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Module 7 Period2 Dogs can do lots of things. Aims: 1.Knowledge aims a.To learn the new words:blind、deaf、hear、show、fire、 firefighter、hot dog、sausage. b.To learn the sentences: This man is blind.This dog helps him. This girl is deaf.This dog helps her. This dog helped the firefighters. 2.Emotional objective a.Teach pupils to love animals and respect life.Establish the concept of harmony between man and animals. b.To learn English happily. 3.Main points Learn and say the new words. This man is blind.This dog helps him. This girl is deaf.This dog helps her. This dog helped the firefighters. Difficult points To use the new sentences in real situation. Teaching aids Multimedia , word cards, PPT. Teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up 1.Greetings. 2.Say the chant together. Step 2 Lead in Look at the picture,answer the questions: 1.Who are they? 2.What are they doing? Step 3 Presentation 1.look at the picture and introduce the TV show to pupils. Teach the new word show from the word slow / əu /. 2.Let’s watch the TV show . 3.Listen and answer. ①What's the TV show about? ②Who helps the people? ③What are the hot dogs? Step 4 Teach and practice. look at the picture and answer What can you see?Learn the sentences:Teach and practice the new words from old words.Use Nature Spell to teach phonics. This man is blind / ai /.This dog helps him. This girl is deaf/ e / (head bread ).She can’t hear / iə /(ear dear). This dog helps her. There was a fire./ ai / This dog helped the firefighters./ ai / Step 5 Look at the Bb and read the words after the teacher. show blind deaf hear fire firefighters. Step 6 Now read and choose T or F. 1.Lingling likes dogs. T F 2.The man can't hear. T F 3.The girl can't see. T F 4.The dogs helps people. T F 5.Dogs are not useful. T F Step 7 Learn to say Listen and read after the tape again. Then read after the teacher. Step 8 Free talk In our life,dogs are very useful. Dogs are our friends. We love them and we should be kind to dogs. Step 9 Homework Share something about dogs to your family. 向家人分享一些狗 狗的事。 Step 10 Blackboard design Dogs are useful. show blind deaf hear fire firefighters. 教学反思: 1.本堂课设计环环相扣,以总分总的形式引导学生学习新知——狗在 我们生活中能做许多事,能帮许多忙。学生很有兴趣去学习。 2.利用自然拼读法学习新单词,举例让学生从学习过的单词中去读和 体会划线部分的读音。再学习,练习新单词。学生自主习得的效果好。 3.教学中,让学生练习的机会少了些。订正了读音后没有让孩子再练 习,老师把握不到孩子的习得情况。如 firefighters,blind 这些难 点单词。 4.时间允许的情况下,可以多举些生活中的例子,让孩子们了解狗是 人类忠诚的朋友。

资料: 3.2万


