人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit5Thereisabigbed第2课时 x

人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit5Thereisabigbed第2课时 x


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Unit 5 There is a big bed. Introduce There is a sofa in the room. Words in front of 介词短语,意为“在······前面” eg:You are in front of your house. 你就站在房子的前面。 小练习: There are some trees__________ (在……前面)the house.in front of Words between [bɪˈtwi:n] 作介词,意为“在……中间” 常用例句: Remember the gaps between the teeth? 记得牙齿间的缝隙吧? 小练习: There are flowers_______(在……之间)the trees.between Words above 作介词,意为“在……上面,向……上面” 常用例句: A long scream sounded from somewhere above. 从上面什么地方传来一声长长的尖叫。 小练习: There are some birds_______(在……上面)the trees.above Translation Zhang Peng: This is the living room. 这是客厅。 Mike: Wow! There are so many pictures here. 这里有这么多幅画。 Zhang Peng: Yes. My father can draw very well. 是的,我爸爸能画很好的画。 Sarah: There are so many plants here, too. 这里还有这么多的植物。 Translation Zhang peng: They’re my grandmother’s plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it. 他们是我奶奶的植物。我的爷爷奶奶有一个花园 在它们的房子前面,里面有许多花。 Sarah: Cool! 太酷了! Expressions 小练习: There________four photos in the room. A.is B. are B,后面是four photos,为复数,所以前面there后跟are。 There are so many pictures here. 这里有如此多的图片。 [用法] There are后面接复数形式,意思是在某地有什么。 [举例] There are some flowers in front of the house. 在房子前面有一些花。 B Expand 经典小故事 The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. Then he started again, and said he:” Let me ask the evolutionist a question - -- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?"   "I'll venture an answer, “said an old lady.” We have worn them off sitting here so long.” Expand 教进化论的老师已经滔滔不绝地讲了快两个小时 ,他的话题又来了:“让我向进化论者提个问题--如果 我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里 去了?”   “我来试试看,”一位老太太说。   “该是我们在这里坐这么久把它们磨掉了吧。” Summary Words: in front of;beside; above Sentences: there are so many... Exercise 单项选择。 1、There ____ two teachers in our class. A. is B. has C. are D. have 2、There ____ a bottle of milk on the table. A. is B. has C. are D. have 3、There ____ a dog and three pigs on the grass. A. is B. has C. are D. have 4、There ____ four flowers and a rabbit on the grass. A. is B. has C. are D. have C A C C Exercise 1、I just moved into an new house. _________________________________ 2、There are lots of flowers in front of the house. _________________________________ 3、There is a cat behind my desk. _________________________________ 4、There are lots of birds above my head. _________________________________ 5、There is a river between us. _________________________________ 我刚搬进了新家。 在房子前有许多花。 在我的桌子后面有一只猫咪。 在我的头上有许多鸟。 在我们之间有一条河。 Exercise 从下面方框中选择正确的答语。 (  )1、Can you speak English? (  )2、What can you do? (  )3、What day is it today? (  )4、What would you like to eat? (  )5、Is she kind? (  )6、What’s he like? A、I’d like bread. B、I can sing English songs. C、He is clever. D、Today is Monday. E、Yes, I can. F、 No, she isn’t. E B D A F C Exercise 根据提示写出下面的句子。 1、There _________ (be)a computer _____________(在书桌上). 2、There _________ (be)a tree _____________(在房子旁边). 3、There _________ (be)pictures and photos _____________ (到处都是). 4、There _________ (be)a bike _____________ (在房子前面). 5、There _________ (be)a garden _____________(在这棵树后面). in front of the house. on the desk. is beside the house. are all over the place. is is is behind the tree. Homework Describe your classroom.

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