英语教案-I was not here yesterday

英语教案-I was not here yesterday


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英语教案-I was not here yesterday教学目标   1.知识目标   (1)New words and phrases: was, yesterday, November, ill, hope, composition, remember, were, bit, healthy, grow up, visit, ago, the day before yesterday, enjoy, world, at the same time, a moment ago, just now, reply, by the way, match, cold, drive, plan, dairy, make phone calls, go out, India, went, rain, rained.   (2)日常交际用语: What day is yesterday?    I am sorry to hear that.    I hope you’re better now. Keep healthy.    Why did you call me? I called to tell…   (3)语法项目    A. 一般过去时的陈述句结构:主语+动词(be动词或行为动词)过去式形式。    B. be 动词的过去式:am, is— was are —were    C. 一般过去时的一般疑问句结构及回答:   (1)Were/Was+主语+ 其它?    Yes, They/we were.  No, we/ they weren’t.    I/he/she/it was.    I/he/she/it wasn’t.   (2)Did +  主语+ 动词原型  + 其它?    Yes, 主语+ did.   2.能力目标:   (1)使学生能够掌握一般过去时的意义和结构,并能熟练的进行口头和笔头练习。   (2)使学生能够读懂课文大意,并能回答出课后面的问题。   (3)使学生能够听懂与课文听力难度相当的听力材料,并能回答课后的问题.   (4)使学生能够掌握发/∫//з//h//w/这四个辅音音素的字母组合.   3.德育目标: 通常教学,让学生认识到科学发展之快,交通之便捷,必须认真学习,适应社会。 教学建议   教材分析   本单元通过课堂上值日报告和介绍uncle Wilson工作情况这两个主题,使学生对一般过去时有了初步的了解,并初步掌握了一般过去时基本的结构。每一部分都既有一般现在时的句子,又有一般过去时的句子,主要是加强时态的对比,帮助学生区分两种时态意义上的差别和结构上的差别,每一部分的设计都是由简单到复杂,由易到难,教师在教学的过程中也应注意循序渐进。 语法教学建议   (1)一般过去时的导入   教师可以事先准备好一个放大的日历(如书上36页图),上课时指着日历向学生介绍This is a calendar. Today is November the fourteenth. (指着November the fourteenth.) 接着指着后面紧靠着的日子告诉学生这是tomorrow。同样的办法可以讲解yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Sunday, three days ago。 然后,在黑板上出示句子:Today is Thursday, November the fourteenth. Tomorrow is November the fifteenth. Yesterday is November the thirteenth。告诉学生为什么yesterday, the day before yesterday后面不用is 而用was。   最后,教师可以分别指着其它另几个日期提问:What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? What day was it yesterday? What day was it the day before yesterday? What day was it three days ago?   (2)有关时态的练习:使用媒体资料进行练习,教师可以让学生根据屏幕上的提示词, 叙述班日志上的内容。   (3)教师可以把Linda的旅行过的地点的图片贴在黑板上,然后在下面标出日期:The day before yesterday, tomorrow, three days ago, yesterday, a moment ago, just now,要求学生使用所学句型写出Linda在那些地方呆过,并把上述句子按照时间顺序排列成短文。   (4)建议教师在讲解一般过去时的时候,使用卡片组句的方法帮助学生练习句子结构。具体步骤如下:   A:教师准备一些单词卡片,一类是主语。包括各种人称和数。如;you , I, my brother, Mary’s parents 二类是be 动词的各种形式如:(am ,was, were, are, is)三类是各种地点,如(the school, home, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin ,bank, theater, office )四类是时间,如yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Sunday, three days ago等。五类是句号和问号。   B:将学生分成若干组,每组五人。一个组员选取一类卡片,大家再将五张卡片组成一个语法正确,意义的完整句子。(每组必须组成一个一般疑问句)在单位时间内选取的句子多的组为胜。   (5)教师可以先分别将be 动词的各种形式写和几个时间状语(如yesterday, the day before yesterday, two bays ago, last Monday, always, often )在几张卡片上,卡片正面上写出am is are 背面写出它们的过去时,在黑板上写出几个不完整的句子如:I____ at the bus stop ____ ,教师可以轮换出示时间状语,要求学生出示对应的be 动词。此练习教师可以逐渐加快替换速度,以训练学生反映,培养学生语感。也可以由学生自己练习。   听力教学建议   本单元听力有两个难点   (1)学生往往在听时间的时候反应较慢,教师应先利用日历讲单词,再用日历练单词,练完单词,连成句子。   (2)学生由于对动词的过去式发音不熟悉,常常造成理解上的困难,教师可以抽出时间重点强调一些常见动词的发音,另外,要求学生根据上下文和时间状语进行判断。   口语教学建议   本单元的口语训练内容主要集中在第二十九课和第三十一课。第二十九课中要求学生熟练掌握课堂日常交际用语,要求学生在背诵的基础上根据教师的提示表格进行角色表演。 Time Student on duty Student absent Reason Yesterday Li Lang Tian tian ill Today Zhao Yu Zhao Hua Get up late Tomorrow LiGang No one   此后,教师可以在课堂上设立值日生报告制度,给每个学生机会练习。   第三十一课中主要是关于一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的训练,学生可以做几个对句子划线部分提问的练习:   (1)Zhao Lin was at the school gate a moment ago.   (2)The twins were at the museum.   (3)Our teacher was in Tokyo last week.   教师可以在黑板上出示几张照片让学生就画面回答问题:   Who was at Tian An Men Square?   Was Li Liang at the school gate? Where were our classmates yesterday?   I am sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。   be sorry to do sth意思是对…表示难过和同情,如:   I am sorry to hear that your teacher gave you a lesson yesterday.听说老师训了你一通,我为此表示难过.   I am sorry to hear that you didn’t pass the exam again .sorry 听说你没有考试及格我很难过。   还有一种用法:be sorry for sb or sth.意思是对某人某事表示后悔,如:   I am sorry for the mistakes I have made.我对自己的错误后悔不已。   You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须保重,保持健康的体魄。   look after= take care of  “照顾,看管”。例如:   I must stay at home and look after my father.  我必须呆在家里照顾我父亲。   yourself是反身代词,意为“你自己”,作look after的宾语。注意,在使用反身代词时,应与它前面的主语在人称上保持一致。   keep healthy指“保持身体健康”,keep是系动词,后面接形容词,意思是“保持某种状态”。例如:keep quite保持安静   keep warm 保持暖和  keep silent 保持沉默、不讲话   My father always keeps busy. 我的父亲总是闲不住。   She wants to keep thin. 她想保持身材苗条。   “keep +形容词”表示“保持(某种状态),”句中的keep为系动词; Keep sb. + doing sth. 表示“(使某人)不停地做某事”;keep sth. 表示“保存、保管”的意思。   Don’t keep your friend waiting for you for a long time.不要让你的朋友久等。   keep 还有保存保管的意思。   How long can I keep this book?我可以保这本书管多长时间?   分合不同   一、everyday 与every day   1) everyday“日常的、每日的”,是形容词,在句中只作定语。如:   Let’s learn some everyday English. 我们学一些日常英语吧。   2) every day是副词词组,在句中作状语,表示“每天、天天”。如:   We speak English every day.  我们每天讲英语。   二、everyone与every one   1) everyone(=everybody)“每人、人人”。只用来指人,一般不可与of 短语连用。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:   Everyone in the village knows him. 村里每个人都认识他。   2) every one“每人(人或物)”。既可指人也可指物,其后常接of短语。作主语时,谓语动词也用单数。如:   Every one of us has the right to work. 我们每个人都有工作的权利   例:我们班人人都喜欢踢足球。   误:Every one is our class likes playing football.   正:Everyone in our class likes playing football.   析:表示某种范围内的“每个人”,常用everyone,后接 “in+集体名词”短语(表示范围)。而every one后接“of+具体名词或代词(复数)”短语,everyone后则不跟of短语。   三、anyone 与 any one   1) anyone(=anybody)泛指“任何人”。作主语时,谓语动词用单数,用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,对应词为someone. 如:   Has anyone called? 有人打电话吗?   I didn’t meet anyone like you. 我没见过像你这样的人。   2) any one常指某些人或物中的“任何一个”,后面常接of短语。如:   You may tell any one of us. 你可以告诉我们中的任何一个人。   四、maybe和may be   1) maybe “或许、也许”,是副词。相当于perhaps,常用于句首作状语。如:   Maybe our teacher is in his office .可能我们的老师在办公室里。   2) may be “可能是”,是“情态动词+动词原形”结构,在句中作谓语。如:   He may be at home. (= Maybe he is at home)。他可能在家。   五、sometime 与 some time   1) sometime “某一时候”,是副词。指过去或将来的某一时间,作状语。如:   They’ll meet again sometime next month. 下个月的某个时候,他们将再见面。   I bought the new bike sometime last year.我是去年某个时候买的这辆新自行车。   2) some time“一段时间、一些时候”,是名词词组。如:   It will take us some time to finish the work. 完成这项工作要花费我们一些时间。 教学设计示例 Lesson 29教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Enable the students to grasp the simple present tense of “be”.   Properties: Tape recorder. Calendar   Language FOCUS: What day is today? What day was yesterday?   Composition  I’m sorry to hear that.  I hope you’re better now.  keep healthy   Teaching Procedures:   I. Leading - in   1. Ask the Ss: What day is today? What’s the date today?   What day was yesterday? What was the date yesterday?   Lead to the simple past tense: am, is→was   2. Ask the students to work in pairs and talk about days and dates.   (With the help of Calendars)   II. Read and learn   1. Read the duty report in the book.   2. Ask Ss to give similar reports.   Ⅲ. Presentation   1. (To a student) Who was absent someday or didn’t hand in homework on time. Ask questions like:   Where were you yesterday? What was wrong with you?   Where is your homework? What’s wrong? …   2. Help the students to answer with the simple past tense   Ⅳ. Read and act   1. Listen to the tape.   2. Ask the Ss to retell the main idea of the dialogue.   3. Go over the dialogue.   Composition: a short piece of writing, essay   I’m sorry to hear that.   I hope you’re better now   keep healthy.   eg. It’s so hot today, keep the door and windows open.   Taking regular exercise can keep you healthy.   Put the food in the fridge and keep it fresh.   Ask the questions:   Why wasn’t Lily at school on Thursday?   Did she hand in her composition on time?   When did she hand it in?   4. Listen and repeat.   5. Pairwork and act out the dialogue.   6. Make similar dialogues, using the present simple and simple past tense.   V. Exercises in class   It____(be) Friday today. Because Lily____(be) ill yesterday, she ____(be not) at school. Today she ____ ( be ) better. She ____ (be) at school.   Key: is, was, wasn’t, is, is   Complete the sentences.   1. 昨天早上李磊缺席了。   Li Lei ______ ______ yesterday morning.   2. 你爸爸现在好些了吗?是的,他好多了。   _______ your father _______ now? Yes, he is _______ _______ now.   3. 你最好明天将你的作文带来。   You’d ______ ______ your ______ here tomorrow.   4. 你妈妈有点不舒服,我必须在家照顾她。   My mother is ______ ______ ______. I must ______ ______ ______ at home.   5. 你必须照顾你自己,保持健康。   You must ______ ___ __ ______ and ______ ______.   Answers: 1.was away 2.Is, better, much better 3.better bring, composition 4.a bit ill, look after her 5.look after yourself, keep healthy   VI. Homework   1 Write a duty report.   2. Wb.   3. Recite the dialogue.   VII. The design of the blackboard Lesson 29 I   was   we    were You  were   you   were He   was She  was   they   were It   was教学设计示例 Lesson30教学设计方案   教学目标:   1.使同学熟练掌握一般过去时的用法,并能比较它和一般现在时的区别。   2.使同学读懂本课阅读材料的内容,并能根据回答课后的问题。   教具:Picture and recorder   教学过程(www.3edu.net):   Step 1 Revision   (1)要求学生进行角色表演,内容如下:   Teacher: Hello, everyone!Who is on duty today?   Students: It is Li Gang. Who is not here today Li Gang?   Li Gang: Tian Tian is not here.   Teacher: Why is she not here?   Li Gang: I think she is ill. I am not sure.   Lily: I know. Tian Tian called me last night. She said she had a bad cold yesterday. She asked me to tell you.   Teacher: Well. I wish she will be all right soon.   (2)教师出示几张小明在十一国庆节照的像片,让学生说出小明都去了那些地方           使用Where was Xiao Ming in /at ? Was Xiao Ming at…? 的句型.   (3)Dictation要求学生写出下列动词的过去式:do, have, am/is, are, go.   Step 2 Presentation   Pre-read.   (1)让学生思考下面几个问题并进行回答:   What do you want to do in the future? Why? Is it a busy job?   Do you want to be a businessman/businesswoman?   What do you think of the job of a businessman/businesswoman? Are they usually very busy?   (2)教师自然引入新课:我们来讨论书上的三个问题。鼓励学生提出自己的不同见解。针对大家的观点,我们来看一看Lily’s uncle是怎样的一个商人。   Read the text: My uncle   1. Ask the Ss to go over the passage in a silent way and answer some questions.   What’s Lily’s uncle?   What’s his job? Is he very busy?   Where does he work?   Where was he last Monday /three days ago/the day before yesterday/yesterday/last night? →Writing of Ex.3   2. Listen and repeat   3. Name the places Uncle Mike travels to.   先标出旅游下列地点的时间,再将下列地点按Uncle Michael Wilson旅行的时间先后的顺序进行排列。A. Taipei B. Shanghai C. Dalian. D. Hong Kong E. New York F. Tokyo   4. Suppose you were Lily, say something about your uncle.   Step3 Drill   (1)扑克组句游戏:教师须准备几种单词卡片,分别是主语,be动词或be动词的过去式,介词,时间状语(包括表示现在时间的和表示过去时间的状语),疑问词,标点。教师可以将学生每五人分成一组。组员每人手里抓完张单词卡后,开始轮流出牌,出牌时每个人须将出的牌组成通顺的句子,例如:甲:I 乙:am 丙:in 丁:Shanghai.先出完手中牌的同学为胜。   学生复述课文。   Step 4 Exercises in class     1) Make up sentences:   1. sell, my uncle, many countries, to, computers.   2. every day, have, meetings, he   3. go to, come to, visit, people, see, him.   4. usually, work, he, quickly   5. the day before yesterday, be, in, Hong Kong, Mike.   6. three days ago, he, in, be, Tokyo   Keys:   1. My uncle sells computers to many countries.   2. He has meetings every day.   3. He goes to visit people and people come to see him.   4. He usually works quickly.   5. Mike was in Hong Kong the day before yesterday.    6. He was in Tokyo three days ago.   2) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of verb “be”.   1. What day ______ it yesterday?   2. Her parents ______ in England last month.   3. ______ your aunt a bookseller? Yes, she is.   4. There ______ a class meeting next Friday afternoon.   5. He must ______ a doctor.   6. Here ______ some orange for you.   Answers: 1.was 2.were 3.Is 4.will be 5.be   Step 5 Homework   1.Copy the new words and the phases.   2.学生预习怎样将动词变成过去式。   3. Do Ex.3 on Page 37   4. Retell the passage   The design of the blackboard   教学设计示例 Lesson 31教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: The simple past of action verbs. Time adverbials of simple past   Properties: Tape recorder. Overhead Projector   Language Focus:   Last week/night/month a moment ago  Yesterday morning just now  the day before yesterday, have-had  half an hour ago, call-called  do-doing   Teaching Procedures:   I. Revision   What did you do yesterday /the day before yesterday/last night…?   II. Leading - in   Who isn’t here today? Where is he/she?   Who wasn’t here yesterday?   Were you here last week?   Was here on Monday?   Were and here?   Help Ss to form the rule: am/is→was   are→were   III. Ask and answer   1. Finish Ex. 2 and check.   2. Ask students to remember time adverbials of simple past.   last week/night/month  just now = a moment ago …ago  yesterday/the day before yesterday.   3. Make sentences with the simple past adverbials.   Teacher: Did you have a party on your birthday last year?   His grandpa went away just now.   He saw a film a few days ago.    Everyone came here yesterday.   Ⅳ. Read and say   1. Listen to the dialogue   2. Ask questions.   When did Sally call Lucy? Why did she call Lucy?   Was Lucy at home? Where was she?   What did Lucy do?   How did she like Guangdong food?   What did Lucy and her uncle have for dinner?   3. Ask students to form rules of past form of some action verbs.   call—called  do—did   have—had   4. Listen and repeat.   5. Make similar dialogues.   V. Exercises in class   Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given verbs.   1. She ____(come) to see me last night.   2. I____(get) to school late yesterday.   3. Mary ____(be) born on Apr. 20,1985.   4. My father____(go) to shanghai on business 3 days ago.   5. He ____ (leave) here just now.   Key: 1.came 2.got 3.was 4.went 5.left   Rewrite the sentences as required.   1.I am on duty today. (last Friday)   2. It’s Monday today. (yesterday)   3. I usually have lunch outside. (three days ago)   4. Kate is calling her sister now. (last night)   5.The students are in the playroom now. (a moment ago)   Answer:  1. I was on duty last Friday.   2. It was Monday yesterday.   3. I had lunch outside three days ago.   4. Kate was calling her sister last night.       5. The students were in the playroom a moment ago.   VI. Homework   1.Wb   2. Make a dialogue like the one in the book.   3. Remember past form of verbs.   VII. The design of the blackboard Lesson 31 Where was Mr. King yesterday morning? He was at the office. Where were the twins half an hour ago? They were at school. 教学设计示例 Lesson 32教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. And revise the whole unit.   Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector   Language Focus:       Teaching Procedures:   Ⅰ. Revision   1. Ask the Ss to say out the dialogue they made after class.   2. Dictation: past form of verbs   am, is  buy  find  have  meet  see   stand   are   come  get   hold  put   sell  swim   become cut   give   know read  sing  take   begin  do   go   leave  run  speak  teach   bring  drive  grow  lose  say   spend write tell   II. Listening   1. Spelling and pronunciation.   (1) Ask Ss to summarize the letter combination with the sound and give example words         (2) Read the phonetics and words in the book   (3) Listen and repeat   2. Listening practice.   (1) The lst time: listen and get the main idea   (2) The 2nd time: listen and answer the questions on Page 116   (3) Check the answers   (4) The 3rd time: listen and check again   Ⅲ. Speaking   1. Listen to the dialogue and retell.   2. Listen again and ask the Ss to answer some questions.   What’s the weather like today?   Why did Lucy call her uncle, Mike?   3. (Open books) Read after the tape.   4. Talk about the language points: much/a little/even/a lot of + the comparative form of adjectives + than.   Teacher: It’s much/a lot easier than before to contact her because she has an e-mail address.   It’s even hotter than yesterday, so let’s just stay in the cool room.   5. Pairwork: ask Ss to make similar dialogues, using the words in the box.   6. Say dialogues in front of the class.   IV. Reading   1. Pre-reading.   (Suppose the business man is Uncle Mike) Do you still remember Lucy’s Uncle, Mike? In the last period, we know he’s a very busy businessman.   He travels a lot in the world. Today we’ll see what his work is like?   2. While - reading.   Ask Ss to read the text by themselves, bearing the following questions in mind:   (1) When does Mike get up every morning?   (2) How does he go to work?   (3) How long does it take to go to work?   (4) What does he mean by “every minute counts?”   (5) Why does he keep a diary?   (6) Where were they last summer?   (7) How was their holiday?   (8) Do you want to be a businessman like Mike? Why or why not?   (9) What kind of work do you like, busy work or a job with a lot of free time? Give the reasons, Please!   3. Answer the above questions.   4. Go over the passage and explain some points.   Language points   (1) have a light breakfast   Every morning I only have a light breakfast   (2) It takes sb. time to do   It takes him one hour to do his homework every day.   (3) Sb. Spends time on sth./(in) doing sth.   He spent the whole evening on the broken TV./ (in) repairing the broken TV.   (4) Sth. costs (sb.) some money.   This pair of fashionable jeans cost me ¥ 300.   (5)Sb. pays (money) for sth.   Please pay for the books you choose at the checkout.   Every minute counts: Time is very valuable, every minute should be treasured.   5. Listen and read after the tape.   6. Ask Ss to do chain-reading.   7. Retell the passage.   V. Writing   1. Ask Ss to finish the exercise in the book.   2. Check the answer.   3. Read in roles.   4. Write similar dialogues.   VI. Go over the checkpoint and the main points of the whole unit.   VII. Exercises in class   Tense exercise   1. Jim____(hear) from his wife last week.   2. My brother ____(join) the League in 1980.   3.My father____(get) to England yesterday.   4. It ____(take) me half an hour to mend the kite.   5. Lucy ____(be) a bit ill yesterday and ____(not do) come to school, but today she is much____(well).   Key: 1.heard  2.joined  3.got  4.took  5.was,didn’t,better   Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given Chinese.   1.It’s ______ (多) colder than it was yesterday.   2.1 was in a ______(会议) room.   3.I think I can put the computer ______(修好) .   4.I do some ______ (锻炼) and have a ______ (少量的) breakfast every morning.   5. He ______(开车) to his office every day.   6. It _______(花费) me forty minutes to get to my office.   7.I think every minute ______(计算) .   8.I plan my work very ______(认真).   Answers: 1.much 2.meeting 3.right 4.exercise; light 5.drives 6.takes 7.counts 8.carefully   Ⅷ. Homework   1. Wb   2. Write a dialogue like the one in the book.  IX. The design of the blackboard  探究活动   设计建立一份班级日志   指导学生建立一份班级日志,要求如下:   (1)使用本单元所学句型用英语记录每天的考勤情况。如:   Who was not in? Where was he or she? Why he or she was not here?   Who forgot his homework? Why did he /she forget his /her homework?   (2)要求要用英文写明班级,日期,天气情况。上面还可以设计一些其他栏目如: Who is the most popular teacher of this week?  Whose homework is the best? Who did a lot of good things? And so on.   (3)封面可以学生自己设计力求做到图文并茂。   (4)教师对班级日志设计好的个人给予表扬。   How to spend your holiday   目的:练习一般过去时的运用,叙述一件过去发生的事情用一般过去时。   Ask students to talk about how to spend their National Day and ask a few students to talk about their interesting day during the holiday.   教师可以先设计几个问题让学生进行分组进行讨论。   (1)What did you do last Sunday?   (2)Where were you three days ago?   (3)Where were you two days ago?   (4)Who went with you?   (5)Why did you go there?   (6)Were there a lot of people?   (7)Did you like it?   (8)Was it very interesting?   讨论结束之后,将自己的发言进行整理成章。

资料: 29.3万


