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四年级上册 Unit 5 Lesson 30 教学设计 一、教学目标 1.你将知道: (1)有关服装类词汇的正确读音及词义。 (2)Where is / are my …? Here it is.或者 Here they are.等句子的正确读法及句 意。 2.你将理解: 根据天气的变化选择适合的衣物。 3.你将能够: (1)熟练运用以下功能语句,询问自己的物品在哪里并进行回答:Where is / are my …? Here it is. / Here they are. (2)根据本单元所学内容,创编寻找衣物的故事。 二、教学重难点 熟练运用以下功能语句,询问自己的物品在哪里并进行回答:Where is / are my …? Here it is. / Here they are. 三、教学流程 Lesson 30 脚本 【教师现场】Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to my English class! Nice to see you again! I’m Miss Zhao, from Huachen School of Beichen District. Today, we are going to learn Unit 5. I like those shoes. Lesson 30. 【PPT 2】同学们,我们先来看一看今天这节课的学习目标吧! 【PPT 3】Part 1 情境导入 Leading in 【PPT 4】Are you ready? Let’s sing! (歌曲) 【PPT 5】Look! My room is very messy. Can you help me to find my clothes? Where is my jacket? Here it is. Where is my sweater? Here it is. Where is my T-shirt? Here it is. Where are my socks? Here they are. Where are my shoes? Here they are. 【PPT 6】Part 2 新课呈现 Presentation 【PPT 7】You are so good! Boys and girls, do you like stories? Yes! Today, I have a story for you! This story is about Mimi and Micky. 【PPT 8】It’s 7:00 o’clock now. Mimi and Micky are at home. They want to go to school. 【PPT 9】But Mimi can’t find her clothes. Let’s help her! 【PPT 10】 First, Let’s number! You will find the answers in the story. Now let’s watch! 【PPT 11】一看视频 【PPT 12】Can you number? Let’s check! Are you right? 【PPT 13】Boys and girls, I have a more difficult question. What clothes does Mimi find? Let’s watch again! 【PPT 14】二看视频 【PPT 15】Look! There are so many clothes. What clothes does Mimi find? Do you know? Yes! A hat, a cap, a dress, jeans and shorts. 【PPT 16】Excellent! Does Mimi look funny? Let’s watch and think! 【PPT 17】三看视频 【PPT 18】 Does Mimi look funny? Yes, she does. 【PPT 19】 She can’t walk. Read after me: walk, walk 【PPT 20】You did a very good job. Let’s read! 【PPT 21】Great! Let’s act! Teamwork is very important. So come on, everyone! I am Mimi and you are Micky. This time, I am Micky and you are Mimi. Very nice! 【PPT 22】Part 3 反馈与评价 【PPT 23】Let’s fill in the blanks! (空)Where is my hat? Here it is. Where is my cap? (空)Here it is. Where is my dress? (空)Here it is. (空)Where are my jeans? Here they are. Where are my shorts? (空)Here they are. Oh, I can’t walk! (空)Ha, ha! You look funny . 【PPT 24】You’ve got it! Mimi has found her clothes. It’s time to go to school. Let’s go to school! 【PPT 25】Then Mimi and Micky arrive at their school. Look, they are having an English class. They will do some exercises. 【PPT 26】First, Let’s listen and number! (放听力) 【PPT 27】Let’s check! 【PPT 28】Good job. Let’s play a game! Magic Words 同学们,请你睁大眼睛,认 真思考,根据提示补全单词,将字母填在适当的空格内。 Dress d-r-e-s-s cap c-a-p shirt s-h-i-r-t socks s-o-c-k-s T-shirt T-s-h-i-r-t sweater s-w-e-a-t-e-r 【PPT 29】Super! Are you happy? Please go on! Let’s choose! 1. Choose A Where is my shirt? 2. Choose B Where are my shorts? 3. Choose B Where are my socks? 【PPT 30】Now you’ve got it. Let’s match! 1. Can I help you? Please show me that jacket. 2. Where are my shoes? Here they are. 3. Can we look at the green jacket? Here you are. 4. Put on your shirt. OK. 5. What’s in the box? It’s a dress. 【PPT 31】Great! Let’s make up a new story! Dad, It’s warm today. Let’s play football! Great! Mum, where is my blue cap? Here it is. You look cool. Thank you, mum! Peter, where are my shoes? Here they are. Thank you. You are welcome! Mum, where is my jacket? Here it is. You look funny. It’s hot today. Put on your T-shirt. 【PPT 32】After school, Mimi and micky will have a party. 唱歌 【PPT 33】Mimi puts her dress on. 【PPT 34】Micky puts his shirt on. 【PPT 35】They are very happy. 【PPT 36】As is known to us all, there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. I like spring. It is warm. I can put on my shirt, blouse, jeans and jacket. Summer is very hot. I can put on my hat. I usually wear my T-shirt and shorts. we all know that it always rains in summer. When it rains, put on your raincoat, please. Autumn is the third season in the year. The weather becomes cool. we should wear shirts, blouses, jeans, jackets and so on. Winter is cold and dry outside. we have to wear our coats and our sweaters. 同学们,你们知道吗?服装具有调节人体气候的能力。我国大部分地区一年四季 分明,因此根据时令和季节的变化合理地选择着装,对保证人体的健康是十分重 要的。春秋季节的大部分时间里,气温冷热相宜,着装的自由度比较大。但是在 初春和深秋时节应注意自己的着装,这两个时节天气变化多端,温差较大,处于 季节交替的时令,着装不易掌握好。“春捂秋冻”这句民谚为我们提供了穿着的 要领。夏季气温高、湿度大,给人以闷热的感觉,因此适宜的服装应当是宽松、 透气、吸湿性好的衣服。例如 T 恤、短裤。冬季的着装选择应注重衣料的保温 性能。如羊毛、鸭绒、蚕丝、棉花等都是较好的保温材料。 【PPT 37】Part 4 课后作业 Homework 【PPT 38】 Homework 1. Write the words about clothes we learnt in this unit. 2. Make up a new story. 【PPT 39】Part 5 结束语 Conclusion 【PPT 40】Summary In today’s lesson, We have reviewed some words about clothes. We have reviewed the following sentences: 1. Where is/are my …? Here it is/ they are. 2. Put on your …. OK. That’s all for today. Thank you for listening. Bye!

资料: 3.2万


