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英语 24 字整体教学法 名师团队助你一臂之力 Welcome2 学习目标 1.Figure out the main structures of the passage. 2.Know the first day experiences and feelings following the time order. 3.Judge the writing purpose and intended readers of the passage. 4.Express ideas on the given topics by critical thinking. 课堂探究 Part Ⅰ Lead-in Can you share your feelings on your first day with the help of the emoji pictures? Part Ⅱ Discourse analysis 1.The theme of the text: 2.Whats the main idea of each paragraph? Para.1: Para.2: Para.3: Para.4: 3.Thread: 7:00 a.m.— 4.Transition: anxious at first— 5.Discourse pattern General statement——Particular pattern | | Para. Paras. Part Ⅲ Pragmatic analysis 1.Why does the author write the article? 2.To whom does the author write this article? 3.What question in mind is the author trying to answer when writing the passage? 4.Does the author give you all the expected information? Part Ⅳ Critical thinking Group work:What kind of attitudes should we have towards the future life? Part Ⅴ Find out and share the lexis relevant to each part. Topic Related lexis the new start of high school the first maths class 英语 24 字整体教学法 名师团队助你一臂之力 at senior high school the first chemistry class at senior high school what Han Jing learnt from her first day at senior high school Part Ⅵ Homework Briefly summarise the passage based on the General-Particular pattern with the help of the thread and transition. 参考答案 Part Ⅱ 1.The first impressions of the senior high school. 2.Para 1:The new start of senior high school and Han Jings anxious feeling. Para 2:Han Jings feeling about her maths class. Para 3:Han Jings feeling about the chemistry class. Para 4:What Han Jing learnt from her first day at senior high school. 3.Thread:The different periods of Han Jings first day at senior high school. 7:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m.—5:32 p.m.—10:29 p.m. 4.Transition:The different first impressions of senior high school. anxious at first—happy and excited—annoyed— worried but confident 5.Discourse pattern General statement——Particular Pattern | | Para.1 Paras.2-4 Part Ⅲ 1.To introduce the first impressions of senior high school. 2.To those who are going to senior high school and interested in high school study and life. 3.Though high school life is full of challenges and difficulties,teenagers should have the positive attitudes toward the new life ahead of them. 4.The answer may vary. Part Ⅳ Life if full of challenges and difficulties,and at the same time it is so mysterious that it is worthwhile to explore and face it with hope and confidence,especially for our teenagers,who are full of energy and positive. Part Ⅴ Topic Related Lexis the new start of high school senior high school,a little anxious,outgoing,make a good first impression,make friends the first maths class at senior high school difficult,kind and friendly,funny story,classmates,helpful the first chemistry class at the science lab,great,the whole time,concentrate on,leave me alone 英语 24 字整体教学法 名师团队助你一臂之力 senior high school what Han Jing learnt from her first day at senior high school was worried about,feel awkward,a lot to explore,more confident,a great day Part Ⅵ One possible version: Han Jing is not an outgoing girl.On her first senior school day she was anxious and wondering whether she could make a good first impression and make good friends.In her first maths class,difficult as it was,the teacher was friendly and helpful who even told them a funny story,which made the students laugh heartily.In the afternoon,she had a chemistry class in the school lab,which was new and the lesson was great.In the morning,she was worried about the new life.Then she felt more confident and hopeful to make new friends and believed tomorrow would be a great day.

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