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高三新题型读后续写不同主题分析--夫妻相处 板块一--例文(夫妻买房) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Before our wedding, my fiance (未婚夫) and I were very excited about shopping for our first house. So, we took look at several houses, yet as our funds were limited, none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory. One agent recommended a house in particular. Although her description of the house sounded very wonderful, the price was beyond our range, so we declined. However, she kept urging us to have a look at least. We finally agreed and went to take a look. It was lovely at first sight. It was small but charming, overlooking a quiet beautiful lake. Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a kind and hospitable elderly couple, we felt the warmth and happiness of the marriage within that house. It was exactly the house we wanted! Perfect as it was, the price remained much too high for us. But every day, we could sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of what it would be like to live there. Days later, we made an offer, which was far below the asking price. As the price was so low, we were afraid that they would laugh it off. Surprisingly, they didn't laugh at us. They renewed their offer instead. It was also much more than we could actually afford, but far less than the original asking price. The next day, we got a disappointing message that another buyer offered a much higher price. Even so, we made up our minds to talk with the owners directly. We made our final offer, which was still thousands of dollars less than the other buyer's bid. We knew it, yet we decided to have a try. Nobody knew if we could get it. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。 Paragraph 1: We went to the owners' home, only to find the other buyer visiting the owners too. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Paragraph 2: The owner looked at us and said, ''I decide to sell my house to you! ''______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 【答案】We went to the owners' home, only to find the other buyer visiting the owners too. He said the price he offered was much higher than ours, he begged the owners to sell it to him, then the owner asked the buyer, ''why do you want this house? '' The buyer said ''Because it is near the city. I want to buy it for investment. I can rent it to earn money... '' the owner thought for a while and then looked at him and said. ''I'm sorry, sir. I can't sell my house to you, because I am looking for someone who truly loves my house, not just for money.'' The owner looked at us and said, ''I decide to sell my house to you! '' Then he explained: He'd seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that wed appreciate the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a loss by selling it to us. but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there. He told us to consider the difference in the price ''an early wedding present. '' That's how we found our home and how I learned that when people are kind, they are not strangers, only friends we haven't yet met. 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇读后续写。本篇主要讲述了作者和丈夫去购买新婚用的房子。他们看上了一套房子, 但中介告诉他们有人比他们的出价更高。抱着试一试的态度,他们决定和房子的主人见上一 面。 【详解】续写分为两部分。第一部分的开头是:我们去了房东家里,却发现另一个买家也在。 所以可以接着写:他说自己的出价更高,并要求房东把房子卖给他。然后房东问他买房的原 因,他说是因为想把房子当作投资。房东思考了一下说,不能把房子卖给他,因为他们要找 的是爱房子的人,而不是把它当作投资,用来挣钱的人。 第二部分的开头是:然后房东看着我们说:“我决定把房子卖给你。”所以可以接着写,房 东说:他看见我们最近常常坐在湖边,知道我们非常爱这套房子,也相信我们会欣赏他们在 这套房子中投入的精力。所以他决定低价把房子卖给我们。至于那些不够的钱就当作是提前 给我们的结婚礼物。我们就这样找到了喜爱的房子,也明白了一些道理。 写作时应注意续写内容要符合逻辑,人称的转换和时态。 【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符 合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了一些主从复合句,例如:I can't sell my house to you, because I am looking for someone who truly loves my house, not just for money.中 who 引导定语从句; That's how we found our home and how I learned that when people are kind, they are not strangers, only friends we haven't yet met.中 how 引导表语从句,that 引导宾语从句。 版块二---读后续写精彩词句集锦 环境描写 Bright sunlightA bright light streamed through the window, flooding the opening and spreading in a wide circle on the ceiling.明媚的阳光一道 明亮的光线流过窗户,淹没了窗口,并在天花板上呈现一个光圈。The rain like a deluge(n. 洪水;暴雨;泛滥)The moon was overcast. The sky writhed with clouds. All at once thunder and lightning began. In a flash of light the fields were illuminated(照亮;说明)as far as the horizon. The stalks of wheat(小麦杆) bowed and the rain struck(strike 过去式:击打) like a deluge. Before Yasha(人名)could collect his thoughts the sheets of water began to flail (打)the wagon(铁路货车) like a hailstorm(冰雹). The tarpaulin(防水帆布)tore(tear 过去式:撕碎/撕破)loose from the frame. The monkey choked off a terrified scream. In less than a minute the highway was mired(使......陷入泥泞).倾盆大雨月亮看不见了。天空里乌云滚 滚。一眨眼,传来了霹雳和闪电。再闪电的照耀下,田野一下子明亮起来,直到 地平线。小麦杆全弯下去;雨像洪水似的倒下来。雅夏还来不及集中思想,一阵 阵大雨像冰雹似的抽打起来大车来。钉在车架上的油布被扯开了。猴子吓得连一 声尖叫也硬在喉咙里。不到一分钟,公路变成泥潭。The peaceful fieldsIt was a pleasant land of white houses, peaceful plowed fields and sluggish yellow rivers, but a land of contrasts, of brightest sun glare and dense shade. The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid, complacent.宁静的田野银色的房屋,宁静的田野,加上那 懒洋洋蜿蜒而去的黄泥河水,这里可以称得上是一片安乐的地方。那一片片已经 清理的垦地,和绵延数理的棉花园,都好像是对着太阳微笑,显示出一片和平宁 静的景象。The twinkling starsAlmost as clearly as the sun could, the moon’s still pale light picked out vast sweeping stretching of distance, the grass shimmering and rippling like a restless sight, silver and white and grey.几乎就像在阳光下那样,一切都看得一清二楚。静穆、清淡的月光照 出了广阔无垠、一览无余的远方。微光扑朔的草地发出了一片低低的窸窣声,像 是不肯停歇的低回浩叹。草原上闪动着一派银色、白色、灰色。Clouds gather, driven by the rising wind As the night advanced, the clouds closing in and densely overspreading the whole sky, then very dark, it came on to blow harder and harder.当深 夜来临时,云急剧地合拢起来,整个天空乌云密布,昏暗无比。 板块三--能力提升(现学现用) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整 短文。 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 It was a beautiful sunny day when the moving van pulled onto the tree-lined street. Mark and Mindy stepped out of the van and looked at their new home with pride. They had both been saving for a long time to purchase their first house together and were very excited to go on a new venture. Within an hour they had unloaded a number of boxes and were pleased with their progress. The sky had begun to darken slightly, but the weather was still pleasant. Then Mindy heard it – even felt it. There was a large clap of thunder and then a bolt of lightning. Mindy and Mark immediately froze and looked at each other, then looked at the boxes scattered (分散) on their lawn. They hastily raced to get their belongings indoors, but not before getting caught in heavy rain. The couple stood in their living room, wet from head to toe, surrounded by what were now very wet boxes. Then, Mark noticed a pool of water in the hallway. He went to inspect and found that there was water dripping from the ceiling. “We can have someone fix it,” Mindy said. “I’ll grab a bucket to catch the water for now.” A moment later Mark heard a scream and raced into the kitchen just in time to see a mouse running across the floor. Mindy was frozen with fright. “Don’t worry. We can take care of that!” Mark said, trying to sound as reassuring (安心的) as possible. “Let’s go unpack some of the boxes. That will make us feel better.” Mark and Mindy made their way to the living room, but when they opened a box holding their kitchen utensils (器皿) and dishes, they found that all of their plates, bowls and cups were broken. They looked at each other in dismay (沮丧). “What do we do now?” Mindy asked. Their first day in their new home was not turning out to be the joyous occasion they had expected. Paragraph 1 Just then, there was a knock at the door. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 Suddenly they heard a noise from the attic (阁楼). _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】参考范文: Just then, there was a knock at the door. Opening the door wearily, Mark found an elderly man standing on the porch with some savory (可口的) cookies. Grinning, the man introduced himself as Tom. Upon seeing the van parked outside, he brought cookies to welcome his new neighbors. Tom’s words and the smell of the cookies calmed Mark a lot, but with the boxes in the room in a mess, Mark felt embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Tom came in and helped the hosts clean up the room and finally they sat down together, enjoying the cookies happily. Suddenly they heard a noise from the attic. Puzzled, Mindy ran upstairs. “It’s a lovely kitten,” Mindy cried cheerfully. “It must be because James, the former owner of the house, used to feed a stray cat to drive out the mice,” smiled Tom. “It was James who helped me when I was helpless, just as you are now.” Feeling the warmth from the neighbor, Mark and Mindy were very grateful. The rain is still falling, but it could never dampen their hopes for the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,马克和明迪搬入新家,突然变天下雨,二人跑进房子,发 现天花板上滴水,厨房有老鼠,而且他们的餐具都碎了,二人很沮丧,认为在新家的第一天 并不是他们所期望的那种欢乐的日子。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:就在这时,有人敲门。本段应该写马克开门后,发现是 一位拿着饼干的老人——邻居汤姆,汤姆是来欢迎二人的,并帮他们打扫卫生,最后大家一 起吃饼干,二人很开心。第二段开头是:突然,他们听到阁楼上传来响声。本段应该写明迪 上楼去发现是一只猫,汤姆告诉二人猫是前主人詹姆斯养的,詹姆斯也帮过汤姆,所以汤姆 帮助二人,马克和明迪很感激,雨并没有打消他们对未来的希望。 续写时要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右,按要求完成写作任务。 【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:introduce oneself as sb.,clean up,drive out 等高级词汇;现在分词短语作状语 Unexpectedly, Tom came in and helped the hosts clean up the room and finally they sat down together, enjoying the cookies happily.表语从句 It must be because James, the former owner of the house, used to feed a stray cat to drive out the mice,强调句型结构 It was James who helped me when I was helpless 等高级 句式。

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