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I. 介、副词填空 1. They are planning to tear _______ these old houses ________new buildings. 2. He' s new in the office but he' 11 soon shake ________. 3. I'll get in touch _________them right__________. 4. Leaders hope that serious differences on the issue among their fellows are now ________an end. 5. The houses across the street are    ________ ruins. 6. Some people died   ________ falling furniture and bricks in the earthquake. 7. You should tie the horse _________    the pole. 8. My home is far ________the train station. 9. I' ll remember what happened ________ that terrible night forever. 10. _______ the future, people can travel from Bei­jing _______ Shanghai _______a few hours. II.用所给的词的适当形式填空 11. The river rose ten _____________by then. (foot) 12. Look! Some people are_________   up and down the street.  (run)  13.  The earthquake was caused by the ______    of plates. (move) 14. People try to predicate the   _________disaster. (nature) 15. Human ________have the power to stop earthquake.  (be) 16. The whole city was _________destroyed in the earthquake. (complete) 17. I'm sorry to keep you    ________ so long,  (wait) 18. They carried the children to_________     . (safe) 19. The pipes for _______ water under the street burst.  (carry) 20. _________ as it may seem, it was a quiet night. (amaze) III. 翻译短语 21. right away_________ 22 at an end _________ 23. dig out _________ 24. give out _________ 25. thousands of _________ 26. 破旧的窗户 _________ 27. 使……成废墟 _________ 28. 最重要的方式方法 _________ 29. 在黑暗的天空 _________ 30. 疯狂的事情  _________   参考答案 1.      down, for 2.      down 3.      with, away 4.      at 5.      in 6.      from 7.      to 8.      from 9.      on 10.  In 11.  feet 12.  running 13.  movement 14.  natural 15.  beings 16.  completely 17.  waiting 18.  safely 19.  carrying 20.  Amazing 21.  立刻 22.  结束 23.  发现 24.  分发

资料: 29.3万


