My homedy 教学设计

My homedy 教学设计


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话题内容:Home Dear friends, When you come to my home , you will see a big living room first. I often watch TV and meet my friends here. We can sit on the sofa, chatting and sharing our feelings together. It’s really happy. On your right hand there’s a dining room. I often have my meals with my parents here. Sometimes we also have a big family paty, it’s very useful. My study room is next to the dining room. I always read books and surf the internet here. I have a lot of books in my bookshelf, such as story books, music books and so on. On your left hand there’s a bedroom. It's my favourite place. I have a sleep and play with my toys here. Welcome to my house! Yours Wang Ziyan一、教学目标 1、能听懂,会说、会读介词短语 next to,on your right hand,on your left hand,及怎样描述自己的家。 2、熟练运用动词短语。(meet my friends, have my meals, have a party, surf the internet, have a sleep,play with toys) 3、通过小组活动,讨论如何介绍各个房间以及在房间常做的事情,以复习旧知,培养学生 综合运用语言的能力。 4、通过房间的描述,培养学生的观察、想象力以及语言表达能力,同时发展学生的空间智 能。 二、教学内容 1、介词短语:next to,on your right hand,on your left hand 2.动词短语:meet my friends, have my meals, have a party, surf the internet, have a sleep,play with toys 3、句型:What do you often do? I often… 三、教学重难点 1.掌握介词短语:next to,on your right hand,on your left Hand 四、教学形式 通过任务活动性教学以及互动式语言教学,培养学生自主学习、小组合作学习的能力。 五、教学准备 1.自制课件 2.短语卡片 3.课堂评价的蒙古包和表现好用的三个小脚丫图标 六、教学流程 Step1:Lead-in T:I am from Baotou of Inner Mongolia.In my hometown,I also teach some students of the same ages with you.Do you want to make friends with them? S:Yes.(大屏幕出现学生打招呼) 教学目的:通过简单对话引出关于家的信件 Step2:Presentation Teach the new phrases: next to,on your right hand,on your left Hand 通过阅读信件了解各居室的方位 T:wow!what a beautiful house!So many nice rooms!which room is on your right?大屏幕上出现 房子的方位图 1. 学习介词短语 通过肢体语言讲授,并让学生上前互动进行理解。 2.任务活动 T:when you come to her home,you will see a big living room.(贴客厅图在黑板上)T:I can make her room beatiful(边描述边进行粘贴) T: Please design other rooms.(发给学生室内结构图以及简单家具) T:Let’s show your room.Which room is on your right?Please come here and stick. 3.学习动词短语 通过各个房间的呈现,引入动作 T:Whar do you often do in the living room? S:I often…..(自由发挥) a:教师拿出动词短语卡片学习该短语 b:任务活动:每小组选一个代表在每个房间贴相应动作并伴随语言 c:短语的操练 Step3.Practice 任务活动——Talk about your own home 组长汇报,看着台上的房间结构图进行叙述(组员可自由发挥和补充) Step4.Summing up T:What did we learn in this class? 1. 作出总体评价 2 接着歌谣问 Do you love your home?培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未 来家居。 Step5 Homework: Today’s homework is write a short passage about your home.

资料: 3.6万


