Unit4 At the farm教学设计

Unit4 At the farm教学设计


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Unit4 At the farm教学设计【学习内容】人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语四年级教材下册第四单元Read and write.【学生与内容分析】四年级学生生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,课堂上要以兴趣培养为主,在设计课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意。采用竞争激励评价体制,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。课堂教学中,只有学生乐于参与,主动参与,学生的思维才会处于活跃状况,吸收知识才会迅速,学习英语才不会让学生觉得是“苦差事”。内容分析:Read and write分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生借助图片阅读四段文字,完成Read and tick活动,第二部分为有意义的句子书写活动,分两个步骤:第一步为看图、读句子;第二步为个性化书写活动,要求学生模仿例句画图并写出相应的句子。【学习目标】1、能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,在语境中理解新词garden, goat的意思;2、能够按照意群并以正确的语音、语调朗读短文;3、能运用These are... /Those are...来描述动植物。运用These are.../ Those are...看图写句子。【教学重难点】重难点:能运用These are... Those are...来表述动植物,并运用These are... Those are...看图写句【评价设计】通过英语歌谣的吟唱,逐渐转变为知识沉积。个个读,两两读,排排读,大组赛读,指名读等贯串教学始终。最后借助Guessing game, Make be a guide等趣味操练,让学生坐下来静静的思考,内化所学知识,达到真正的学以致用。通过最初的听录音,唤起学生对旧知的筛选和复现,再重点解决个别新词句后,让学生通过跟读,配音读,分组读等方式,使得理解其义和读音相伴而行,强化知识。课堂上坚持使用评价机制,教师的评价语言要及时、真诚。如:Good job!  Great! Good boy/ girl! I like your answer!【教学过程(含设计意图)】一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Let’s sing   Mary has a little limb2、Free talkT: Do you like Mary’s limb? What animals do you know?Ss: ……rabbit.T: What does a rabbit love to eat?Ss: Carrots. (引出蔬菜)T: Do you know other vegetable?Ss:……二、新授Presentation1、Pre-reading: T:Great. Today let’s go to a place. There are many vegetables and animals in it. Where are we? All right, listen to the tape, then choose  “What are we?”听录音,选择。S1: Choose C, farm.T: Yes. You are right. We will go to a farm, Mr MacDonald’s farm. (板书课题 Unit 4 At the farm) 2、While reading:(1)T: Hello, I am MacDonald now, say hello to me, please.Ss:Hello, MacDonald, nice to meet you. T: Welcome to my farm. OK, let’s go.(2)T:What vegetables does he have? Let’s go to his vegetables garden and have a look. Read paragraph 1and 2 by yourself, then fill in the blanks.①These are ↗        and↘        .②Those are↗           and ↘            → over there.学生阅读第一、二、幅图及相应文字。教师PPT出示,garden 和vegetable garden.引导学生拼读单词,了解意思。(师及时板书:What are these/ those? These/ those are …….)(3)T: OK,on Mr. MacDonald’s farm, there are many vegetables, and there are some animals, too. How many sheep are there on the farm? Let’s follow the flash, then answer.(check up the answers)在指导读得过程中,注意长句的断句:Mr. MacDonald has ten sheep∣on the farm.[设计意图]跟读第二部分课文内容,教师给出的一个问题,缩小了范围,帮助学生更有效地获取重要信息句的听力能力。检测学生对文章的“表意”与“隐意”的理解,还引导学生要注意区分相近的单词sheep,goat. (4) Read the passage, repeat it. 课文朗读,巩固内化。找出值得注意的地方──跟读短文,看谁学得像──学生齐读短文──学生自由练习读,但不能忽略单词发音的到位。然后复述课文。 This is Mr. MacDonald’s farm. These are ……. Those are …….三、拓展Consolidation.Try to be a guide.T: Mr MacDonald’s farm is very interesting. Do you like it? There is a beautiful farm, too. Let’s be a guide, and introduce it. Four in a group, please.五、Summary六、Homework.Listen and read the passage three times.2. Draw your own farm and introduce it to your friends.(画一个自己的农场,然后给朋友们介绍)七、Blackboard design.Unit4  At the farmWhat are these/those?These/those are …….Are these/those ……?Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

资料: 29.3万


