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第 1 页 八下 U3 Lesson13 填空 1. The girl is _________________(gently), Everyone likes her very much. 2. Everyday ,the dog _____________(welcome) him when he comes back. 3. Girls are usually ____________(scare) of mice very much. 4. I hear someone ___________(scream) just now What happened? 5. There are two big ____________(sofa) in our living room. 6. I’m thirsty. I would like ____________(have) a cup of coffee. 7. The tiger stays in the _______________(微小的) cage. 8. The summer v_____________ is coming soon. 选择 1. I haven’t finished my homework _______. I can’t go with you now. A.already B.yet C.ever. D.never 2. I tried __________ last night. But I failed, so I am tired now A.sleep. B.to sleep C.to sleeping D.slept 3. —It is said that the West Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in China. Do you think so? —Yeah, I _____ there twice before! It attracts lost of tourists from home and abroad. A.have been B.have gone C.go. D.went 4. He was away for a week. What happened _______ him? A.about B.with C.for D.to 5. —Have you finished your homework? —___________. Just half of it. How about you? A. Not at all B. Not likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet 翻译 1. 那个小女孩害怕一个人呆在家里。 2. 上个月我们全家去度假了。 3. 你去过北京科技馆了吗? 阅读理解 How does a young dog or cat get to know a new home? The animal uses its nose, Right away it smell as new places, Then it makes wider and wider circles, smelling all the time, Before long it can find its way home very well, even in the dark. It simply follows something it knows well. Stories happen about animals who found their way across land they had never smelled before. Take the case of Smoky, a small white cat. Smoky had some funny red hair around its right ear. One day Smoky and his owner began a long journey, They were moving from Oklahoma to Tennessee. When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car. Then he found his way back to the old house. There he wandered around outside for many days. Finally he disappeared. A year later Smoky meowed at the door of a house in Tennessee. A man opened the door. 1s that you, Smoky?"he said in surprise. At first he couldn’t believe it. Then he saw the red hair around its right ear. It was Smoky! 1. What is the first thing a pet does in a new place? A. It travels a long way. B, It smells the new place. C. It finds its way in the dark D. It follows something it knows. 2. Put these events in the right order that they happened ① Smoky got to Tennessee, ②Smoky jumped out of the car. ③Smoky went to his old house A,③①② B.①③② C.②③① D.③②① 3. What does the underlined word "wandered mean in the passage? 第 2 页 八下 U3 A.游荡 B.思考 C.搜寻 D.国绕 4. What is the best title for the passage? A. A Kind Owner B. A Humorous Cat C. A Surprising Journey D. An Excellent Memory Lesson 14 填空 1. The bird f___________ it’s wings and flew away. 2. You should s__________ the red wine well before you drink it. 3. The cat caught two big m___________ and ate them just now, 4. They ___________ eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August. 5. Young children are taught road safety to a____________ road accidents 选择 1. Hainan __________ its blue sky and fresh air. A.is weak in B.is famous for C.is used to 2. —Many boy students think math is _________ English. —I agree. I’m weak in English. A.much difficult than B.more difficult than C.so difficult as D.less difficult than 3. ___________ great new it is! We’ll have a school trip next week. A. What a B. What C. How a D. How 4. Who’s the girl __________ glasses in the photo? Is that you? A.by B.of C.on D.with 5. _________ his father, he __________ playing basketball very much. A. Like; like B. Likes; likes C. Likes; like D.like; likes 翻译 1. 你见过飞鱼吗? 2. 这首歌让我想起以前在学校的时光。 3. 我的自行车和你的一样新。 4. 蜜蜂每秒能煽动翅膀达 200 次。 5. 今天的温度比昨天的温度低了很多。 完形填空 I love animals. However, there is one animal than I love more than any other— my___1__ Zoe, My family got Zoe when she was only eight weeks old. I loved her the first time I saw her,___2__ a few days later we found that something was wrong. Zoe was really___3__, so we had to take her to the animal hospital quickly. Zoe got a serious illness, and I was scared that he wouldn’t __4__the pain. After long time, Zoe Came home from the hospital, but the illness damaged her___5___. Zoe was deaf. I___6__that I wouldn't let that change her life. so I began__7__ her sign language so that she could learn orders. I helped __8__to earn to sit, come, and all the other things dogs do. Today, Zoe is a happy four year old dog, We spend lots of time __9__, for example, when I’m playing the piano. Zoe jumps up to try to play. too! I guess that part of loving a dog is _10_ it. Play with it often , and find a way to train it. In return. your dog will give you so much love. 1. A, cat. B, dog. C rabbit. D. bird 2,A.so. B. because. C. but D across 3.A. sick. B active. C,. shy. D). lazy 4. A. keep. B. stand. C, improve. D. catch 5,A.ears. B. nose. C.eyes D.teeth 6. A. imagined. B. expected C.agreed D. decided 7, A, lending B, offering. C, teaching. D.sending 8.A. her. B. hers. C, him. D,. his 9. A, carefully B. together. C, quietly D. abroad 10. A. checking out B listening to C. trying out. D, looking after Lesson15 第 3 页 八下 U3 填空 1. Pandas’ favorite food is b______________. 2. I will help you if you are in d_______________. 3. The book, New Exploring, is ______________(主要) written for young students. 4. The students don’t have any __________(class) on weekends. 5. They didn’t come until it was ________(near) 10:00 a.m. yesterday. 6. Since 2009,Modern Family has given us the _________(fun), sad and moving stories of three American families. 7. Lucas usually ________ his cat _______ fish. 选择 1. How ______ it is for a child to swim along in the river! A.danger B.dangerous C.in danger. D.safe 2.(陕西中考) Students should pay attention to_______ the teacher in class instead of _____ something useless. A. listen to: doing B, listen to: do. C. listening: doing. D. listening to: doing 3. Don’t______. He_______ too tired. 一 Sorry,1won’t. A. wake. B, wake up. C. wake him up D. wake up him 4. Ma Yun, the Chairperson of Alibaba Group, has made much money _______ the Internet A, through. B. along. C. across. D. towards 5. -We should go to school by busy ________ by car. - Yeah, the fewer cars we use, the less pollution there will be. A. instead. B, instead of. C, in need. D. in need of 翻译 1. 他喜欢跑步而不是打篮球。 2. 我妈妈今天早晨 6 点就把我叫醒了。 听力 Safari park 野生动物园 dingo 一种狗 armadillo 犰狳(一种动物) 提示: Lucy and Sam are in a safari park with their class. Mark works in the safari park. Answer the questions 1. Do lions hunt alone or with other lions? 2. Do dingoes always hunt alone? 3. What’s the favorite food of giraffes’? 4. Do lions and dingoes hunt everyday? 5. Do lions and dingoes hunt for their food in the safari park? Lesson16 填空 1. We all know that a tiger is a kind of f______ animal 2. Yesterday afternoon I caught a bird, but it e_________ from my hands soon. 3. We often play jokes on each other on April f_________ Day. 4. Schools should do something to help students p_________ the students. 5. I think g_________ long necks are the cutest of all the animals. 6. (黔南中考) The keeper tells the visitors ______________( not touch) the tigers, it's very dangerous. 7. What will we say if our teacher____________(ask) these questions? 8. The baby girl is sleeping____________(quiet)on her bed. 选择 1. let's listen to the English program ________ the radio. A. at. B. of. C.to. D.on 第 4 页 八下 U3 2,(益阳中考)一 It' s Father' s Day today, ___________? —Yes, let’s buy a gift for Dad. A. isn't he. B, doesn’t it. C, isn't it 3. (大庆中考) It was careless __________ Lingling to make ________ mistakes. A. for; a lot of. B, of; a plenty of. C. for; an amount of D, of; a number of 4. If it_______, we will go hiking at Cool City Park. A. not rain. B. don’t rain. C, won t rain. D. doesn’t rain 翻译 1. 不要与老人开玩笑,他们通常很认真。 2. 如果 Peter 到了伦敦会给你打电话的。 3. 知道考试结果后,丹尼高兴的上蹿下跳。 4. 操场上有些男生在踢足球。(用 there be 句型) 5. 你一定是在开玩笑,对吧? 阅读理解(河北中考) Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know they can teach us? Geese(雁). for example, teach a very good lesson about ____1__.In the fall, Canada geese fly to the warm south to. __2__ Canadas cold winter. They lift off in no order. Yet __3__ they form a V shape. with one bird leading the group. This V shape allows geese to__4__ energy. When the front bird moves its wings up and down. the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line. The bird __ 5__has the hardest job. when it gets __6__, it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the group can travel great distances. Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without __7__ than birds flying alone. During the long flying journey, geese communicate with one another. They honk(鸣叫)as to __8__ the birds up front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up __9__ working toward a common goal. what have we learned from the lovely geese's experience and skills? __10__ together! whether it is our personal lives or our jobs, we need other people. We need the spirit of teamwork! I, A, experience B. success. C. friendship. D. teamwork 2. A. look fo B, get away from C. wait for. D. walk away from 3. A. busily. B. quickly. C. bravely. D. suddenly 4.A save. B.waste. C. create. D. lose 5. A. in front B. at the back. C.in the middle. D. on the left 6. A bored. B. tired. C. hungry. D. thirsty 7.A rest B, sleep. C. excuse. D.result 8. A. lead. B.lift C.teach D.encourage 9.A. until. B. after. C. while. D. before 10. A. Play B, Travel. C Live. D. Work Lesson17 一,英汉互译, 1, stop…from 2, go extinct 3. a volunteer group 4. symbols of strength and courage. 5. the 20th century 6. the number of 7. the South China tiger 8.在……之初 9,下降到 10,食物链 11.保持平衡 12.处于危险状态 13.把…·砍倒 二,根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子, 第 5 页 八下 U3 1.(鄂州中考) Tom went1 o the basketball court with ___________(勇气) rather than fear in his heart 2,(广州中考) The young woman is very b____________She is not afraid of anything. 3.一 How many years are there in a ____________? ——One hundred years. 4. Tigers are symbols of ___________.(strong) 5. At the _________(begin) of this term, my mother bought me a new schoolbag. 单项选择。 1. ______ the beginning of the party, Mr. Zhou sang a song for us. A. In. B. On. C. At. D For 2. The number of the volunteers_______100 now. And a small number of them ________ already gone to the workplace. A. is; have. B. are; have. C. is: haveD. is; has 3.(安徽中考) Many wild animals are ________ and it's time for us to do whatever we can to protect them. A, on duty. B, on show C. in order. D in dancer 4. I will go to London and my sister will go _________. A.also B.as well as C.as well D.either 5. People ________ too many trees, so lots of animals lost their homes. A.turned down B.put down C.looked down D.cut down 翻译 1. 一个志愿者小组正在试图拯救濒危动物。 2. 在 19 世纪初,华南虎的数量更多些。 3. 春天是生命的象征。 4. 今天温度下降到了零度。 根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。 It is always very cold in the Antarctic( 南极洲). People have never lived there for long because it is too cold. There are scientists, but they only stay for a few m_________. In the Antarctic, animals and plants can't live_________( easy) on the land, but the sea is full of living things. Many different kinds of penguins(企鹅) and seals(海豹)live there all year. They spend most of their lives ____________(swim) in the freezing Antarctic water, The sea provides lots of food for t________ because it is full of fish and sea life. The ________(large)seals in the world live in the Antarctic. They're called elephant seals. Lesson18 填空 1. The play named My Love from the Star has an amazing _________(end). 2. Our _______________(friend) becomes better and better as time goes by. 3. Sometimes different animals get together not just ___________(survive), but also for friendship. 4. Do you know the ___________(come) exam? 5. I used to ___________(walk) after supper. 选择。 1.(鄂州中考)—I remember there________ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake. Now it has been polluted —What a pity! I think we should play a role in protecting the environment. A. are used to have. B. are used to be C. used to have. D. used to be 2.(哈尔滨中考) Xi Jinping, our______ president, paid a visit to Harbin last month. How encouraging! A. 63 years old. B. 63 years’ old. C. 63-year-old 3. This beautiful song really_________ my heart. 第 6 页 八下 U3 A. touched B. move. C. kept. D. felt 4. The doctor warned the patient _________ his health. A. about. B. for. C. with. D. In 5.(2015 ・江苏海安紫石中学八下月考) My brother used to______ up late, but now he is used to ____up early. A. get: get. B getting: getting. C getting: get. D. get: getting 6.(2013 贵州安顺) ________ good time they had last weekend! A. How B What C. What a D How a 7.(2013 黑龙江绥化) She is a ________ girl with two big eyes. A. six-years-old. B six-year-old. C. six years old. D. six years’ old 翻译 1. 巨大的噪音警示着人们即将到来的危险。 2. 音乐没有国界。 3. 我的父母不用语言表达对我们的关系。 4. 这部感人的电影打动了许多人的心。 Unit3 单元测试 一. 单项选。(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 1. (大庆中考)We played for _______ hour in the park. It was ______ great fun! A. a; a B. an; /. C. a; /. D. /, a 2. Yao Chen is famous _______My Own Swordsman(武林外传》). A. for. B. at. C, with D.as 3. The Smith family want to go ________a vacation this month A. to B. At C. in D. on 4.(重庆中考 A) You should ask Bob________ his own clothes. He is ten years old now. A. wash B. washes C。 washing D. to wish 5.Can we take pictures here?No, Look! The sign say “_______”. A. No nose B. No stoking C、 No photos D. No parking 6. Wearing dark glasses can _________ your eyes from the sunlight A. help B. take C, protect D, forget 7. People are going_________ the entrance to the cinema one by one. A. across B.cross C. for D. through 8. There are ______ in the book and they are very beautiful. A. all kinds of pictures B. all kinds of picture C, all kind of picture D, a kind of picture 9. We have to finish the work now,___________? A.don’t we B, haven't we. C. have we D. do we 10, it's very hot today. Please keep the windows and doors_________. A open B. opening C.opened D. to open 11. Don’t________ afraid of _____ questions. A. is; ask B. is; asking C.be; ask. D.be; asking 12. The beautiful poem _______ my heart. A. felt B. touched C. brought D. took 13. People have ______ too many trees to make desks, chairs. chopsticks and so on. A, cut up B.cut down. C put up D. put off 14. Tom, don't forget_____ before 7 o’ clock in the morning. A. to wake up me B. to wake me up C. waking up me. D. waking me up 15.(来宾中考)一 Could you please tell me_______? ——Ten years ago A. when you taught in this school B. when did you teach in this school C. how long you taught in this school D. how long did you teach in this school 16 - Jim isn't in the classroom Where is he now? He______ the library. A. will go to. B, has been to C. has gone to. D, goes to 17. —How many girls are there in your classroom? — _______ them ______ over twenty. A. A number of; are H. The number of: are C. A number of; is D. The number of is 第 7 页 八下 U3 18. Henry took the dictionary__________ his schoolbag. A. from out. B out of C. out from. D.out 19,一 Is there __________ in today’s newspaper? Yes, quite a lot. A. anything interesting B, something interesting C. Interesting anything D. Interesting something 20. Thanks for __________ the present for me. A. to buy B.buying C.bought D. To be buying 二、(淮安中考)完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) After their 15-year-old pet dog died, Rain and his wife, Ann. Looked for months to find the right new pet. I love dogs, "said Rain, a worker at a health club in New York. “I can’t imagine not having one.” Finally, the couple found a lovely young_1_and decide _2_ him home. They named Little Sheep. Little Sheep quickly made himself at home, sleeping on his new owners’ bed at night. With heart disease for 25 years, Rain _3_ took his medicine four times a day and always had no problems. _4_ on March 17, he took the wrong amount( 数量)of medicine before he went to sleep. when he got out of bed to _5_ the bathroom at night, suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast and later fell to the floor heavily. "Little Sheep was usually very quiet and well-behaved, "said Ann. "But when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud cry like a wild animal. I was woken but didn’t know what was happening. Then I saw my husband _6_ on the bathroom floor. I ran for the _7_ and called a hospital at once. Rain spent several hours in the hospital. By 6: 30 a m, he had been _8 _ enough to go home. “It surprises me that Little Sheep has such great courage,” said his thankful owner. "he's becoming a calm little gentleman. we can walk him on our street, unleashed(未拴住的), without any problem. He’s got a lot of _9_ now, and everyone wants to touch him kindly.” “We feel the name Little Sheep is not good enough, " said Rain. "So now we call him Big Hero, more _10_ for an animal of his ability.” ()1. A dog B. cat C. sheep D. bird ()2. A. ride B, catch C. throw D. take ( )3. A politely B. hardly C.carefully D. widely ()4. A And B. But C. Or D. So () 5. A. start B. sell C.use D. burn 6. A. singing B, standing C. lying D. dancing )7. A. clock B. phone C. pen D. watch 8. A. good B. full C. weak D. beautiful )9.A. pollution B. nature C, advice D. confidence ()10. A wrong B. suitable C, colorful D. common 阅读理解 (泉州中考 Here is a book that is easy to read, but it is on a big subject. The book is named Animal Farm(1945). It is written by the English writer George Orwell. It is a story about farm animals. They are tired of the farmer, Mr Jones. He treats them badly, so they decide to kick him off the farm and run the farm themselves. One day an old pig called Old Major gathers the animals around him. He tells them that all animals should stand together. He says they should take over(接管)the farm. Later they get rid of Mr, Jones, and two pigs become the leaders of the Animal Farm. One pig called Snowball is a great speaker. He has big ideas for the Animal Farm The other leader is a pig called Napoleon. He is a crafty animal. He brings together supporters by offering them advantages. Napoleon makes a war against Snowball and kicks him away from the farm. He turns Snowball into a big enemy. He tells all the animals that Snowball hates the Animal Farm. He says that Snowball is working with Farmer Jones and other farmers to destroy the Animal Farm. But in fact it is Napoleon who is working with the enemies of the animals. He joins the old human enemies of the animals. But he tells the animals that he is working for them. So the animals work hard. It is as bad to live under Napoleon as it was under Farmer Jones! By Paul Brennan 11. Animal Farm is written by _______ A. Paul Brennan. B. George Orwell. C. Mr Jones 12. Mr Jones is kicked off the farm because he A. treats the animals badly. B. wants to destroy the farm C. joins the enemies of the animals 第 8 页 八下 U3 13. The underlined word “crafty” means___________ in Chinese. A.忠诚的. B.怯懦的. C.狡猾的 )14. Napoleon brings together supporters by_______. A. making a war against Old Major B getting on well with Snowball C. offering them advantages 15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Napoleon takes over the farm at last B. Snowball builds an animal farm by himself. C. Old Major becomes a supporter of Mr Jones. KEY Lesson13 填空: gentle, welcomes, scared, screaming, sofas, to have, tiny, vocation 选择:B B A D D 翻译 That little girl is afraid to stay at home alone. Our family went on a vacation last month. Have you ever been to the Science Museum in Beijing? 阅读:BCAC Lesson 14 填空 flapped, shake mice, lay, avoid, 选择: BDBDD 翻译 1. Have you ever seen flying fish before? 2. This song reminds me of the old days at school. 3. My bike is as new as yours. 4. The bee can fly its wings up to 200 times a second. 5. Today’s temperature is much lower than that of yesterday. 完形填空 BCABA。 DCABD Lesson15 填空 bamboo, danger, mainly, classes, nearly, funny, feeds…with/on, 选择 BDCAD 翻译 1. He likes running instead of playing basketball. 2. My mother woke me up at 6:00 this morning. Lesson 16 填空 fierce, escaped, Fools’, protect, giraffes’ , not to touch, asks, quietly 选择: DCDD 翻译 1. Don’t play a joke on the old. They are usually serious. 2. Peter will call you if he arrive in London. 3. After knowing the test result, Danny jumped up and down happily. 4. There are some boys playing basketball. 5. You must be joking, aren’t you? 阅读理解 BDDAA,BADCD Lesson17 第 9 页 八下 U3 英汉互译 1.阻止……做. 2.灭绝绝 3.一个志愿者小组 4.力量和勇气的象征 5.20 世纪 6.……的数量 7.华南虎 8. at the beginning of 9 drop to 10. food chain 11. in balance 12. in danger 13. cut.. down 14. as well 填空 courage, brave, century, strength, beginning, 单选 CCDCD 第四题,考察“也”的不同。 also 用于肯定句句中,eigher 用于否定句句尾,as well 一般用 于肯定句句尾, as well as 一般后接宾语, 翻译 A group of volunteers are trying to save the animals in danger. At the beginning of 19th century, the number of the South China tiger is much more. Spring is the symbol of life. The temperature dropped to 0 degree. 文章填空: months, easily, swimming, them, largest. Lesson18 填空:Ending, friendship, to survive, coming, walk 选择:DCAAD CB 翻译 1. The big noise warned people about the coming danger. 2. The music has no national boundaries. 3. Our parents show their care for us without words. 4. The moving movie touched many people’s heart. 第三单元检测 一单选 BADDC, CDAAA DBBBA CDBAB 二,ADCBC CBADB 三. 阅读理解 BACCA

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