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江苏省盐城市滨海县 2019-2021 年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编 回答问题 江苏省盐城市滨海县 2020-2021 学年九年级下学期第一次调研检测英语试题 (二)阅读与回答问题。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分) My cousin studies in an Australian university. During last Spring Festival,he invited some of his Australian friends to Binhai. What did they think of Binhai? Here is part of their chat on WeChat. 回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过 5 个词。 56. Where are my cousin's friends from? 57. How did Nancy like Binhai local food,meatball? 58. What happened to Nancy in the restaurant? 59. Why did Paul want to hug the man? 60. What do the students think of Chinese people? 答案: 56.Australia. 57.She liked it very much/a lot./Very much./A lot. 58. She lost her purse. 59.Becausethe man helped him./For his help/To show thanks. 60. Friendly, polite and helpful. 江苏省盐城市滨海县 2020 年九年级中考总复习第一次调研考试英语试题 C. 阅读短文并简要回答下列问题(每题 2 分, 计 10 分, 每题答案不超过 5 个词) The sun was falling behind the hills. Andrea was driving back home to Brockboune. Then she sawan old lady, standing by the road, with a sign saying "Brockboune"in her hand. Andrea stopped the car. When the old lady got in, Andrea could see that she was not that little. She was in a long dress and had a hat pulled down low over her eyes. She put her big brown shopping bag down onto the floor. "Do you live in Brockboune?"asked Andrea. "No, dear, "answered the old lady in a low voice, "I'm just going to visit a friend, but my car won't start, so I had to hitchhike ( 搭 便 车 ) . " Something in the way the lady spoke made Andrea uneasy. Andrea secretly studied the half-covered face, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs. . . Thick black hairs? Andrea's blood froze. This wasn't a woman. It was a man! Her heart was beating wildly and her mind raced. Then suddenly, an idea came up to her. She stopped the car in a sudden. "My God!" she shouted, "A child! Did you see the child? I think I hit her!" "I didn't see anything, "the "old lady" said. "I don't think you hit anything. ""I'm sure it was a child!?" shouted Andrea. "Could you just get out and have a look?" The "old lady" slowly opened the car door, leaving her bag inside. As soon as "she" was out of the car, Andrea drove away as soon as possible. Several minutes later, Andrea thought about the "old lady's" bag and opened it carefully. There was only one thing in it-a shining knife. 76. How did Andrea go home? ▲ ▲ . 77. Who did Andrea meet on the way, a woman or a man? ▲ ▲ . 78. Did Andrea really hit a girl? ▲ ▲ . 79. What's in the "old lady's" bag? ▲ ▲ . 80. What do you think of Andrea? ▲ ▲ . 答案: 76. By car. 77. A man. 78. No, she didn’t. 79. A shining knife. / A knife. 80. She was smart and brave/ clever/ wise / brave… 江苏省盐城市滨海县 2019 年中考总复习第一次学情研判英语试题 C. 阅读短文并简要回答下列问题(每题 2 分,计 10 分) A man once visited a temple(寺庙)that was still being built. He saw a sculptor (雕塑家) making a sculpture. As he watched the man work on the sculpture, he noticed that there was a similar sculpture lying nearby. He was curious and asked the sculptor, “Why are you making two same sculptures? Do you need two to put in different places?” “No,” the man said without looking up. “We need only one, but the first one became damaged(被损坏的)before I could finish it, so I’m making a new one.” The visitor picked up the damaged sculpture and checked it. But he couldn’t find anything wrong with it. “Where is the damage?” he asked. “There is a scratch(擦 痕 )on the sculpture’s nose.” the sculptor said while continuing his work. The man then asked, “Where are you going to place the sculpture?” The sculptor replied that it would be placed on a 20-foot-high platform. “If the sculpture is up that high, who is going to notice that there is a scratch on the nose?” the man asked. The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the man and said, “I will know it.” Even if other people didn’t notice the damage, it is important to the sculptor that his work should be of the best quality. He chose to insist a high standard of excellence in his work. This is an attitude we should all work hard to keep. (每题答案不超过 6 个词) 76. What was the sculptor doing when the man saw him? ▲ ▲ 77. Why did the sculptor make two sculptures? ▲ ▲ 78. Where was the scratch? ▲ ▲ 79. Who would know there was a scratch when the sculpture was placed high? ▲ ▲ 80. Like the sculptor, what should we insist in our work? ▲ ▲ 答案: 76. He was making a sculpture. 77. Because the first one became damaged 78. On the sculpture’s nose. 79. The sculptor himself. 80. A high standard of excellence.

资料: 3.2万


