初中 英语Period Two Reading (1)同步练习

初中 英语Period Two Reading (1)同步练习


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Period Two    Reading(1)     一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Look! Whose ________ (Walkman) are these? Perhaps they are the twins’.  2. Amy ________ (watch) TV every day.  She ________ (watch) TV now.  3. Amy wants to buy some presents for ________ (they).  4. Do you understand the ________(mean) of the new word?  5. Do you like to have cold ________ (drink)?      6. We usually go ________ ( shop )on Sundays.  7. Listen ! Someone ________ ( knock )at the door.  8. Would you please  ________(sing) a song for us. 9. There ________ ( be ) two pair of trousers on the bed.      10. I don’t have enough ________(time ) to do my homework.     二、选择填空。 (    )1 . There ________ some CDs on the shelf. A. is   B. are   C. have   D. has (    )2. Is this room ________ the meeting? A. large enough to have  B. enough large to have   C. large enough having  D. enough large having (    )3.Sandywants to buy the same football cards ________ his brother did. A. like   B. as   C. to   D. so (    )4. Those flowers ________ Kate $56. A. paid   B. took   C. cost   D. spent (    )5. Fred ________ many football boots. But this pair of boots ___ the nicest(最漂亮的). A. has, are  B. has, is  C. there are, are  D. there are, is (    )6. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ________. A. trousers  B. one   C. it   D. pair (    )7. This coat is too expensive. Do you have a ________ one? A. larger   B. cheaper   C. nicer   D. longer       三、翻译下列购物用语 1.你想买什么? ________ I _______ ________? What can I ________ ________ you? 2.我想给我妹妹买礼物。    I’m ________ ________ some _________ for my sister. 3.去年的卡片打折。   There is _______ _________ _________ last year’s cards. 4.这些衣服多少钱?   _________ ________ do the cards ________? 5.那太贵了。 That’s ________ ___________.     四、完形填空。 People eat different things in   1   parts of the world. In   2   countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two   3 three times a day   4   breakfast, lunch and supper. They usually eat it   5   meat, fish and vegetables. Some people do not eat   6   kinds of meat. Muslims(穆斯林),for example, do not eat pork. The Japanese eat lots of   7, and they also eat a lot of rice. In western countries such as(例如) Britain, Australia and the USA,   8   important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways. Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not meat or fish  9   anything that comes from animals. They only eat food from plants(植物).Some people say that food from plants is   10   for us than meat. (    ) 1. A. different       B. the different    C. same           D. the same (    ) 2.A.every          B. some          C. each            D. all (    ) 3.A.and            B. but           C. or              D. so (    ) 4.A.to             B. with          C. at              D. for (    ) 5.A.for            B. to            C. with            D .in (    ) 6.A.some          B. any           C. all             D. no (    ) 7.A.the fish        B. fish           C. the meat        D. meat (    ) 8.A.good          B. the best        C. the most        D. many (    ) 9.A.and           B. and no         C. no             D. or (    ) 10.A.better        B. more           C. delicious       D. good     五、根据文段内容完成句子。 C   Mr Smith is 77.He likes eating ice creams. He buys one. Great! No one sees him and he can eat it now. Just then(就在那时) he sees Mrs Green. Mrs Green comes here with her dog, Bill. Mr Smith doesn’t want her to see him eating an ice cream in the street. So he hides(藏) it behind his back, and says “hello” to her. Mrs Green is happy. She talks with him about her family. But Mr Smith is worried about(为…担心) his ice cream, because the dog is eating it behind him. 1.Mr Smith is at the age of__________. 2.Mr Smith likes eating__________ . 3.Mr Smith sees __________ in the street. 4.The dog’s name is __________. 5.Mr Smith can’t eat his ice cream because the __________ is eating it.

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