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一、复习内容: 1、单词、词组(第八册教参121-126页) 2、句子(肯定句、否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句) 3、阅读 4、语法(四种时态、形容词的比较级、名词的单复数 等) 5、语音 1、学习用品(school things) 2、人体(body) 3、颜色 (colours) 4、动物(animals) 5、人物 (people) 6、职业(jobs) 7、食品、饮料 (food&drink) 8、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) 9、衣服(clothes) 10、交通工具(vehicles) 11、杂物 (other things) 12、地点(locations) 13、课程 (classes) 14、国家、城市(countries & cities) 15、气象 (weather) 16、景物(nature) 17、植物 (plants) 18、星期(week) 19、月份 (months) 20、季节(seasons) 21、方位 (directions) 22、患病(illness) 23、数词 (numbers) 24、形容词(adj.) 25、介词 (prep.) 26、代词(pron.) 27、动词(v.) 25、介词 about to by at of for with after without from 26、代词 where when what why who which whose how 28、连词 but and so if than because 29、近义词 pretty-beautiful ill-sick study-learn gift-present 30、反义词 open-close put on-take off left-right tall-short long-short hot-cold big-small behind-in front of good-bad cheap- expensive 31、同音词 no-know by-buy too-two-to see-sea meet-meat hear-here aunt-ant son-sun wear-where 5、人物 (people) Who’s this…? Who are they? 6、职业(jobs) What does your… do? What’s your…? 7、食品、饮料 (food&drink) 8、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) What’s your favourite…? Do you like…? I like… I don’t like… What would you like? I’d like some… What do you have for…today? 10、交通工具(vehicles) How do you go to…? How did you go there? How are they going to…? 11、杂物 (other things) 12、地点(locations) 16、景物 (nature) 25、介词 (prep.) There is a/an… There are...? Is there a/an…? Are there…? 13、课程 (classes) What do you have on…? 15、气象 (weather) What’s the weather like in…? 18、星期(week) 19、月份 (months) 20、季节(seasons) What day is it today? When is your birthday? What’s the date? Which season do you like best? What’s your favourite season? 21、方位 (directions) Where is the…? 22、患病(illness) What’s the matter? 23、数词 (numbers) How old /tall/heavy are you? When do you…? How many…can you see? How many… do you have? How many people are there in your family? How much is it/this/that…? How much are they? 24、形容词(adj.) How are you? What’s he like? 26、代词(pron.) 27、动词(v.) (1)What did you do? (2) What are you doing? (3)What are you going to do? (4)What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays/the weekend? (5)What can you do? (6)What is your hobby? (1)When did you …? (2)When are you going ? (3)When is your birthday? (1)How did you do? (2) How are you doing? (3)How are you going to do? (4)How do you …? (5)How does he/she…? (6)How are you? (7)How tall/old/heavy are you? (1)Where did you …? (2) Where are you going ? (3) Where is…? 10、交通工具(vehicles) How do you go to…? How did you go there? How are they going to…? 11、景物(nature) There is a/an… There are...? Is there a/an…? Are there…? 12、课程 (classes) What do you have on…? 13、气象 (weather) What’s the weather like in…? 14、季节(seasons) What day is it today? When is your birthday? What’s the date? Which season do you like best? What’s your favourite season? 15、方位 (directions) Where is the…? 16、患病(illness) What’s the matter? 17、数词 (numbers) How old /tall/heavy are you? When do you…? How many…can you see? How many… do you have? How many people are there in your family? How much is it/this/that…? How much are they? 18、形容词(adj.) How are you? What’s he like? 19、动词(v.) (1)What did you do? (2) What are you doing? (3)What are you going to do? (4)What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays/ the weekend? (5)What can you do? (6)What is your hobby? (7)When did you …? (8)When are you going ? (9)When is your birthday? 六年级单词归类 •   1学习用品(school things) •   pen钢笔  pencil铅笔  pencil case铅笔盒  rule尺子  book书 •   •  bag包  comic book漫画书 post card 明信片 newspaper报纸 •   schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮   crayon蜡笔   sharpener卷笔刀 • story book故事书 • notebook笔记本 dictionary词典 Chinese book语文书  English book英语书 • math book数学书 magazine杂志 •   2人体(body) •   foot脚  head头  face脸  hair头发  nose鼻子  mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 •   arm手臂 hand手  finger手指  leg腿 •  3颜色(colours) • red红  blue蓝  yellow黄 green绿  white白  black黑  pink粉红  • purple紫  orange橙  brown棕 •   4动物(animals) •   cat猫  dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁   fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse老鼠  • squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴  panda熊猫 bear熊  lion狮子  • tiger老虎  • fox狐狸  zebra斑马 deer鹿  giraffe长颈鹿  goose(geese)鹅  • hen母鸡  turkey火鸡  lamb小羊  sheep绵羊  goat山羊  cow奶牛  • donkey驴  squid鱿鱼  lobster龙虾  shark鲨鱼  seal海豹  • sperm whale抹香鲸  killer whale虎鲸 • 5人物(people) •   friend朋友  boy男孩  girl女孩  mother母亲  father父亲  sister姐妹  • brother兄弟  uncle叔叔;舅舅  man男人  woman女人  Mr.先生  Miss.小姐  • lady女士;小姐  mom妈妈 dad爸爸 parents父母 grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 •   grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父  aunt姑姑;舅母 • cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹  son儿子   baby婴儿  kid小孩 •   • classmate同学  queen女王 • visitor参观者  neighbour邻居  principal校长  pen pal笔友  • tourist旅行者 people人物  robot机器人 •   6职业(jobs) •   teacher教师  student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 • singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家 •  TV reporter电视台记者  engineer工程师  accountant会计  • policeman(男)警察 salesperson销售员 cleaner清洁工  • baseball player棒球运动员 assistant售货员 • 7食品 饮料(food & drink) •   rice米饭  bread面包 beef牛肉  milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋  • fish鱼 coffee咖啡 •  tofu豆腐  cake蛋糕 hot dog热狗  hamburger汉堡包  • French fries炸薯条 cookie曲奇饼 jam果酱 noodles面条  meat肉  • chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉  vegetable蔬菜  salad沙拉  • soup汤  ice冰  ice-cream冰淇淋  • Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 breakfast早餐lunch午餐 supper晚餐 dinner正餐 •   8水果 蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) • apple苹果  banana香蕉  pear梨  orange橙  watermelon西瓜 peach桃 • grape葡萄 strawberry草莓 •   eggplant茄子 green beans青豆  tomato西红柿  potato土豆  •   cucumber黄瓜  onion洋葱  carrot胡萝卜  cabbage卷心菜 • 9衣服(clothes) •   jacket夹克衫  shirt衬衫  T-shirtT恤衫  skirt短裙子  dress连 衣裙  • jeans牛仔裤  pants长裤  socks袜子  shoes鞋子  sweater毛衣  • coat上衣  raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤  sneakers运动鞋 slippers拖鞋  • sandals凉鞋  boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 tie领带 scarf围巾 10交通工具(vehicles) •   bike自行车  bus公共汽车  train火车  boat小船  ship轮船  yacht快艇 car小汽车  taxi出租车  jeep吉普车 van小货车;面包 车  • plane飞机  subway地铁 motorcycle摩托车 • 15气象 • cold寒冷的 warm温暖的 cool凉爽的 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 • hot火热的 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 weather report天气预报 •   16景物(nature) • river河流 lake湖泊 stream河;溪 forest森林 path小道 road公路 • house房子 bridge桥 building建筑物 rain雨 cloud云 • sun太阳 mountain山 sky天空 rainbow彩虹 wind风 air空气 • 18星期(week) • Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 • Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日 weekend周末 •   19月份(months) •   Jan.(January) 一月 Feb.(February)二月 Mar.(March) 三月 Apr.(April) 四月 • May 五月 Jun.(June)六月 Jul.(July) 七月 Aug.(August) 八月 • Sept.(September) 九月 October十月 Nov.(November) 十一月 Dec.(December)十二 月 •   20季节(seasons) •   spring 春 summer夏 fall (美)autumn(英)秋 winter冬天 • 23数词(numbers) • 基数词: • one一 two二 three三 four 四 five五 six 六 seven七 • eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 • fourteen 十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen十九 twenty 二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 hundred 百 • 序数词: • First(1st) 第一 second(2nd)第二 third(3rd)第三 fourth(4th)第四 • fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth 第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 21st • 24形容词(adj.) •   big大的 small小的 long长的 tall高的 short短的;矮的 young年轻的 •   old旧的;老的 strong健壮的 thin瘦的 active积极的;活跃的 quiet安静的 •   nice好看的 kind和蔼可亲的 strict严格的 smart聪明的 funny滑稽可笑的 • tasty好吃的 sweet甜的 salty咸的 sour酸的 fresh新鲜的 • favourite最喜爱的 clean干净的 tired疲劳的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴 • 的 bored无聊的 sad忧愁的 taller更高的 shorter 更矮的 • stronger 更强壮的 older年龄更大的 younger更年轻的 bigger 更大的 • heavier更重的 longer更长的 thinner 更瘦的 smaller更小的 good好的 • fine 好的 great 很好的 heavy 重的 new 新的 fat 胖的 • right 对 的 hungry 饥饿的 cute逗人喜爱的 little 小的 lovely 可爱的 •   beautiful 漂亮的 colourful 色彩鲜艳的 pretty 漂亮的 cheap便宜的 •   expensive昂贵的 juicy 多汁的 tender 嫩的 healthy 健康的 ill 有病的 • helpful 有帮助的 high 高的 easy 简单的 proud骄傲的 • sick有病的 better 更好的 higher 更高的 •  13课程(courses) • sports体育运动 science科学 Moral Education思想品德课 Social • Studies社会课 • Chinese语文 math数学 English英语 music音乐 art美术 •   14国家 城市 (countries cities) • China/PRC中国 America/USA美国 UK联合王国 England英国 • Canada/CAN加拿大 Australia澳大利亚 New York纽约 London伦敦 • Sydney悉尼 Moscow莫斯科 Cairo开罗 福利1.课件站公众号打包共654个 小升初英语课件、复习资料、试卷 福利2.课件站官网: www.kjzhan.com 更多教学资料免费下载! 肯定回答 否定回答 Are you…? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Are you..? Yes, we are. No, we are not. Is he…? Yes, he is. No, he is not. Is she…? Yes, she is. No, she is not. Is it…? Yes, it is. No, it is not. Are they…? Yes, they are. No, they are not. 肯定回答 否定回答 Do you…? Yes, I do. No, I do not. Do you..? Yes, we do. No, we do not. Does he…? Yes, he does. No, he does not. Does she…? Yes, she does. No, she does not. Does it…? Yes, it does. No, it does not. Do they…? Yes, they do. No, they do not. 肯定回答 否定回答 Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I did not. Did you..? Yes, we did. No, we did not. Did he…? Yes, he did. No, he did not. Did she…? Yes, she did. No, she did not. Did it…? Yes, it did. No, it did not. Did they…? Yes, they did. No, they did not. 肯定回答 否定回答 Is there a/an…? Yes, there is. No, there is not. Are there…? Yes, there are. No, there are not. 肯定回答 否定回答 Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he…? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. Can she…? Yes, she can. No, she can’t. Can they…? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

资料: 4439


