初中历史部编版九年级上册第四单元 第15课探寻新航路课件PPT课件

初中历史部编版九年级上册第四单元 第15课探寻新航路课件PPT课件





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导入新课 新航路的含义 十五、十六世纪之交,西欧国家探寻 通往印度和美洲等世界各地的航路,这些 航路通常被叫做“新航路”,西欧史学界 又称之为“地理大发现”。 1.理解新航路开辟的原因; 2.知道新航路是怎样开辟出来的,掌握开辟的 时间、路线和主要人物; 3.理解新航路开辟的对世界和欧洲的影响。 陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路 14世纪中西交流的路线 材料三:欧洲对东方的贸易一直是转口贸 易。1453年,奥斯曼帝国的军队攻占君士坦丁堡, 占领巴尔干、小亚细亚以及克里米亚等地区,从 而控制东西方之间的通商要道。不但帝国军队肆 意抢劫商旅,而且帝国当局还规定对过往商品课 以重税。这实际上等于堵死了这一条重要的商路。 结果欧洲市场上的东方商品的价格猛涨。 ——《世界史·近代史编》 归纳原因三: 东西方传统商路受阻(新崛起的奥斯曼帝国控制 了商路,阻碍了东西方贸易)。 材料四:葡萄牙和西班牙濒临海洋,统治者积极 支持海外探险活动,希望获得海外财富,以加强在欧 洲的地位。同时基督教与欧亚其他广泛传播的宗教相 比,更多地渗透着普救主义……教会鼓励人们传播基督 福音于全世界。 从材料中可以看出新航路开辟的原因 还有哪些? 1、葡萄牙和西班牙王室的支持 2、传播天主教的需要 小结: 新航路开辟的原因 1)经济根源: 2)社会根源: 3)直接原因: 4)其他动力: 商品经济的发展和资本主义的萌芽 《马可·波罗行纪》在欧洲社会 掀起寻金热潮 奥斯曼控制东西方传统的商路 西班牙、葡萄牙王室 的支持; 传播天主教。 根本原因 直接原因 为什么欧洲人 开辟前往东方的新航路?能 新航路开辟有这个可能吗? 新航路开辟的条件 • 材料一 随着欧洲地理学的发展,人们逐渐相信地 球是圆的。有的学者还能大致勾画出整个地球的 自然轮廓。他们断定,从欧洲向西航行可以到达 东方。一些人试图环绕地球进行航行。 材料二 12世纪末至13世纪初,中国人发明的指南 针,用于“罗盘”导航技术,经阿拉伯商人传到 欧洲。13世纪,欧洲水手已经掌握了罗盘技术。 同时,欧洲的造船技术取得重大突破,载重量增 加到600~800吨,可以装载更多的水手、食物和 商品。船的规模变得更大,速度更快,操纵更加 灵便。 新航路开辟的可能性 (1)造船技术的进步(多桅多帆海船) (2)航海技术的进步 (罗盘针和计算纬度的星盘的应用) (3)地理知识的进步(开始相信地圆学说) 社会生产力的发展 地圆学说开始流行, 这是1492年在德 国制成的地球仪 圣玛利亚号 哥伦布的旗舰,重130 吨,长约35米,甲板长18 米,有3根桅杆,并备有 角帆。 (1)地圆学说的广泛传播; (2)罗盘针的普遍应用; (3)造船技术的进步。 2、新航路开辟的条件:   新航路:指15世纪末16世纪初开辟的不经过地 中海,而是绕过非洲或美洲到达亚洲的航路。 地中海 目标导学二 :新航路的开辟过程 葡萄牙 葡萄牙 葡萄牙 葡萄牙 葡萄牙 1487年 沿非洲西海岸, 到达好望角 发现好望角 意大利 西班牙 1492年 从西班牙出发,横渡 大西洋,到达美洲 发现新大 陆美洲 1497年 从葡萄牙出发,经好 望角进入印度洋,到 达印度的西南海岸 第一个找到从 西欧直通东方 国家的新航路 西班牙 1519~ 1522年 从西班牙出发,向西进 入太平洋、印度洋,绕 过好望角回到欧洲 实现人类第一 次环球航行 1487 葡萄牙   “好望角”的意思是“美好希望的海角”,但最初却 称“风暴角”。“好望角”一名的由来有着多种说法, 其中一种说法是:达·伽马自印度满载而归后,当时的 葡王就将“风暴角”易名为“好望角”,以示绕过此海 角就带来了好运。 好 望 角 非 洲 好望角 马林迪 卡里库特 葡萄牙 里斯本 1497年 葡萄牙——印度 洪都拉斯 1492年 哥伦布向西出航四次,发现 了中美洲和南美洲大陆,称 为“美洲新大陆”。 麦哲伦海峡 西班牙 塞维利亚 菲律宾 麦哲伦死亡之地 1866年在麦哲伦殉难地点建造的纪念物(1521年 菲律宾) 1492-1493年 1487-1488年 1497-1498年 1519-1522年 太 平 洋 大 西 洋 太平洋 印度洋 亚 洲 欧 洲 非洲 大洋洲 北美洲 好望角 南美洲 迪亚士(葡) 哥伦布(意) 西班牙王室支持 达.伽马(葡) 麦哲伦(西 班牙王室 支持) 太 平 洋 大 西 洋 太平洋 印度洋 亚 洲 欧 洲 非洲 大洋洲 北美洲 一个中心 两个 方向 四个 人物 欧洲 东西 哥伦布、麦哲伦 迪亚士、达·伽马 航海家们在航行过程中可能会遇到 哪些困难? 1520年11月28日星期三,我们越过海峡,进入 太平洋。在3个月20天里,我们没有吃过任何新鲜的食 物。我们吃的饼干已不是饼干,而是爬满虫子、发出 老鼠尿味的粉渣。我们喝的是早已腐臭的黄水。我们 也把盖在大桅顶端以免它损坏帆缆索具的几张牛皮取 下来吃了。但是它们经过风吹日晒和雨淋,已经十分 坚硬,我们只好把它们放在海水里泡上四五天,然后 再放在火上烤,这样才能吃下去。我们还常常吃木屑。 有人卖老鼠……然而,即使这样也找不到老鼠了。 ——引自与麦哲伦一道作环球航行的皮加费塔在航海 日记中的描述 航 海 之 旅 勇于开拓、创新进取、不怕牺牲、克服困难 你从四位西方航海家身上学到哪些优秀品质? 三:新航路开辟的影响: 殖民掠夺 (1)新航路开辟以后,欧 洲大西洋沿岸工商业经济繁荣 起来,促进了资本主义的产生 和发展。 (2)欧洲和亚洲、非洲、 美洲之间建立起了直接的商业 联系,往来日益密切。世界开 始连为一个整体,世界的观念 也从此逐步确立起来。 探 寻 新 航 路 原因 条件 四位 航海 家 影响 最根本:资本主义萌芽 关注东方,寻金热 传统商路的堵塞 罗盘、造船技术、地圆学说 1487,迪亚士,好望角 1492,哥伦布,美洲 1497,达·伽马,横渡印度洋 1519,麦哲伦,环球航行(船 队完成) 世界开始连为一体 • 欣赏下列两个语段,并指出它们的技巧 • 1. Brief as the passage is, it still arouses my endless imagination to the past time. Were I in the past, I would like that I stayed in Britain in the 19th century, where and when the Revolution of Industry was flourishing. • With the inspiring atmosphere of the creative times, I would try my utmost to do my favorite scientific experiment, since I have great interest in science. What’s more, the scientific lovers would be invited to join my little club to invent some brand-new inventions and create new designs of our daily life’s products, cooperating to put the theory we learned from books to our practical life. In this way I could get inspiration of wisdom and resourcefulness to bring convenience and improvements to our life. • 2. Should I be given the opportunities to travel to the past, I would like to go back to Qing Dynasty of early 20th century when China was in a disaster. • Were I back in the late Qing Dynasty, I would make every endeavor to rescue China from the foreign invaders and prevent it from being bullied without resistance. Firstly, I would teach my modern theory and knowledge to the governors, instructing them to fight against the enemies and construct powerful armies. Secondly, all the citizens would be called on to unite together and resist other countries’ invasion bravely. What’s more, joining some anti-invaders parties would also be my choice. 亮点句型写作指导 除了虚拟语气外,有许多亮点句型可以应用到写 作中,增分添彩。 比喻 • A is to B what C is to D. • Like the sunshine , kindness can help those in trouble. • Kindness is like the lighthouse, which can direct the way for those who are in dim situation. 排比 If I could go back to the past and do the above mentioned things, the last thing my grandpa remembered would not be the indifference and the back of his beloved grandson. If I could travel back through time, the last memory between him and me would not be his closed eyes and the dead look of half-unconscious suffering. Then now, I would not have to live with this unbearable regret and pain for the rest of my life. If only I could! 倒装(赢在写作 P37-38) • Simple as the story is , • Here goes the saying that ___. • Only when _____ can we ___. • Only in this way, can we • Only by doing -, can we____. • Only after doing sth, can we • On the west of the school lies a pond, where many fish are swimming. • Under no circumstance should we - • 类似的用法: • Never/ By no means / on no account / in no way / at no time should I . • Hardly/scarcely had I got into the room when it began to rain.( no sooner, than) • Had it not been for her sticking to being on time, she wouldn’t have earned herself a well-paid job and more importantly built up an image of reliability and integrity. 倒装 Should I be given the opportunities to travel to the past, I would like to go back to Qing Dynasty of early 20th century when China was in a disaster. Were I back in the late Qing Dynasty, I would make every endeavor to rescue China from the foreign invaders and prevent it from being bullied without resistance. 亮点写作的注意事项 • 1. 过多的亮点,显得堆砌 • 对策:亮点分布,尽量首句 • 2.亮点单一,例如全段排比或比喻 • 对策:最好总—排比---总的结构。照顾段 落的完整性。 • 3.华而不实,不重视内容,徒有框架没有内 容 • 对策:先想内容,再想修辞手法 • 4. 过多注重运用亮点,没有注意谋篇,顾 此失彼 • 对策:谋好篇,定好每点行数,才能下笔 亮点句型写作训练 • 练习: • 1.说明挫折的意义 • 2.你怎样看待老师对学生的影响。 • 3.说说你对母爱的理解 • 4.谈谈决心对人的影响 使用虚拟语气写作的注意事项: 1.确定到底要不要“虚”? 2.确定到底使用哪个时态的“虚”? 3.所谓“一虚到底”,其实是指在该假设情境 中的虚拟的时态的一致性。而非一定是通段都 使用虚拟!一切要看情况进行选用。 说说挫折的意义 • 1. Hard and painful as frustration is, it is of significance in our life. As the old saying goes, “storm makes trees take deeper roots”, without frustration, never could we grow up as a strong-willed person. Were we surrounded by over-praise and immersed in the pride and happiness, frustration would be a timely alarm, urging us not to stop at the so-called peak and continue your pace of pursuit. Were we confronted with obstacles, frustration could be a philosopher‘s stone(魔法石), with which we could transform the temporary setbacks to great opportunities to become strongerIn a word, life is not only about how to live through the storm but also how to dance in the rain. 说说挫折的意义 • 2. Never can we emphasize the significance of setback too much. Without setback, our life would be a rose lacking fragrance. Without setback, our life would be a voyage lacking direction. It is no exaggeration to say that frustration has sown the seed of maturity and self-development in my inner heart and has made it possible for me to achieve great success. 老师对学生的影响 • 1. Suppose that teachers were absent in our life, students’ life would be a picture with intense darkness. Without teachers, the laborious engineers of our soul, students’ personalities and characters would not be shaped. Without teachers, the ladder with selfless devotion, our heart would not be lifted up by encouragement and grow mature. Without teachers, the sparkling lighthouse in the ocean of knowledge, never could teenagers find access to the successful life in the future. 老师对学生的影响 • 2. Without the patient and careful teachers, never could students grow from a childish and dependent child into a mature and independent adult. Without the selfless and affectionate preaching of teachers, never could students step onto a path with a bright and promising future. Without the knowledgeable teachers, never would students master the necessary knowledge and devote them to the construction of a more harmonious society and country. 母爱的理解 • 1. Without maternal affection, we would change from fragrant flowers into weeds abandoned by others without a shelter and care. Without this ever-lasting emotion, never would we live as full and rich a life as other children surrounded by merriment and happiness. 母爱的理解 • 2. Maternal love is like a circle. It has no beginning and no ending. But for motherhood, we would be the little strayed lambs who step on the mistaken track. But for motherhood, never can we be enveloped in warmth and merriment by a patch of sunlight. But for motherhood, we could be overwhelmed by endless darkness and the world would fade from colorful and wonderful to dim and cold. 决心的影响 • 1. Determination is the fuel of ships, without which, never could we arrive at the shore of success. Determination is the walking stick of the climber’s, without which, never could we reach the peak of life. Determination is the very condition, without which, never could we get rid of the dark depth of depression. 决心的影响 • 2. Without the firm determination, never could individuals grow into strong trees struggling in the wind and rain. Without the steadfast mind, never could teams unite together to create miracle. Without the unswerving resolution, never could countries unite and fight for the flourishing and bright future as well as a harmonious world. 说说挫折的意义 • 1. Hard and painful as frustration is,(倒装) it is of significance in our life. As the old saying goes, “storm makes trees take deeper roots”,(名言) without frustration, never could we grow up as a strong-willed person. (虚拟)Were we surrounded by over-praise and immersed in the pride and happiness, frustration would be a timely alarm, urging us not to stop at the so-called peak and continue your pace of pursuit. Were we confronted with obstacles, frustration could be a philosopher‘s stone(魔法石), with which we could transform the temporary setbacks to great opportunities to become stronger.(虚拟+排比+非限制性定从) In a word, life is not only about how to live through the storm but also how to dance in the rain.(总结 部分可以用现在时) 说说挫折的意义 • 2. Never can we emphasize the significance of setback too much. (倒装) Without setback, our life would be a rose lacking fragrance. Without setback, our life would be a voyage lacking direction. It is no exaggeration to say that frustration has sown the seed of maturity and self-development in my inner heart and has made it possible for me to achieve great success.(虚拟反说+比喻+排比) 老师对学生的影响 • 1. Suppose that teachers were absent in our life, students’ life would be a picture with intense darkness. Without teachers, the laborious engineers of our soul, students’ personalities and characters would not be shaped. Without teachers, the ladder with selfless devotion, our heart would not be lifted up by encouragement and grow mature. Without teachers, the sparkling lighthouse in the ocean of knowledge, never could teenagers find access to the successful life in the future. (虚拟反说+排比) • 老师对学生的影响 • 2. Without the patient and careful teachers, never could students grow from a childish and dependent child into a mature and independent adult. Without the selfless and affectionate preaching of teachers, never could students step onto a path with a bright and promising future. Without the knowledgeable teachers, never would students master the necessary knowledge and devote them to the construction of a more harmonious society and country.(虚 拟反说+排比) 母爱的理解 • 1. Without maternal affection, we would change from fragrant flowers into weeds abandoned by others without a shelter and care. Without this ever-lasting emotion, never would we live as full and rich a life as other children surrounded by merriment and happiness. (虚拟反说+排比) 母爱的理解 • 2. Maternal love is like a circle. It has no beginning and no ending. (比喻,多一句进 行补充说明,使得比喻更具体形象)But for motherhood, we would be the little strayed lambs who step on the mistaken track. But for motherhood, never can we be enveloped in warmth and merriment by a patch of sunlight. But for motherhood, we could be overwhelmed by endless darkness and the world would fade from colorful and wonderful to dim and cold.(虚 拟+比喻+排比) 决心的影响 • 1. Determination is the fuel of ships, without which, never could we arrive at the shore of success. Determination is the walking stick of the climber’s, without which, never could we reach the peak of life. Determination is the very condition, without which, never could we get rid of the dark depth of depression. (先总说比 喻决心像…,再用非限制性定从+虚拟反说进 行论证,还采用了排比的手法) 决心的影响 • 2. Without the firm determination, never could individuals grow into strong trees struggling in the wind and rain. Without the steadfast mind, never could teams unite together to create miracle. Without the unswerving resolution, never could countries unite and fight for the flourishing and bright future as well as a harmonious world. (虚拟排比递进:个人— 团队---国家)

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