英语教案-Lesson 20

英语教案-Lesson 20


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英语教案-Lesson 20Lesson 20 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise Lesson 19, Part 1, as in Step 3 of the TB. 2 Get the Ss to retell the story in SB page 19, Part 2. Step 2 Word families SB page 20, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 20. Play the tape: Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then words by showing flashcards randomly and asking Ss to pronounce the words written on them. Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. The answers are: half, sock, work, month. Step 3 Puzzle SB page 20, Part 2. Let the Ss work on the puzzle alone or with a partner. Check the answers with the whole class . Note that in puzzle clues full stops are not usually required . The answers are: DOWN: 1 September, 2 dangerous ACROSS:1 stand, 2 parent, 3 eleven, 4 borrow, 5 trucks Step 4 Checkpoint 5 Go through Checkpoint 5 in the usual way. Practise the s0i useful expressions s0i . Discuss any problems raised by the Ss . Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. It is a good idea if you have the information available in case the Ss do not know the answers . The Ss ask and answer in pairs . Then collect the results on the Bb and ask questions about them: Does Class 4 have fewer boys than Class 3? Step 6 Test Give a short dictation . Look! * Li Lei is climbing* up the ladder.* Now hes picking* the apples . * Hes putting them* in a basket. * Li Leis basket* is full. * It is heavier* than Jims basket. * Li Lei has more apples* than Jim, * but Polly has* the fewest of all ! * Step 7 Song Teach the song in Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 3 if there is time. Note:The song is on the Speech Cassette. Play the whole song on cassette to the students .Then play the first verse and get the students to join in. Do the other verses in the same way. Divide the class into three groups and one group sings one verse. Repeat. If you like, have a competiton between the groups . Homework Revise the language items in Unit 5. Learn the contents of Checkpoint 5. Learn the words of the song.

资料: 29.3万


