人教版英语三年级上册第五单元Unit5 A Let’s talk第一课时教案

人教版英语三年级上册第五单元Unit5 A Let’s talk第一课时教案


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人教版英语三年级上册第五单元Unit5 A Let’s talk第一课时教案一、教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1) 能听、说、认读句子:I’d like some ... Here you are. Have some ... too.(2) 能够在语境中运用句子:I’d like some ... Here you are. Have some ... too.能够准确读出juice,bread。2. 语言技能目标(1) 能理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。(2) 能在情景中运用句型:I’d like some ... Here you are. Have some ... too.3. 情感态度目标(1) 通过多种活动形式,使学生乐于使用英语进行表达和乐于与他人合作。(2) 注意健康饮食,不浪费粮食。4. 文化意识目标培养学生注意健康饮食。5. 学习策略目标(1) 学生能够积极运用所学的句型跟同伴进行交流。(2) 学生能自主学习并与他人进行小组合作与交流。(3) 学生能运用phonics的记忆策略记新单词。二、学情分析三年级的学生活泼、热情,有旺盛的求知欲和好奇心。他们勇于探索新知,乐于合作与分享。他们喜欢并擅长直观思维,对游戏、歌谣等有极大的兴趣,他们有一定的英语基础,能听懂简单的英语短文,能听懂简单的英语指令、文段等,能用简单的英语表达自己的想法。在知识储备上,学生在1-4单元的letters and sounds里已经学过apple,egg,banana,milk等有关食物的单词。但是对于I’d like some ..., please. Have some ...是第一次接触。因此老师应该以旧引新,用图式理论激活学生已有的知识储备,再进行新课教学。三、重点难点1. 重点:句型I’d like some ..., please. Here you are. Have some ...2. 难点:重点句型的灵活运用。四、教学活动活动1【导入】Warm up1. ice-brokenT: Boys and girls, today, we are going to learn Unit 5 A let’s talk. Look, this is me. Let’s guess: Yes, or no. I am a boy, yes, or no?Ss: No.T: I have 4 eyes.Ss: No.T: I like to eat.Ss: Yes.T: Yes, you are right. I like to eat. Do you like to eat? (做吃东西的动作)Ss: Yes.T: Oh, you like to eat, too. Today let’s learn Unit 5 Let’s eat. Read after me. Eat. Now first let’s sing a song about eating.(唱:Have your food.)(设计意图:拉近师生的距离,引入今天所学的话题:eating;再以歌曲复习并引进今天所学的主题:food的话题,为复习旧单词做准备。)2. 引入课题并复习单词,同时引出新句子:I’d like ...(1) 复习、分组并引出新句子。T: What is this song about? It’s about the food, eating. Today I will divide you into two groups. Group 1 group 2 you are A(指着黑板上A的碟子),group 3 and 4, you are B(指着黑板上B的碟子)。Look, this is the table (指PPT上的桌子),and this is the table(指黑板上画好的桌子),and this is the ________(指着课室里摆着这桌子,让学生说).Ss: table.T: Right. What do you think will be on the table?Ss: ...T: Yes, right. Look,(出现很多事物在桌子上)然后跟学生一起说桌子上的食物,复习食物。T: What would you like? I’d like some ... I’d like some ...What about you?Ss: I’d like some ...(抽学生回答,并在黑板上比赛的碟子上奖励食物。)T: Now read after me: I’d like some ...(板书)(2) 配合黑板上的食物,说句子。T & Ss: I’d like some eggs. I’d like some milk. I’d like some apples.(边说边贴上apple, eggs, milk, noodles, bananas的图。)(设计意图:以旧带新,复习旧单词,并呈现新句子,配合旧单词操练句子,在呈现课文前,将课文的重难点句呈现并简单地操练,分散了本节课的难点。使学生掌握得更牢固。)活动2【讲授】Presentation1. Talk about the pictureT: John would like to eat, too. Look, this is John, and this is John’s mom, John is eating (做吃的动作). Look at this picture. Where are they? Is it in the morning or in the afternoon.Ss: Morning.T: How do you know that? You can say it in Chinese(你可以用中文说).Ss: …T: Because they are having breakfast.(设计意图:引导学生观察图片,培养学生的观察能力,以及推理能力,同时引入主情景话题,为后面整体呈现对话做好铺垫。)2. Listen and answer听录音回答问题T: What would Mike like? Listen and tell me. (播放录音)T: And Mike’s mom wants Mike to eat ...(播放录音)板书juice, bread(并在黑板上贴上图)Ss (对答案)(设计意图:设计问题,引导学生抓住文章的主要内容,并引出新的单词juice, bread,以phonic的方法教授新单词。)3. Listen and number听录音排顺序T: Now take out this paper, and listen again and number. 对答案(设计意图:小学三年级的对话教学,遵循听说领先,学生进行第二次听,在学生了解课文大意的基础上,引导学生关注重点句子。)4. Think and choose猜猜哪句是Mike说的话。T: Which sentence does John say? John says ... one, two, three or four?S: …T: Yes, I’d like some juice, please. (拿起Juice, please的英文,贴在黑板上。)Now I say two sentences, which one is polite(哪句会比较礼貌)?(1) I’d like some juice.(2) I’d like some juice, please.Ss: I’d like some juice, please.T: Yes, let’s say it politely.并拿起黑板上的图片,用图片替换的方式,训练这个句子。T: John’s mother says …Ss: …T: Yes. Here you are, have some bread, too.(拿起用卡片写好的两个句子,教学生。)Here you are. Have some ... too. (用卡纸做这两个句子)——轮换地让学生读。(设计意图:在学生前一步初步听、认句子的基础上,让学生思考每个人说的是哪句话,更进一步让学生了解文章大意,熟悉课文的重点句子,并渗透“有礼貌地说话”的思想教育。)配合黑板上的食物,说句子。T & Ss: I’d like some eggs. I’d like some milk. I’d like some apples.(边说边贴上apple, eggs, milk, noodles, bananas的图。)(设计意图:以旧带新,复习旧单词,并呈现新句子,配合旧单词操练句子,在呈现课文前,将课文的重难点句呈现并简单地操练,分散了本节课的难点。使学生掌握得更牢固。)活动3【活动】Practice1. Game: Look and read训练这两个句子——看到红色的站起来。T: Now let’s play a game. Let’s read the sentences. When you see the red one, please stand up and read it out. OK?读句子。(设计意图:利用游戏操练句型,寓教于乐。)2. Can you say?I’d like some eggs.(设计意图:让学生在一起读的过程中,初步感知and的用法,为后面的and的训练做好铺垫。)3. Let’s say.上同时闪现两个,或者是三个食物,让学生进行小组讨论,并正确地说出I’d like some .../I’d like some ... and .../ I’d like some … and ...(设计意图:进一步巩固and的用法,为下面课文的改编做好铺垫。)4. Let’s listen听课文录音。5. Let’s read一起读,分组读。(设计意图:出现文本的听,让学生关注语句的重音与升降调,培养并训练学生的语感和正确地朗读课文。)6. Role play角色扮演T: Now let’s act out this dialogue. There are two choices for you. 1 is act out the dialogue. 2 is create the dialogue. If you choose 1, you can get 3 stars. If you choose 2, you can get 5 stars.小组分角色扮演。(设计意图:给出选择,设计有梯度的表演,以学生为主题,照顾到不同层次的孩子,发展了学生的创编能力、表演能力。)拿起用卡片写好的两个句子,教学生。Here you are. Have some ... too. (用卡纸做这两个句子)——轮换地让学生读。(设计意图:在学生前一步初步听、认句子的基础上,让学生思考每个人说的是哪句话,更进一步让学生了解文章大意,熟悉课文的重点句子,并渗透“有礼貌地说话”的思想教育。)配合黑板上的食物,说句子。TSs: I’d like some eggs. I’d like some milk. I’d like some apples.(边说边贴上apple, eggs, milk, noodles, bananas的图。)(设计意图:以旧带新,复习旧单词,并呈现新句子,配合旧单词操练句子,在呈现课文前,将课文的重难点句呈现并简单地操练,分散了本节课的难点。使学生掌握得更牢固。)活动4【练习】ConsolidationSurvey.A. 示范:调查一个学生作为示范T: Mike has ... for breakfast. What about you? What would you like for breakfast? You can say: I’d like some ... I’d like some ... and ...T: What would you like?Ss: I’d like some ...T: You can say: (PPT上出现)I’d like some .../I’d like some ... and .../ I’d like some ... and ... (学生说完,马上登记)T: Do you understand?B. 小组里调查T: Now talk about it in your group, and write it down in your group.If we found that he eat not enough如果你发现同学吃得不够的时候,我们可以劝她说:Have some..., too.C. 小组展示。T思想教育:Breakfast is very important. Please eat well. 一日之计在于晨,早餐很重要,一定要吃好。(设计意图:进一步运用课文的重点句子,I’d like some ... Have some ..., too. 同时渗透思想教育。)活动5【表演故事与思想教育】Extension1. Story acting.T: Mike has a good breakfast. And now he reads a book, he is reading a story. What is the story? (点击)Look! It’s about Zoom and the cat, and the fish. Now read after me, fish ... (教fish)读故事T: Listen to the story. 老师读故事。T: Is it funny?(1) Read the story together.T: What will Zoom say, at last? Zoom在最后会说些什么呢?(2) 大组分角色读。(3) 小组里表演故事。T: Can you read the story in your group?(4) 展示T: Now act out the story in your group.(设计意图:在故事中再次设计情景,让学生将重点句子进行运用,故事的最后,引导学生想故事的结尾,发展学生的想象性思维。)2. 思想教育(1) 出现看书的情景。T: While Mike read the book, and he also sees some pictures.(2) 出现一些穷苦百姓的图片,最后进行思想教育。T: Mike is very sad. He thinks: For ourselves, we should eat well. But for other people, we should not waste the food.

资料: 3.6万


