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英语中考习题练 4 一 选择 1. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 2. We don’t allow ______ in this room. A. smoking B. to smoke C. people smoking D. people to smoking 3. I haven’t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me? A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on 4. “Are you from America?” “No, neither of us.” A. each B. both C. all D. neither 5. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked for B. looked up C. looked after D. looked like 6The book ______ you want is on the desk. Which of the following isn’t right? A.that B.which C./ D.it 7.I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country. A.which B.on which C.when D,on that 8.Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday? A.that B.which C.the one D.who 9.The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing. A.has B.have C.there is D.there are 10.The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here. A.that B.which C.to which D.where 二 完型填空 Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of __13__. They feel stressed because they have __14__ homework to do both at school and at home.They have lots of exams __15__ . And parents usually send them __16__ different classes at weekends.As a result,so many of them almost become bookworms (书虫).On holidays,they could hardly have __17__ time to do what they are interested in.Now more and more teenagers __18__ shortsighted.They often read in bed or keep __19__ for a long time without having a rest.Some of them are crazy about playing computer games.Some __20__ too much watching TV.__21__ serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat.They eat too much junk food,but they take little exercise. I think teenagers should think of ways on how to __22__ the problem.They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible. 13.A.adult B.adults C.teenager D.teenagers 14.A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too 15.A.join B.to be taken C.to take D.to join 16.A.to B.for C.of D.in 17.A.our own B.their own C.his own D.they own 18.A.are geting B.are getting C.got D.are become 19.A.red B.read C.to read D.reading 20.A.pay B.cost C.spend D.take 21.A.Another B.Other C.Others D.Some 22.A.doing with B.do with C.dealing with D.deal with 三阅读 During the summer holidays there will be a changed schedule of services for the students. Changes for diningroom and library service hours and for bus schedules will be put up on the wall outside of the dininghall. Weekly film and concert schedules will be put up each Wednesday outside of the student club. In the summer holidays. buses going to the town centre will leave the gate every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 pm on weekends. The library will be open at its usual hours during the week ,but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 pm. Students must have a new summer card if you want to use the library lending services. This announcement will also be seen in the nest week`s student newspaper. 1.This announcement is to ______. A. tell students of important schedule changes B. tell students of new bus and library services C. show the excellent services for students D. ask students to change their library cards 2.From this passage we know______. A. there is a film each week in the student club B. there is a film or a concert each week in the student club C. there is a film or a concert on every Wednesday in the student club D. there will be no changes about the schedules of the weekly film and concert during the summer holidays 3. At which of the following times will the bus leave the gate? A.8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00 B. 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30 C. 8:00,9:00,10:30,11:00 E. 8:00,9:30,10:00,11:30 4.In the summer holidays, the library will have ______. A. no special hours B. special hours on weekdays C. special hours on weekends D. special hours both on weekdays and weekends 5.We may know that during the summer holidays_______. A. Few students will stay in the university B. No breakfast will be served on weekends C. The student newspaper will sell more copies D. There will be a concert or a film each Wednesday

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