁 Make sentences. 造句 whose Make dialogues.编对话 谁的 Who are you?\Who is he? Where are you? When is it? What are you doing? Which season is it? Play a game: I’m in the picture. 1 2 同桌 练习 Listen and answer 1.What’s the weather like today? 2.What are the monkeys doing? It’s a sunny day. They are eating bananas now. Can you retell the story? 你 能复述一下这个故事吗? Read and write I’m Amy. Today is April 3rd and today is my birthday. It’s a sunny day. My mum takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are two tigers walking and a rabbit is sleeping. I like monkeys best. They are eating bananas now. These bananas are theirs. I like spring best. Because I can go to the zoo with my family. I’m very happy today! 1.______ is Amy’s birthday? It’s on April 3rd . 2.______ takes me to the zoo? My mum. 3. ______ does my mum take me to? My mum takes me to the zoo. 4.______ is the rabbit doing? The rabbit is sleeping. 5.______ bananas are these? These bananas are monkeys’. 6. ______ season does Amy like best? Amy likes spring best. 7._____ does Amy like spring best? Because she can go to the zoo. When Who Where What Whose Which Why Summry woman way weather weekend work wonderful will well water wet window win /w/ where what which why when /w/ who whose /h/ Assignment 3 Retell the story. 2 Listen to the passage on page68. WorkWork AfteAfte rr classclass Read the words with”wh”. 1 Byebye,goodbye. Byebye,byebye.Goodbye. Byeby e ByeGood Bye.Byeby e I can clap my hands. Bye ByeGood bye. I can stamp my feet. I can clap my hands. Bye ByeGood Bye. I can stamp my feet. Bye ByeGood Bye. Byebye,goodbye. Byebye,byebye.Goodbye. Bye ByeGood Bye. Bye ByeGood Bye. Byebye,goodbye. Byebye,byebye.Goodbye. Goodbye! Bye ByeGood Bye.

资料: 29.3万


