Unit4 Where is my car A let's talk课件ppt(新版pep三年级下册英语)

Unit4 Where is my car A let's talk课件ppt(新版pep三年级下册英语)


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Part A Let's talk Let's play Unit 4 Where is my car ?Let’s play a game! Show me the ….box 盒子 ball 球on Where is the ball ? 球在哪里? It’s on the box . 在盒子上。 在……上面under 在……下面 Where is the ball ?球在哪里? It’s under the box . 在盒子下。Fast reaction(快速反应) • In、in、in the hand • On、on、on the hand • Under、under、under the handLet’s chant! • Where、where、where is your face? Here it is. • Where、where、where is your mouth? Here it is. • Where、where、where is your eye? Here it is. • Where、where、where is your ear? Here it is. • Where、where、where is your nose? Here it is.Where is the bird? It’s ___ the house.onWhere is the bird? It’s ___ the house.unde rWhere is the bird? It’s ___ the house.indesk chairWhere is my ruler? It’s the desk.on ↑Where is the ruler? It’s the chair.↑under Where is the ruler? It’s the pencil box. in Where is the book? (那本书在哪里?) It’s on the desk. (它在桌子上面。)Where is the book? (那本书在哪里?) It’s under the chair. (它在椅子下面。) Guessing game: Where is the ball ? (球在哪儿?) on under inIt’s ___ the box. It’s ___ the box. It’s ___ the box.Important sentences (难点句型) • (1)Let’s go home!(让我们回家吧!)Silly me!( )(1)Where is the pen? A. It’s on the desk. ( )(2)Where is the bag? B. It’s in the pencil box. ( )(3)Where is the dog? C. It’s under the chair. Look and choose.(看图选择) A B CHomework(作业) • 1、跟读课文录音5遍,玩玩找玩 具的游戏。 • 2、抄写课本P71Unit4前五个单 词,每个10遍,中文1遍。

资料: 7.8万


