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My hometown,The ancient capital of tourism,is special My birthplace,Xi'an, known as Chang'an in ancient times, is an important birthplace of the history and culture of the Chinese nation and one of the earliest developed regions of human civilization. With the history of more than 3100 years of urban construction and more than 1100 years of national capital history. As one of the ancient capital in China, thousands of tourists are attracted to come here enjoying its beauty of antique with the most dynasties and the longest history. It is also a world-famous historical and cultural city and an international tourist city. Today's Xi'an attracts the world's attention with its profound historical as well as itscultural heritage, numerous cultural sites, beautiful natural scenery and rich traditional folk customs. Every year, there are more than 50 million domestic tourists and almost 1 million overseas tourists who come to explore the ancient world and enjoy the sights. Many heads of state and government have chosen the first stop to visit China Xi'an.To be honest,it is a liveable city with mild climate and beautiful scenery. As the saying goes entering Xi'an is like entering a museum of Chinese History: there are many places of interest and rare cultural relics like stars. The gold plaque, the red and the green are pleasing to the eyes; the ancient pagoda and the green brick are profound in artistic conception, and a city is a flowing history. Zhou culture represented by pickaxe capital city and exquisite bronze ware, Qin culture represented by Xianyang City, Afang palace, Mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin and terracotta warriors pit, strong Han culture represented by Chang'an city of Han Dynasty, starting point of Silk Road and Yangling mausoleum, and Tang culture represented by Daming Palace, Dayan Pagoda, qujiangchi and Famen Temple all constitute the core of Chinese civilization from formation to development and to prosperity Heart history. There are 314 key cultural relics protection units in Xi'an, including 106 national and provincial key cultural relics protection units, more than 4000 ancient sites and mausoleums of emperors and nobles, and more than 120000 unearthed cultural relics. Here gather the dawn of Chinese civilization represented by Lantian ape man and Banpo village. Xi 'an has more web celebrity punch card, It is no exaggeration to say that my hometown, xi 'an, is the best place to explore the long river of history, welcome to our xi 'an travel and study. 译文: 我的家乡很特别,是一座旅游古都 我的出生地西安,古称长安,是中华民族历史文化的重要发祥地,也是人类 文明最早发展的地区之一。有 3100 多年的城市建设历史和 1100 多年国家首都历 史。作为中国古都之一,成千上万的游客被吸引到这里来欣赏它的古色古香。它 有着最多的朝代和最悠久的历史。也是世界著名历史文化名城和国际旅游城市。 今天的西安以深厚的历史文化底蕴、众多的文化名胜古迹、秀美的自然景色 风光和浓郁的传统民俗风情,吸引着世人的目光,每年有 5000 多万人次的境内 游客和 100 多万人次的境外游客,前来寻古探幽、观光览胜,许多国家元首和政 府首脑都把访问中国的第一站选在了西安。 人们都说,走进西安,就像走进了中国历史的博物馆:名胜古迹星罗棋布; 稀世文物灿若星辰。金匾丹青赏心悦目;古槐青砖意境深邃,一座城市简直就是 一部流动的历史。 周文化用鹤嘴锄首都和精美的青铜器、秦文化由咸阳城,阿房宫殿,陵墓的第 一位皇帝秦兵马俑坑,强大的汉文化由长安城市汉代丝绸之路的起点和杨凌陵墓, 和唐代文化由大明宫殿,达扬宝塔,曲江池和法门寺构成了中华文明从形成到发展 到繁荣的核心心脏历史。 西安有重点文物保护单位 314 处,其中国家和省级重点文物保护单位 106 处, 古遗址和帝王贵胄陵寝 4000 多处,出土文物 12 万余件。这里荟萃着以蓝田猿人、 半坡村为代表的华夏文明的曙光,以丰镐都城、精美青铜器为代表的周文化,以咸阳城、阿房宫、秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑为代表的大秦文化,以汉长安城,丝绸之 路起点、阳陵为代表的强汉文化,以大明宫、大雁塔、曲江池、法门寺为代表的 盛唐文化,这一切构成了华夏文明由形成到发展并走向强盛的核心历史。 西安有更多的网络名人打卡,毫不夸张地说,我的家乡西安,是探索历史长 河的最佳地点,欢迎来我们西安旅游和学习。

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